And they applauded for it. What were they thinking?
It has become clear. The good old liberal bourgois state is gone away. The nation of laws is officially dead as a doornail. Democracy, which was only at best representative democracy, is off the table. Even the National Security state doesn't cut it. America has moved on. It is clearly a soft, sometimes hard, authortarian state on the road toward totalitarianism.
Boston Marathon.
Lockdown the city.
Why not? We lockdown schools, offices, factories, even already pretty damn lockdowned prisons and military bases.
Lock em down.
Torture, sure why not, screw the bastards.
Miranda, cremated and cast to the wind.
Civil liberties, no time for that nonsense.
Militarize the police, the neighborhood, the world.
This is what Empire means. This is the only way to make global capital work, after all.
Terror, thank god for terror. It makes it all so simple. Without it though, we'd have found another way, another other, another threat, another evil.
Please, please protect us. Thank you for ordering us into our homes. Thank you Mr. policeman. Thank you Mr. General. Thank, god thank you, Mr. President.
Some would say it is all over but the shouting, well, even the shouting is silenced, some would say.
I won't say that.
I still believe.
I still believe that the multitude will arise and create its own global world, far, far different from the one the one we have today.
I still believe the State can be smashed and capital tossed into the garbage.
Call me crazy, but damn, even as the people took to the streets and clapped for the cops who had locked them in their houses, beaten down their doors, trampled on their rights...saving them from one lone boy...even still, I believe.
But it ain't freakin easy.
The following lengthy but very good analysis of all this comes here, to Scission from Alternet.
Read it and weep...and when you are done weeping, get over it, and do something about it.
The time is now. Seize the time.