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An activist of mizrahi Middle Eastern-Jewish background starts the traditional ululating sound of celebration common in Arab and Middle Eastern cultures

I was actually surfing around looking for something to post today about the situation in the Gaza or the demonstrations on the West Bank, but I ran into something totally different.  I won't be accused of jumping on board the most popular stories of the day, but I may be accused of something else.

This article which exposes an inconvenient truth about Israeli feminism is actually about a problem mainstream feminism faces just about everywhere.  In Israel, like in the USA, mainstream liberal feminism has long been dominated by "white women" and has a real problem of relevance to women of color.

Call me crazy but haven't we been talking about this for decades now.

Anyway, I don't have much to add in way of an introduction, but I am going to give you a link right here and right now to an in-depth analysis about all this entitled "Tensions In Israeli Feminism: The Mizrahi-Ashkenazi Rift."  Although it was written in 2001, I find it a very good background to the article posted below from +972.

Na'amat: White feminism and its questionable agenda

Na’amat, a veteran organization purporting to advocate on behalf of women in Israel, recently hauled a community-based group to court. The group’s crime? Occupying an abandoned building to provide housing for families in need. A closer look at the incident reveals a group in the service of the Ashkenazi hegemony, promoting paternalistic notions of ‘help’ while contributing to the oppression of Palestinians and Mizrahi Jews.
By Inna Michaeli and Yasmeen Daher

Protest against Na’amat’s move to evict activists and families from a Jerusalem community center. Sign reads: ‘Equality for women; equal right to housing; equality can’t be divided’ (photo: Oren Ziv / Activestills)

On one page of the NA’AMAT-USA website, the word “help” appears at least eight times. A recent event involving the Zionist women’s organization reveals the limitations of “help” when it comes to the grassroots activism of women on the margins of Israeli society.

Ha’maabara (“The Transit Camp”) is a group of community-based activists who have taken over several abandoned buildings in Jerusalem, in order to provide immediate solutions for low-income families who are unable to provide for themselves in light of the absence of adequate public housing in Israel. The building that Ha’maabara presently occupies in the impoverished Katamonim neighborhood is owned by Na’amat, which used to operate a kindergarten there, charging more than most families in the neighbourhood could afford to pay. For the past four years, the building stood in ruins, collecting health hazards like used syringes and more. Upon their “invasion,” Ha’maabara activists invested immense time and effort into cleaning the building and operating diverse social activities for free.

Na’amat demanded that Ha’maabara evacuate the building, while admitting Na’amat itself did not have the resources to operate it for the benefit of the residents. Negotiations resulted in the following ultimatum: Ha’maabara could use the building on the condition that it would not serve as a headquarters for a public housing struggle. But as it happens, public housing is the priority for this neighborhood’s residents, many of whom are single mothers trapped in the vicious circle of poverty. The fact that the building was serving the needs of women in the neighborhood, empowering them and helping organize their community, did not stop Na’amat from resorting to the legal system, seeking a court ruling to remove the group from the building.

Make no mistake; we are still lingering in the same old district of white, elitist feminism and its dominance. Founded in 1921 by Zionist women who came to Palestine, Na’amat’s paternalistic notion of “help” is reserved for those who both abide by the rules of the game and submit to the limits of its discourse. “Help” is extended to those who don’t challenge this limited understanding of feminism. What is addressed here as “white” feminism does not indicate a racial group. It is rather a conceptual (mis)understanding of feminism. In short, it is a feminism that envisions a simplistic world divided between two genders, with men on one side and women on the other. In this heterosexist scheme, men are the oppressors and women are the oppressed, and the latter “need” progressive, enlightened and liberated women to help them. This old-fashioned but pervasive view of gender equality does not account for realities of class, racism, occupation and colonialism.

These other factors complicate the picture, making solidarity a quest unattainable without consideration of real social, economic and political inequalities. Na’amat must reflect on its own role in the oppression of the same women the group allegedly wants to help. Na’amat identifies as part and parcel of the Jewish-Zionist establishment. Its historical role and its current positions (from supporting theIsraeli occupation of East Jerusalem to encouraging U.S. economic and political support for Israel’s military endeavours) make Na’amat complicit in the continuous oppression of Palestinian women and men. Its leadership is comprised of mostly middle and upper-class Ashkenazi women. Yet Na’amat raises financial resources for all “women in Israel,” while the majority of women in Israel – Palestinian, Mizrahi and immigrant – are de facto excluded from its ideology and its decision-making circle. The struggle of these groups for equality and justice not only fall outside the scope of their agenda, they actually threaten the very foundations of this “white” feminism that is constituted on patronizing notions of “help,” always supported by “good intentions.”

Therefore, it might come as no surprise that the three lawyers hired by Na’amat to take the community activists and single mothers to court expressed serious concern about poor women organizing for radical change. They are worried about activities as dangerous as screening a film about the Black Panthers – a movement that dismantled the narrative of Israel as a safe haven and welfare state for all Jews. The movement succeeded in debunking the myth of the Israeli melting-pot for Jews from all over the world, exposing systematic social, economic and cultural oppression of Mizrahi Jews. A film that tells the story of Mizrahi revolt against the oppressive structures of a Ashkenazi-dominated establishment, of which Na’amat is a part, is a threat.

