It's Monday and I can't quite let it go yet, won't ever really let it go. I am compelled to once again return to the inglorious injustice done this weekend by what the defense and the prosecution in the Trayvon Martin case call the best legal system in the world. Such arrogance. How often does someone describe something, anything about the USA the best in the world. Ask them why they think that and they will stutter and say it just is. The USA is the best at everything and that's the way it goes.
Such crap.
What is important to keep in mind is that the US judicial system WORKED exactly as it is designed to work in the case of Trayvon Martin. It WORKED again exactly as it is designed to work in the case of Marissa Alexander. Many see a contradiction. There is none.
One can't possibly take an honest read of US history, of the founding papers, of the founding fathers, of a few centuries of Supreme Court decisions, at a history of slavery, Jim Crow, and mass a foundation of white supremacy, of murders of civil rights activists and those struggling for liberation of the African American People, of the every day bits of racism that blacks in America face always...and on and on and reach any conclusion other than the system worked just fine in both cases.
The system needs to go.
It ain't broken. It was never otherwise. All the white liberal media pundits, all the good white liberal folks who honestly are outraged by the verdict in one or both of these cases miss the point entirely. You want to be outraged, be outraged at America, be outraged at the pillars upon which this "greatest country" in the world is built.
And don't just be "outraged" and then head home to your own gated communities, to your own private schools, to your own pieces of heaven and go back to sleep. GET IT! DO SOMETHING!
It is time for white working people to GET IT, too. Get that you are the recipient of all sorts of privileges just because you are a member of the white club. Get that those who do exploit and steal from you, who keep you down are sitting at the top of a white power structure laughing at you, but happy to have you aboard. GROW UP and smell the roses already. Sometimes I grow weary of making excuses for you and talking about how white supremacy is all mystified and hidden behind a mountain of material advantages. You aren't blind and you aren't idiots. Quit pretending you don't see what is going on. Figure it out already. This white skin privilege thing has been going on for a long time now. It is hard to miss.
Yes, I should come down harder on the out and out racists, white supremacist scum, profiling murders, and the like, but that is too easy. It is too easy to blame a few white sheets for all the dirty laundry that makes up this brave and free and land of ours.
Am I pissed. Yes, I am pissed. Walking around pissed all the time is not the way I want to live, but boy is it hard not to do just that. Of course, like everyone else I find many moments of joy and good feelings, even sometimes of hope.
This is not one of those moments.
The following is from The Frenzy.