Something a little different today.
Earlier this week on my blog I did a post entitled "JACKSON RISING, BLACK MUTUAL AID, COOPERATIVES, MONDRAGON, AND ALL THAT" which you can read here. I later posted it on the Solidarity Economy Face Book Page as I felt it related to what that page is all about. Carl Davidson, whom I presume some of you are familiar with, and some are not, took offense. Carl is a major proponent of Solidarity Economy and Mondragon.
We engaged then in some sort of a discussion. You may find it interesting, you may not, but I am posting the whole thing here (typos, mistakes, blemishes and all). I think it speaks for itself, but feel free to ask question, make comments, whatever. Lots of you will think we are both nuts. Most of you could probably care less with what either of us think. Anyway here is my original post and the discussion which followed. By the way, one of the more reasonable comments came not from Carl, or myself, but from Mark Dworkin.

I offer this in a comradely spirit. As I say, at the end of my intro, I am no expert. I respect many who disagree with me.
Are cooperatives an improvement over your run of the mill capitalist enterprises? Sure. Are they an alternative? I suppose they are a capitalist alternative. Are they a communist alternative? I think not. Are they worthwhile in the fight against capitalism? Probably, so in the war of position waged by the multitude.
Do I wish the Jackson Rising Campaign success?