Disregarding decades of critique and growth in feminist theory and practice, Na’amat perpetuates an anti-feminist reality. It disregards the atrocities of privatization of public services, which have impoverished and marginalized entire communities, especially women on the margins of society. Instead of advocating for properties in marginalized neighborhoods to serve the public, rather than serving as an asset of an NGO, Na’amat protects and backs the disastrous anti-social economic agenda of the current and the preceding governments, enjoying private ownership over empty buildings designated for the benefit of the public.

It is also notable that a section unique to the organization’s American website is dedicated to “Arab Women,” claiming that the organization is “involved in promoting the Israeli Arab woman’s quality of life,” more than “any other organization in the country.” You don’t need be a feminist activist in Palestinian society in Israel to immediately recognize the fault in this claim, and its lack of respect for Palestinian feminist organizations, which have been, together with other Arab counterparts, active since the end of the 19th century (contrary to Na’amat’s claim that it is the “first feminist organization in Palestine”). Na’amat’s patronizing discourse of “helping” Arab women goes hand in hand with its disregard of Mizrahi feminism in general, and grassroots organizing in Katamonim in particular. As Gayatri Spivak’s described colonial relations: “White men are saving the brown women from brown men.” Here, white women claim to “help,” if not save, Arab and Mizrahi women, remaining unaccountable for their own complicity in national, ethnic and class oppression, and their own privileged position and access to resources.

Na’amat presents itself in Israel and abroad as “the largest and leading Women’s Movement in Israel.” However, their actions against Ha’maabara and use of state violence indicate an imagined and privileged construction of “women in Israel,” who have no nationality, no ethnicity and no socio-economic class. These actions clearly expose the line drawn by Na’amat between politics of “help” for marginalized women – as long as they don’t challenge the social, political and economic order of their own marginalization – and the politics of solidarity that must form the base of any feminist action and women’s movement.

Inna Michaeli is a feminist activist from Israel and a doctoral candidate at the Institute of Social Sciences, Humboldt University of Berlin. Yasmeen Daher is a Palestinian social activist and feminist, and doctoral candidate in the department of philosophy at the University of Montreal.




You ask yourself are they just stupid.  You ask yourself are they just murderers.  You ask yourself are they just  insane.  You conclude they are stupid, murderers and insane.  They are the idiots who govern the State of Israel, who dare to act like they somehow speak the truth about anything.  They call themselves Zionists, as do their enemies.  That is letting them off the hook too easily.  Zionism is Zionism, but what we are seeing once again with Israel's assault on the Gaza is quite simply terrorism.  We are once again witnessing the terrorism of the self righteous, of the hypocrites, of the liars, of the cowards.

Yes, rockets were fired into Israel, have been fired into Israel.  Gee, I wonder why?  Is it because Hamas is a reactionary medieval religious movement that on top of everything else has no use for Jews?  No, I don't really think so.  Do you?  

The firing rockets into Israel is the outcome of years of desperation, years of struggle, years of failures, years of peace options and peace plans, years of death.  It is the end result of rational men and women simply reaching the end of the line where there is no rationality left.  They fire these little rockets at Israel because there is nothing else left to do.  It is a form of madness sure to bring the down wrath of old fools sitting in their ruling bunkers in Jerusalem, but it is a madness that is not a result of bad genes.  It is a madness that is a result of reality.

I have had almost no hope for anything positive to happen in the so called Israeli-Palestinian "dispute" for a long time.  I have even less today.

There are criminals here, war criminals here, criminals who are more then willing to kill others and to "lead" their own people to their graves just so they can...WHAT?  I am not sure I even know any more for WHAT.  I am not even sure they know for WHAT.  It is just WHAT they do...

I am a Jew and these leaders of Israel, these mad dogs, are Jews, but we are not of the same Jewish people and we are not of the same species of humanity.    I reject any connection to them.  It is impossible that we share a common history, a common anything.  

Someone else can write about the reactionaries, the fundamentalists, the misogynists Hamas today.  I have written of them before...many times, but not today.  Today I have to scream out at those MONSTERS who dare to call themselves Jews, who dare to call themselves civilized, who dare to call themselves rational human beings.  

I am sick of it!

The post below from the Jerusalem Media and Communication Centre is actually a story about the insane.  It is the story of the murder of a man trying to reach out of the muck, trying to find some peace, and it the story of the maniacs who decided to blow him into a million little pieces.

Activist: Slain Hamas leader engaged in long-term Israel truce talks

RAMALLAH, November 15 (JMCC) - According to Israeli activist Gershon Baskin, Hamas military wing leader Ahmed Jabari, who was killed Wednesday in a targeted Israeli airstrike, had been involved in talks to reach a long-term ceasefire agreement between Israel and the Hamas leadership, reports Haaretz.

Only hours before his assassination, Baskin told the newspaper, Jabari had received the draft of an agreement that Baskin had been instrumental in promoting between Egyptian, Hamas and Israeli leaders.

Baskin told Haaretz on Thursday that senior officials in Israel knew about his contacts with Hamas and Egyptian intelligence aimed at formulating the permanent truce, but nevertheless approved the assassination.

“I think that they have made a strategic mistake," Baskin said, an error "which will cost the lives of quite a number of innocent people on both sides."

