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We watch the bombs falling on Gaza. We are told over and over about air raid sirens in Jerusalem. There is a rather stark difference don't you think. There are dead in Gaza. There are people in shelters in Israel. There is a difference. Granted I would not be thrilled if someone were firing rockets at my house, but I would be even less thrilled if warplanes were flying overhead dropping bombs on ME. The rockets seldom hit anything. The bombs usually do.
It never ends.
I won't even bother with arguing here about who did what to who and when. Where there is occupation, there will be resistance. Turn an entire people into prisoners and they will hate you and they will erupt. Lock a people up and they will feel toward the "guards" the same way I felt toward the guards when I was in prison. Throw a people out of their house/their land, and by golly, they tend to get angry.
Hamas is not without fault. I am not concerned much really with Hamas. They are amongst the last people I would want to run my home. Okay, so you don't need to tell me nasty things about Hamas. They are reactionary, religious madmen, but they have one thing going for them. They aren't occupying anybody. Would they even exist, would they rule the Gaza if the Palestinian People as a whole had not faced decades and decades of occupation, home demolitions, land thefts, racism, repression, jailing, military rule, road blocks, check points, discrimination, etc? Would Hamas exist if it were not for Israel? I can't really answer that question. I won't blame Israel for every ill that happens anywhere in the world. Still, I wonder, where would Hamas be without their counterparts in the world of zionism. Is it any wonder that many Palestinians cheer on Hamas, whether they have any interest in the ideology Hamas represents or not? Is it any wonder that prisoners cheer on those who poke the eyes of the prison guards? I mean really?
Those old fools who sit in the government offices in Jerusalem are no better than those they call Hamas terrorists. If anything they are far worse. They kill myriads without really even lifting a finger. They just whisper to someone and the bombs fall, people die. They just whisper to someone and a whole people are deprived of basic human rights. They just whisper to someone and a whole nation disappears. They whisper to someone, they slip on a kippot and pretend to be people. They are not people. They are monsters who have managed to lead their own nation down a very dark road of racism, occupation, and war. They are monsters who have besmirched the name of the whole Jewish People in a way no anti-Semite has ever come close to doing. They are monsters responsible for deaths, mutilations, depredations, and more. They must be held accountable. They never are. If I have to see the smirking face of Benjamin Netanyahu again, I am sure I will throw up. If I have to hear one more Israeli spokesperson, one more American rabbi justify the horrors that Israel is responsible for inflicting on a practically defenseless people, I will throw up. I'm a Jew and I will throw up. If I were a Palestinian, chances are not only would I throw up, but I would be thrown in jail, or maybe just eliminated entirely.
This shit has got to stop, but it doesn't...and I can't imagine how it will without some sort of horrible apocalypse, god forbid. How many peace processes, guidelines, journeys to peace, etc. etc. etc. do we have to suffer through?
The Palestinian People will not simply go away. The Jews will not be driven into the sea. No one is going anywhere except the grave..
There is no TWO STATE SOLUTION. I used to think there was. I was wrong.There is only a one state solution (until there is a no state solution everywhere). One state made up of Israelis, Palestinians, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Druze, and people with no religious connections whatsoever....just people. Until such a democratic, secular state exists, none of this will ever stop. The PLO used to call for a democratic, secular state, but who knows what they meant back then...and who cares. The past is only death anyway.
A democratic secular state in all of Palestine/Israel (call it whatever you want) is the only answer. That has to be obvious to anyone and everyone with any brains, with no sick motives. A communist society with direct democracy, with no theocratic pretenses of any kind, that would be something worth fighting to achieve. Yeah, right, I know. How do we get there? Beats the hell out of me. So I settle for the democratic secular state. Yeah right, how do we get there. Again, beats the hell out of me.
I am sick of even trying to write about this shit. No sooner will I post this then people on all sides of the political spectrum will start screaming at me about this or that.
Yes, those righteous folks who seems only interested in power, in vengeance, in hatred, in pompous BS, in winning this point or that, in pointing a finger this way or that will jump all over me for writing anything...it matters not what I have to say. It matters not what I do. It matters not what you say or do. I guarantee you, if you dare to say or do anything, you will hear from those people. You will be defiled, ridiculed, denounced, and decried.
Me, I don't really care about that sort of thing. I have been hearing that sort of stuff for decades. My skin is thick.
What none of those people seem to really understand (dare I say care about) is there are REAL people who do the dying, have done the dying, will continue to do the dying. Real people with families, with loved ones, with lovers, with friends, with hopes, dreams, fears, names. Real people.
I realize that my comments here are scattered. I realize they are coming out of emotions. I admit I spent little time analyzing anything, even my own comments. They can probably be picked apart. I just don't care right now. I have been here before. I will be here again.
Enough! I want to scream out "ENOUGH."
Big deal. I am sitting here at my computer. No one is shooting at me. No one is being blown apart next door. I can get up and watch TV, go to the store, read a book, get on with my life.
The post below from +972 is simple and stark. It is a list of just some of those who cannot get on with their lives. It tells you the names of the real people who are no longer amongst the living in Gaza...and it is already out of date.