It is prisons Friday here at Scission and I ask the question, "what does valentines day have to do with political prisoners.? Generally, not too much. Prisons are no place in general for a bunch of sentimental lovey dovey stuff.
Someone has come up with what I think is not a bad idea. It's not like it is something that will change the fate of the world, bring the prison industrial complex to its knees, or even get anyone out.
It is just a way to show someone that they are not alone and that they are not forgotten.
It is called OpValentine.
It's sappy, but whatever...
Check this out from MyFiredoglake...
#OpValentine: Show A Prisoner Revolutionary Love | |
By: Kit OConnell |
Valentine’s Day: some people love the romance, others decry it as an obligatory expression of love or lament the potential misery of being single on a day devoted to coupledom. If being single on February 14 seems unbearable, imagine if you were not just alone but locked away from everything — your family, your friends, the outside world.

This Valentine's Day, tell a prisoner: "I choo-choo-choose you!"
Such is the plight of our nation’s political prisoners. Some, like Leonard Peltier, have spent decades behind bars. Others, like the NATO 5 are victims of a new wave of political repression. To bring comfort to these victims of the system, Anonymous, occupiers, Anarchist Black Cross groups and other activists have come together to create Operation Valentine (#OpValentine):
Where will we be on Valentine’s day? With whom? One thing is certain, most of us will have the freedom to tell whom we care ‘I love you’ and shower them with hugs. Separated from their friends, their family, all of their love ones, many of our brothers and sisters will be deprived of this most basic human right. They have sacrificed their freedom to expose corruption and human rights violations. And as would say Che: ‘At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love.’
It’s easy to participate in #OpValentine. Just pick a prisoner (or more than one), write or make a note or postcard, and send it in the mail. Valentine’s Day is less than a week away as of this writing and our postal service is being gutted, but I guarantee you’ll brighten someone’s dreary day no matter when you send your mail.
When you’re writing to a political prisoner, it’s best to share your love and daily life. These are regular people who need our love and support, not heroes to worship. It’s also important not to discuss a case with pre-trial prisoners or to write anything you wouldn’t want read by police, the government, or the media. The New York Anarchist Black Cross has a great guide to writing political prisoners:
For the first letter, it’s best to offer an introduction, how you heard about the prisoner, a little about yourself. Tell stories, write about anything you are passionate about–movement work and community work are great topics until you have a sense of the prisoner’s interests outside of political organizing.
And what we hear from prisoners time and time again is to include detail. Prison is so total that the details of life on the outside become distant memories. Smells, textures, sounds of the street all get grayed out behind bars. That’s not to say that you should pen a stream-of-consciousness novel.
Remember, even the simplest of notes is a potentially life- or sanity-saving connection to the outside world.
I’m going to include the complete #OpValentine document below, but an updated list can be found inthis pastebin.
Where will we be on Valentine’s day? With whom? One thing is certain, most of us will have the freedom to tell whom we care “I love you” and shower them with hugs. Separated from their friends, their family, all of their love ones, many of our brothers and sisters will be deprived of this most basic human right. They have sacrificed their freedom to expose corruption and human rights violations. And as would say Che: “At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love.” So, Valentine day is a most appropriate occasion to share in their spirit and remind them, that their isolation is only physical. They are not alone, not forgotten and we stand with them and care. So lets our Valentine day cards show that we are indeed Legion, that we do do forget and that our gratitude and solidarity can be expected.
Mail List:
Higinio Ochoa III (Anonw0rmer)
Inmate number: 72022279
The PayPal 14 are a group of individuals accused of participating in a DDoS attack on paypal. They are currently awaiting trial and face up to 15 years in prison. While awaiting trial they have to adhear to certain bail release conditions. One of those conditions is no contact with anons (lol whats an anon?) so its imperative that when you send letters or valentines you make sure not to mention anonymous or anything that might be associated with anonymous (what ever anonymous is lol)
Vincent Kershaw
C/O Omar Figueroa
7770 Healdsburg Ave
Suite A
Sebastopol,CA 95472
Ethan Miles-
c/o Graham Archer
95 S. Market Street
Suite 300
San Jose, Ca 95113
Christopher Vo-
C/O Gregory Bentley
506 Broadway
San Francisco, CA 94133
Drew Phillips-
C/o George Boisseau
740 4th street, Second Floor
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
James Murphy
C/O Robert Carey Jr
P.O. Box 1040
Palo Alto, CA 94302-1040
Mercedes Haefer
C/O Stanley Cohen
119 Avenue D, Fifth Floor
New York, NY 10009
Keith Downcy
C/o John Hamasaki
1112 Bryant Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco CA 94103
Dennis Collins
C/O Peter Leeming
108 Locust Suite 7
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
Jeffrey Puglisi
C/O Jogn Lueck
8034 Haven Ave Ste.A
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Daniel Sullivan
C/O Michelle Dee Spencer
55 River Street, Suite 100
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Tracy Valenzuela
C/O James Thompson
PO Box 636
Los Gatos, CA 95031
Donal Husband
C/O EAan Vizzi
506 Broadway
San Francisco CA 94133
Christopher Cooper
C/O Michael Whelan Jr.