"This blood could have been spared. Those who made the decision must be judged by the voters, but to my regret they will get more votes because of this,” he added.

Baskin made Jabari’s acquaintance when he served as a mediator between David Meidin, Israel’s representative to the Shalit negotiations, and Jabari. “Jabari was the all-powerful man in charge. He always received the messages via a third party, Razi Hamad of Hamas, who called him Mister J.”

For months, Baskin sent daily messages in advance of the formulation of the deal. He kept the channel of communication with Gaza open even after the Shalit deal was completed.

According to Baskin, during the past two years Jabari internalized the realization that the rounds of hostilities with Israel were beneficial neither to Hamas nor to the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip and only caused suffering, and several times he acted to prevent firing by Hamas into Israel.

He said that even when Hamas was pulled into participating in the launching of rockets, its rockets would always land in open spaces. “And that was intentional,” clarified Baskin.

In recent months Baskin was continuously in touch with Hamas officials and with Egyptian intelligence as well as with officials in Israel, whose names he refuse sot divulge. A few months ago Baskin showed Defense Minister Ehud Barak a draft of the agreement and on the basis of that draft an inter-ministry committee on the issue was established. The agreement was to have constituted a basis for a permanent truce between Israel and Hamas, which would prevent the repeated rounds of shooting.

“In Israel,” Baskin said, “they decided not to decide, and in recent months I took the initiative to push it again.” In recent weeks he renewed he contacts with Hamas and with Egypt and just this week he was in Egypt and met with top people in the intelligence system and with a Hams representative.



It is Prison Friday at Scission.  Today I have nothing to say except for the fact that Gaza is a prison.

The first article below is just a comment from Uri Avnery who I sometimes grow weary of just because he is always just there with a comment which sometimes itself seems as superfluous as the war he is calling superfluous. It is just too simple, but then again I don't know what I expect the man to do.  I am being cynical, but how can I not be. The best line in the whole thing really is in the opening. He writes "How did it start?  Stupid question." 

The second post is from IMEU. It is the superfluous war that Uri is talking about.  If you are going to pick just one of these to read, pick this one.

I don't know what else to say just now.

Another Superfluous War 

HOW DID it start? Stupid question.

Conflagrations along the Gaza Strip don’t start. They are just a continuous chain of events, each claimed to be in “retaliation” for the previous one. Action is followed by reaction, which is followed by retaliation, which is followed by …

This particular event “started” with the firing from Gaza of an anti-tank weapon at a partially armored jeep on the Israeli side of the border fence. It was described as retaliation for the killing of a boy in an air attack some days earlier. But probably the timing of the action was accidental – the opportunity just presented itself.

The success gave rise to demonstrations of joy and pride in Gaza. Again Palestinians had shown their ability to strike at the hated enemy.

HOWEVER, THE Palestinians had in fact walked into a trap prepared with great care. Whether the order was given by Hamas or one of the smaller more extreme organizations - it was not a clever thing to do.

Shooting across the fence at an army vehicle was crossing a red line. (The Middle East is full of red lines.) A major Israeli reaction was sure to ensue.

It was rather routine. Israeli tanks fired cannon shells into the Gaza Strip. Hamas launched rockets at Israeli towns and villages. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis rushed to their shelters. Schools closed.

As usual, Egyptian and other mediators went into action. Behind the scenes, a new truce was arranged. It seemed to be over. Just another round.

The Israeli side did everything to get back to normal. Or so it seemed. The Prime Minister and the Defense Minister went out of their way (to the Syrian border) to show that Gaza was off their minds.
In Gaza, everybody relaxed. They left their shelters. Their supreme military commander, Ahmad Ja’abari, climbed into his car and drove along the main street.

And then the trap closed. The car bearing the commander was blown up by a missile from the air.

SUCH AN assassination is not carried out on the spur of the moment. It is the culmination of many months of preparation, gathering of information, waiting for the right moment, when it could be executed without killing many bystanders and causing an international scandal.

Actually, it was due to take place a day earlier, but postponed because of the bad weather.

Ja’abari was the man behind all the military activities of the Hamas government in Gaza, including the capture of Gilad Shalit and the successful five-year long hiding of his whereabouts. He was photographed at the release of Shalit to the Egyptians.

So this time it was the Israelis who were jubilant. Much like the Americans after the Osama bin-Laden assassination.

THE KILLING of Ja’abari was the sign for starting the planned operation.

The Gaza Strip is full of missiles. Some of them are able to reach Tel Aviv, some 40 km away. The Israeli military has long planned a major operation to destroy as many of them as possible from the air. Intelligence has patiently gathered information about their location. This is the purpose of the “Pillar of Cloud” operation. (“And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud, to lead them the way – Exodus 13:21).

While I am writing this, I don’t know yet how the whole thing will end. But some conclusions can already be drawn.

FIRST OF All, this is not Cast Lead II. Far from it.

The Israeli army is rather good at discreetly drawing lessons from its failures. Cast Lead was celebrated as a great success, but in reality it was a disaster.

Sending troops into a densely populated area is bound to cause heavy civilian casualties. War crimes are almost inevitable. World reaction was catastrophic. The political damage immense. The Chief of Staff at the time, Gabi Ashkenazi, was widely acclaimed, but in reality he was a rather primitive military type. His present successor is of a different caliber.

Also, grandiose statements about destroying Hamas and turning the Strip over to the Ramallah leadership have been avoided this time.

The Israeli aim, it was stated, is to cause maximum damage to Hamas with minimum civilian victims. It was hoped that this could be achieved almost entirely by the use of air power. In the first phase of the operation, this seems to have succeeded. The question is whether this can be kept up as the war goes on.

HOW WILL it end? It would be foolhardy to guess. Wars have their own logic. Stuff happens, as the man said.

Binyamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak, the two men in overall command, hope the war will wind down once the main aims are achieved. So there will be no reason to employ the army on the ground, enter the Gaza Strip, kill people, lose soldiers.

Deterrence will be restored. Another truce will come into force. The Israeli population surrounding the Strip will be able to sleep soundly at night for several months. Hamas will be cut down to size.

But will this whole exercise change the basic situation? Not likely.

Ja’abari will be replaced. Israel has assassinated dozens of Arab political and military leaders. Indeed, it is the world champion of such assassinations, politely referred to as “targeted preventions” or “eliminations”. If this were an Olympic sport, the Ministry of Defense, the Mossad and the Shin Bet would be festooned with gold medals.

Sometimes one gets the impression that the assassinations are an aim in themselves, and the other operations just incidental. An artist is proud of his art.

What have the results been ? Overall – nothing positive. Israel killed Hizbollah leader Abbas al-Moussawi, and got the vastly more intelligent Hassan Nasrallah instead. They killed Hamas founder Sheik Ahmad Yassin, and he was replaced by abler men. Ja’abari's successor may be less or more able. It will make no great difference.

Will it stop the steady advance of Hamas? I doubt it. Perhaps the opposite will happen. Hamas has already achieved a significant breakthrough, when the Emir of Qatar (owner of Aljazeera) paid Gaza a state visit. He was the first head of state to do so. Others are bound to follow. Just now, in the middle of the operation, the Egyptian prime minister arrived in Gaza.

Operation “Pillar of Cloud” compels all Arab countries to rally around Hamas, or at least pretend to. It discredits the claim of the more extreme organizations in Gaza that Hamas has gone soft and lazy, enjoying the fruits of government. In the battle for Palestinian opinion, Hamas has gained another victory over Mahmoud Abbas, whose security cooperation with Israel will look even more despicable.

All in all, nothing basic will change. Just another superfluous war.

IT IS, of course, a highly political event.

Like Cast Lead, it takes place on the eve of Israeli elections. (So, by the way, did the Yom Kippur war, but that was decided by the other side.)

One of the more miserable sights of the last few days has been the TV appearances of Shelly Yachimovich and Ya’ir Lapid. The two shining new stars in Israel’s political firmament looked like petty politicians, parroting Netanyahu’s propaganda, approving everything done.

Both had hitched their wagons to the social protest, expecting that social issues would displace subjects like war, occupation and settlements from the agenda. When the public is occupied with the price of cottage cheese, who cares about national policy?

I said at the time that one whiff of military action would blow away all economic and social issues as frivolous and irrelevant. This has happened now.

Netanyahu and Barak appear many times a day on the screen. They look responsible, sober, determined, experienced. Real he-men, commanding troops, shaping events, saving the nation, routing the enemies of Israel and the entire Jewish people. As Lapid volunteered on live television: “Hamas is an anti-Semitic terrorist organization and must be crushed.”

Netanyahu is doing it. Adieu, Lapid. Adieu Shelly. Adieu Olmert. Adieu Tzipi. Was nice seeing you.

WAS THERE an alternative? Obviously, the situation along the Gaza Strip had become intolerable. One cannot send an entire population to the shelters every two or three weeks. Except hitting Hamas on the head, what can you do?

A lot.
First of all, you can abstain from “reacting”. Just cut the chain.

Then, you can talk with Hamas as the de facto government of Gaza. You did, actually, when negotiating the release of Shalit. So why not look for a permanent modus vivendi, with the involvement of Egypt?

A hudna can be achieved. In Arab culture, a hudna is a binding truce, sanctified by Allah, which can go on for many years. A hudna cannot be violated. Even the Crusaders concluded hudnas with their Muslim enemies.

The day after the assassination, Israeli peace activist Gershon Baskin, who had been involved in mediating Shalit’s release, disclosed that he had been in contact with Ja’abari up to the last moment. Ja’abari had been interested in a long-term cease-fire. The Israeli authorities had been informed.

But the real remedy is peace. Peace with the Palestinian people. Hamas has already solemnly declared that it would respect a peace agreement concluded by the PLO – i.e. Mahmoud Abbas – that would establish a Palestinian state along the 1967 borders, provided this agreement were confirmed in a Palestinian referendum.

Without it, the bloodletting will just go on, round after round. Forever.

Peace is the answer. But when visibility is obscured by pillars of cloud, who can see that?


Gaza Under Attack: Stories from on the ground 
IMEU, NOV 16, 2012 

Kawther Abuhani:

"Every half an hour we hear loud blasts. We can see fire and bombs falling from the sky. Every time it feels like it will be our turn and they will fall on our house." 23-year-old Kawther Abuhani from north Gaza lives with nine members of her family. 