703 Market Street #913
San Francisco CA 94103
Josh Covelli
C/O Shira Kieval, Esq.
600 University Av
Palo Alto CA 94301
Jeremy Hammond, charged with hacking Strafor is currently in a NY jail awaiting trial
- #18729-424 Metropolitan Correctional Center
150 Park Row
New York, New York 10007
Barrett Brown, charged with linking to a public download of the Stratfor leak is currently in a texas jail awaiting trial- #45047177
Mansfield Law Enforcement Center
1601 Heritage Parkway
Mansfield TX, 7606
The Nato5 Charged with terrorism before the NATO protests in Chicago, after being infiltrated by undercover police officers.
Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, aka (anakata) The Pirate Bay (TPB) founder
Prison address: Gottfrid Svartholm Warg
Box 105
647 23 Mariefred
Bradley Manning, charged with leaking 100s of thousands of diplomatic cables to Wikileaks –
Phillip Ruiz #V91301
CIM P.O. Box 128
Chino Ca 91708
Douglas Wright, an occupy cleveland activist charged with terrorism related charges steaming from a undercover FBI setup. is currently serving a 11 year 6 month prison sentence
United States Penitentiary Hazelton
P.O. Box 2000
Bruceton Mills, WV 26525
Connor Stevens, an occupy cleveland activist charged with terrorism related charges steaming from a undercover FBI setup. is currently serving an 8 year 1 month prison sentence
FCI McKean
PO Box 8000
Bradford, PA 16701
Brandon Baxter, an occupy cleveland activist charged with terrorism related charges steaming from a undercover FBI setup. is currently serving a 9 year 9 month prison sentence
USP Canaan
U.S. Penitentiary
P.O. Box 300
Waymart, PA 18472
Stafford, Joshua, an occupy cleveland activist charged with terrorism related charges steaming from a undercover FBI setup. is currently awaiting trial in a Ohio prison
2240 Hubbard Road
Youngstown, OH 44505
MUMIA ABU-JAMAL, currently serving a life sentence for the murder of a police officer even though witness saw someone else do it.
301 Morea Rd.
Frackville, PA. 17932
LEONARD PELTIER, currently serving two life sentences after being wrongfully convicted of murdering two fbi agents
P.O. BOX 1033
George Martorano-serving LIFE without parole for Marijuana; has been incarcerated for 29+ years!
inmate number 12973-004
P.O. BOX 1032
Hugo Pinell- longest serving prisoner in solitary confinment in USA; 42+ years
Hugo L.A. Pinell
A88401 SHU D3-221
P.O. Box 7500
Crescent City, CA 95531-7500
Lynne Stewart, 72, noted activist and “people’s lawyer,” is currently serving a 10-year prison sentence at Carswell Federal Medical Center in Fort Worth, Texas. She was convicted in 2005 of distributing press releases for a jailed client, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman. Originally sentenced to 28 months in prison, a federal court judge upped her time to a 10-year term. Stewart, who has been treated for breast cancer, entered prison in November, 2009. Her attorneys appealed her sentence in federal appeals court in February; she and her supporters are awaiting a decision.
Lynne Stewart #53504-054
Federal Medical Center, Carswell
PO Box 27137
Ft. Worth, TX 76127
Matthew Pfeiffer-#42421-086
FDC SeaTac
P.O. Box 13900
Seattle, WA 98198
Matthew Kyle Duran #42565-086
FDC SeaTac
P.O. Box 13900
Seattle, WA 98198
Katherine Olejnik- #42592-086
FDC SeaTac,
P.O. Box 13900
Seattle, WA 98198
Saturday May 19, 2012 five men were arrested in Tinley Park, a Chicago Suburb, for allegedly assaulting a number of white-supremacist organizers. One of the alleged “victims” was arrested on warrants for child pornography and another was arrested for possessing a firearm as a convicted felon.
All 5 have accepted a non-cooperating plea bargain and are being transferred to other facilities to serve their sentences, ranging from 3.5 to 6 years each. As we receive their new mailing info, we will add it here.
Cody Sutherlin M34021
13423 E 1150th Ave
Robinson, IL 62454
Jason W. Sutherlin M34023
100 Hillcrest Rd
East Moline, IL 61244
Askia Sabur #11-4752 (more info
60 Eagleville Rd.
Norristown, PA 19403
Imprisoned Members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (Greece):
Social Movement Prisoners:
Politicized .. :
Other .. :
There is an excellent pdf flyer produced by Brighton ABC on writing to prisoners ( as well as a new Leeds ABC pamphlet pdf released in 2012 on writing to prisoners ( They are similar but both well worth reading.