Right now, "we are all gathered in one room. The radio is on. We do not turn it off. When the shelling starts my sister and I get very scared. We close our eyes. We cannot do anything else. Closing our eyes is the only thing that helps so that we don't see the yellow and red lights of the shells when they are falling like blood rain."

Kawthar's mother tries to hold her daughters and calm them down. Kawthar says, "I have a baby sister. She is very innocent. When the explosions happen we convince her that they are fireworks. I cannot hide my tears when I see her playing because she doesn't know what is really happening and that we could all die in any moment."

While fearing for their lives, like many families in Gaza, Kawathar's family receive harassment calls from unknown people form Israel. "We do not answer the phone anymore. We are in a horrible moment. This is a physical and psychological war."

Joe Catron:

At approximately 1.10pm, as we were leaving the ICU, a 10 month old girl, Haneen Tafesh, was brought into the ward. She was unconscious and her tiny body was grey. She had suffered a skull fracture and brain haemorrhage, which resulted from an attack that took place at around 11am yesterday in Gaza's Sabra neighbourhood. She was in a coma and on mechanical ventilation. Later in the afternoon, we checked how Haneen was doing and doctors said her condition had deteriorated. After returning home in the evening, we learned that she had died.

Mohammed Abu Amsha (Photo: Gisela Schmidt-Martin)
Mohammed Abu Amsha (via Joe Catron):

Mohammed Abu Amsha, a two and half year old boy, was injured while he was sitting in front of his grandfather's house in Beit Hanoun. An F16 fired a missile nearby, and scattering rubble struck him in the head. As we were about to leave, Mohammed's father mentioned that Mohammed's uncle had also been injured.

Zuhdiye Samour (via Joe Catron):

Zuhdiye Samour, a mother and grandmother from Beach refugee camp in western Gaza City, was still visibly shaken by what had happened when she shared her story: "We were sitting together in our house. It was around 8.30 in the evening and we were watching TV, playing films so that the children would be less afraid. Then, we heard the sound of 12 shells being fired from gunboats in the sea." Zuhdiye and three other civilians were injured as shells dropped in her neighbourhood, a residential area in the north of Gaza City.

Duaa Hejazi
Duaa Hejazi (Photo: Lydia De Leeuw)
Duaa Hejazi (via Joe Catron):

A 13 year old girl, Duaa Hejazi, was coming back to her home in Gaza's Sabra neighbourhood, after a walk with her mother and siblings, when an Israeli missile fired on the road in front of their home around 8 o'clock at night. "I was bleeding a lot. My brother was injured too, in his hand. The neighbours brought me to the hospital" Duaa sustained shrapnel injuries throughout her upper body, with some pieces still imbedded in her chest. She would like to pass on a message to other children, living outside of Gaza:

"I say, we are children. There is nothing that is our fault to have to face this. They are occupying us and I will say, as Abu Omar said, "If you're a mountain, the wind won't shake you. We're not afraid, we'll stay strong."

Shahd Abusalama:

Two bombs just fell in our neighborhood, like 100 m away. As we heard them, another shout could be heard from the traumatized people in our neighborhood. I personally felt like my heart stopped for a second



Theoretical weekends at Scission presents from Void Mirror:

"Beyond the Impossible" 

by Raoul Vaneigem 2012

“To deny society, one must attack its language.” – Guy Debord.

The impossible is a closed universe. Nevertheless, we possess the key to it and, as we’ve suspected for millennia, its door opens on a field of infinite possibilities. More than ever, this field belongs to us, to explore and cultivate. The key is neither magic nor symbolic. The ancient Greeks called it “poetry,” from the verb poiein, to construct, to fashion, to create.
Ever since market civilization instaurated the reign of princes and priests – the lamentable remains of whom continue to swarm upon God’s cadaver – the dogma of the innate weakness and deficiency of men and women hasn’t ceased to be taught, at the expense of creativity, which is the human faculty par excellence. Do not the laws of power and profit condemn the child to age prematurely by teaching him or her to work, to consume, and to exhibit him or herself on the market of slaves, where competitive craftiness stifles the intelligence of the heart and solidarity?
We are exposed to a constant denaturation in which life is emptied of its substance, while the necessity of survival is reduced to the animalistic quest for subsistence. The uncertain right to existence is acquired at the cost of a predatory comportment that converts fear into cash and profits from it.
While socially useful work – natural agriculture, schools, hospitals, metallurgy, transportation – becomes rarefied and degraded, parasitical work – subject to financial imperatives – governs the States and peoples [of the world] in the name of a financial bubble that is condemned to implode. Fear reigns and responds to fear. The populist Right recuperates working class [populaire] anger. It designates interchangeable scapegoats – Jews, Arabs, Muslims, the unemployed, homosexuals, people from Mediterranean countries, intellectuals, outsiders – and thus prevents attacks on a system that threatens the entire planet. At the same time, the populist Left channels indignation into demonstrations, the spectacular character of which completely dispenses with any veritable subversive project. The nec plus ultra of radicalism consists in burning the banks and organizing gladiator combats between cops and rioters when such combat in the arena weakens the solidity of the banking-swindling system and the States that unanimously take on base works.
Fear, resignation, fatalism and voluntary servitude everywhere darken the minds of individuals and rally crowds to the heels of the tribunes and representative of the people, who draw from their cretinization the last profits to be had from an unsteady power.
How to struggle against the weight of the obscurantism that – from conservatism to the spiteful and impotent revolt of Leftism – maintains the lethargy of despair, ally of all the tyrannies, no matter how revolting, ridiculous or absurd they are? To have done with the diverse forms of gregariousness, whose bleating and screaming punctuate the route to the slaughterhouse, I do not see any other way than reviving the dialogue that is at the heart of each person’s existence, the dialogue between the desire to live and the objurgations of a programmed death.
By what aberration do we consent to pay for the goods – water, vegetables, air, fertile earth, renewable and free sources of energy – that nature provides us with? By what self-contempt do we judge it impossible to blow away – with the living breath of human aspirations – the economy that programs its own annihilation by monopolizing and sacking the world? How to continue to believe that money is indispensible when it pollutes everything it touches?
It is in the logic of things that the exploiters attempt to convince the exploited of their ineluctable inferiority. But what’s scandalous is that people who revolt and revolutionaries allow themselves to be imprisoned in the artificial circle of the impossible. I do not know how much time will pass before the bronze tables of the law of profit are broken into pieces, but a truly human society will not exist unless the dogma of our incapability to found a society on the true richness of being (the faculty of creating oneself and recreating the world) is broken.
Perhaps it would be indispensible to repeat the following tirelessly, until these life-bearing words create an opening in the petrified forest where frozen and gelatinous words consecrate the power of a coldly profitable death: yes, it is possible to have done with corrupt democracy by instaurating direct democracy; yes, it is possible to push further the experiment of the Spanish libertarian collectives of 1936 and put generalized self-management to work; yes, it is possible to recreate abundance and what’s free by refusing to pay and putting an end to the reign of money; yes, it is possible to get rid of racketeering [affairisme] by strictly adopting the recommendation “We will take care of our affairs ourselves”; and, yes, it is possible to pass beyond the diktats of the State, the threats of the financial mafias, and the [demands of] political predators of every stripe.
If we do not exit from economic reality by constructing a human reality, we will once more allow market cruelty to rage and perpetuate itself.
The battle that unfolds, on the terrain of everyday life, between the desire to live fully and the slow agony of an existence supported by work, money and rotten pleasures is the same battle that attempts to preserve the quality of our environment against the ravages of the market economy. The schools, natural agricultural products, public transportation networks, hospitals, health clinics, herbal medicines, water, invigorating air, renewable and free energy-sources, and socially-useful goods (made by workers cynically despoiled of their production) belong to us. Let’s stop paying for what is ours.
Life surpasses [prime] the economy. The liberty of the living revokes the liberties of commerce. It will henceforth be on this terrain that the battle is fought.

(Published in L’Impossible #2, April 2012. Translated from the French by NOT BORED! on 16 May 2012.)



NOTE: this is not a political analysis, this is just a lament and a cry...

In a conversations with a friend, I wrote:

Almost fifty years of occupation, terror, wars, bombs on buses, bombs from the sky, settlements that never end, peace talks that are a sham, leaders interested only in themselves, people on both sides afraid of peace, no moral high ground, no winners, regular folks dying while generals and presidents on all sides order more death, pretending there is no other way, killing in the name of God and Allah, in the name of peace and security, in the name of self determination and freedom, all a sham, so many opportunities lost,so much stupidity, so little courage, so much hate, so little understanding...it gets old and we are an old people, and WE, Jews, should know better than any others where all of this crap leads and how it deforms a people and disgraces a religion...all of this madness between two people's who in reality have so much in common....killing children and ending futures as if it is just how things are. Yes, I am sick of it...

And I am sick of those who pretend to speak in the name of the Jewish people who do nothing but embarrass us all, tarnish our history, and try to turn us into those we have always fought and resisted. They do not speak for me and they do not speak for my people. They speak only for themselves. They who claim to be the stalwart defenders of the State of Israel are leading Israel down a path which can only end in destruction and death. These are not Jews, these are not even Zionists, these are nothing but a pack of wolves enamored with their own power.

As a Jew and in the spirit of the prophets, I denounce them just as I denounce the evil men of Hamas. Let them all go far away and fight each other to the death and leave the rest of us, Jews, Muslims, Palestinians, Israelis alone.

I spent many years working for peace in the Middle East. I marched and demonstrated, I wrote and spoke, I organized in the Jewish community and worked with Palestinians and Israelis, years I spent...I KNOW these people can live together in peace and in friendship. I KNOW this is possible, if only the misleaders on both sides would just go far, far away.

But they won't and I have little hope for anything...the worst is yet to come...and someone should pay.

And I have met victims of occupation and victims of terror. I have been to Israel and i have helped to bring Israelis and Palestinians here to speak for peace.I have met men and women who have fought on both sides, I have literally spoken with Israeli generals and PLO members, peaceniks and politicians, poets and artists, bus drivers and villagers...these are real human beings, Israeli and Palestinian who have really experienced it all and who somehow came out of it willing to work together to find peace. All that has stopped them is the stupid leaders on both sides, and their hateful supporters who number far too many. And as for the American Presidents, they have done nothing but use us both. I do not believe for a minute that these Presidents have a clue, and few of them really give a damn about anything but their own power and glory and the next election. Parroting the government of Israel, of the likes of ""Bibi" is a farce. I am sorry but I don't trust the lives of my people or of the Palestinian people in these MEN'S hands...democrat or Republican...not really. Yes, I am bitter and this latest round of blood has me in a bad place and in much despair.



White supremacist and nazi websites and forums are all ablaze today with fury over the "stifling of the rights" of their friends in Italy to spread Jew hating and racism free from any interference from the State.  Now, I am not much of a fan of THE STATE, but it doesn't bother me one bit when it, for whatever reason, cracks down on the likes of these bastards.

Sure, I like it more when they are subject to attacks directly from the streets, but hey, you take what you can get.  

In any event, what happened is this.  Italian police blocked access to the website of Stromfront Italia and arrested four people for "inciting racial hatred and spreading anti-Semitism.  Weapons, propaganda, and nazi nostalgia were seized as well.

The arrests took place in north and central Italy.

The Italian media also reported that lists of possible targets of violent attacks were found, including Roma (Gypsy) camps in northern Italy. 

What follows is a google translation of an article from Adnkronos.  You'll get the drift if you take the time....

Razzismo sul web, oscurato Stormfront.org Arrestati quattro promotori del forum

The promoters of the Stormfront forum were arrested this morning for the investigation, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor at the Court of Rome, Digos and the postal police that led to the complaint of another 17 people. Recipients of arrest warrants have been the initiator of the association and forum moderator www.stromfront.org/forum/f148, Daniel Scarpino, 24, resident of Milan, the other two current forum moderators Diego Masi, thirty of the province of Frosinone, and Luke Ciampaglia, 23 years old and resident in the province of Pescara, and finally a very active member in the association and the Forum, Mirko Viola, 42, a resident of the province of Como.

Investigators believe the four "covered the roles of promotion and direction of the association, as well as moderating the discussion forum on the web-accessible at www.stormfront.org/forum/f148." The searches performed against the suspects led to the seizure of a large amount of computer equipment, publications, posters and flyers, and other paper items glorifying racism, weapons and instruments to offend. On disposal of the competent judicial authority, we proceeded to obscuration of the web space www.stormfront.org.

The Postal and Communication Police Service and the Digos police headquarters in Rome, with the help of the compartments of the Postal Police and the Police Headquarters of several Italian cities, led to the conclusion articulated and complex investigations started in October 2011 and whose objective is the identification of leaders and affiliates to the virtual community headed by the Italian section of the forum accessible at the URL www.stormfront.org/forum/f148, which was highlighted on numerous occasions for the online dissemination of ideas based on 'racial hatred and incitement, always through the Internet, to carry out acts of discrimination.

The investigation, led by the deputy prosecutor at the Prosecutor's Office of Rome, Luca Tescaroli, and coordinated by the Attorney Pool Antiterrorism the Capital, which oversees the prosecutor Giancarlo Capaldo, allowed, it said in a note from the police headquarters, "to acquire concrete evidence against 21 Italian citizens, who were surveyed in relation to offenses under the Law of 13 October 1975 n. 654, for being associated with a shared ideology of the extreme right National vocation, to commit more crimes of diffusion on line of ideologies based on the superiority of the white race, racial and ethnic hatred and incitement to commit acts of discrimination and violence for racial and ethnic groups. "

"For four of the suspects under the substantial evidence obtained by investigators of the State Police allowed the investigating judge at the Court of Rome Stefano April, at the request of the prosecutor Tescaroli, to issue an order of application of the precautionary measure of custody in prison, executed in the early morning hours of today. " 17 other Italian citizens living in different parts of the country, have been reported since identified as affiliated to the same association and burdened by evidence in relation to conduct of dissemination of racist ideologies and support, including those of economic activities of the association criminal.

During the operation of the judicial police raids were carried out against all the defendants, which made it possible to seize a large amount of computer equipment and storage media (which will be analyzed in the next few days), documents, publications and flyers printed and other objects, all inspired by or in any way related to racist ideologies. Were also seized bladed weapons and objects likely to offend.
The forum in Italian on this web www.stormfront.org had long been known to the investigating authorities, the statement of the police, as an object of constant monitoring, both in relation to reports received from private citizens, including through the portal the police station online, and by organizations that deal with the phenomenon of racism, such as, for example, the National Bureau against Racial Discrimination (UNAR) of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, and in relation to specific complaints from citizens in relation to the publication on online content is discriminatory, racist, defamatory and glorifying racial violence.

In particular, it was highlighted publications movies that bring back the blame for the global economic crisis to a Jewish conspiracy'' and'' video content Holocaust denier, outrageous and defamatory comments against persons of Jewish religion and even a ' 'List of Italian Jews'' containing a list of personalities of which are urged against discrimination because of the Jewish religion.

In December 2011, on the forum under investigation, was published a discussion entitled'' Italian'' offenders list containing a list of characters that would help Italian immigrants making unspecified'' criminal'' and'' profiting economic''. In this list had included many public figures, including the archbishop of Turin Caesar Nosiglia, the president of Rome's Jewish community, Riccardo Pacifici, journalists Gad Lerner and Maurizio Costanzo, the prosecutor of the Prosecutor of Turin Laura Longo, the judges of the Court of Review of Palermo Antonella Consiglio, Giuseppina Di Maida and Philip Serio, the Mayor of Padua Flavio Zanon, and others. In the list the names of House Speaker Gianfranco Fini, the Minister for Economic Cooperation and Integration Andrea Riccardi and the Mayor of Rome, Gianni Alemanno.

Identification of the Italian section of the forum moderators and users www.stormfront.org more'' active'' association was reached only after a preliminary articulated investigations carried out by the technical staff of the police post, is hampered the techniques of anonymity on the Net adopted by these people and by the fact that the web space www.stormfront.org, which the Italian association referred to the ideological profiles and for the technical management of the national forum, came to the United States of America , whose current legislation, in principle, does not guarantee reciprocity of treatment in sanctions and, therefore, made vain preliminary activities under the international judicial cooperation.

In this context, then, investigators have had to implement strategies targeted web monitoring and careful analysis of the content published on other web spaces, or in the forum related to areas of ideological positions related to racist and xenophobic highlighted by the suspects.

"They were in a planning stage and would probably attacked camps and other targets of interest to people with this mindset or ideology," said Fulvio Quaestor of Rome Della Rocca.

"We must not be complacent but to continue to fight in no uncertain terms the perpetrators of these acts of violence perpetrated through websites,'' said Interior Minister Annamaria Cancellieri, who expressed" its appreciation "for the task led to obscuration of the site Stormfront, and the arrest of its promoters, and expressed solidarity with the President Fini, the minister Riccardi and other personality victims of unacceptable anti-Semitic insults disseminated on the web.

The MP Fli Alessandro Ruben, who is also president of the Italian section of the Anti Defamation League, himself a victim several times in the past of the users of the site post that incites racial hatred,'' expressed the deepest appreciation to the Police Postal and Digos.'' '' A special thanks goes to the police chief, Antonio Manganelli, the anti-terrorism directed by Giancarlo Capaldo, the public prosecutor and the investigating judge Tescaroli Luca Stefano April "Ruben said in a note.

"In a time when the anti-Semitic regurgitation is so strong in Europe - said Ruben - attention to the protection of the rights and the fight against all forms of discrimination is a priority on the Net This is the results of operations as that of today represent an important step forward in building a society based on coexistence.''

And "applaud the work of the police in Rome that the Digos and the postal police conducted a raid unprecedented Italian and European territory'' also came from the president of the Jewish Community of Rome, Riccardo Pacifici - E 'signal strong not only against the perpetrators of this shameful site but also to others who emulate their ideologies.''



I no longer even remember for sure how long this has been going on.  "This" being the hundreds and hundreds of missing women in Mexico.   All I know for sure is I have been writing about them for a long time...and nothing ever changes.

Monica Ortiz Uribe remembers when she first became aware.  She writes at Fronteras about the missing women from Ciudad Juarez:

I remember getting my first flier for a missing girl in late 2008. It was a chilly morning in December and I was covering a protest in a public park near the university in Juárez. Some students of that university approached me and handed me a black and white flier.
The girl in the picture was smiling with dark curls framing a delicate face. Her name: Lidia Ramos Mancha, 17 years old.

“She’s a student at the university. She’s missing,” her fellow students told me. I remember a strange feeling of dread creep into the pit of my stomach.

When I was given that flier, Lidia had only been missing 4 days. This December she will have been missing four years. Her case remains unsolved. Last time I visited her family, Lidia's Christmas present was still waiting for her beside the dresser in her family’s two-room adobe home.

These girls and young women continue to disappear. The most worrisome cases all share similar traits. They are between the ages of 13 and 19. Most come from humble neighborhoods in the far eastern and western edges of the city. All used the “ruta” or bus to get around the city. All had a bus transfer in downtown Juárez, which is where most are believed to have gone missing. Two are university students. The rest are high schoolers who went downtown to look for work and never came back.

The Mexico investigator for the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights says more than 5,000 Mexicans have filed missing-person reports with police in a nation where many people don’t trust authorities enough to file such reports according to an article in Mexico News.

Last June the NY Times reported:

For the parents, grief has been compounded by the authorities, who, in the parents’ view, have done far too little explaining. Several mothers of missing girls said that prosecutors had refused to let them visit the morgue, even as officials offered up conflicting tallies for how many female bodies were held there. “They’re liars,” said Norma Laguna Cabra, Idalí’s mother.

For the families the horror continues and goes from bad to worse as the post below from IPS demonstrates.

It would be a joy if someday I could quit writing about this.

Search for Missing Daughters in Mexico Drives Families into Ruin*

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MEXICO CITY, Nov 19 2012 (CIMAC) - The families of thousands of girls and women who have disappeared in Mexico are spending everything they have in the search for their daughters – and for justice.

The families, who are mostly poor, face not only the steep legal costs involved, but also the negligence of justice system officials in Mexico when it comes to solving disappearances and murders of women.

The costs include the fees of lawyers and outside experts, appeals procedures, and travel expenses involved in the search for their daughters and the numerous visits to courtrooms or prosecutors’ offices.

To cap it all, some victims’ mothers have to pay for the meals and cell-phone bills of the judicial agents assigned to their case.

The outlay adds up to an average of 23,000 dollars per family – although the total can be higher depending on the complexity of the case and the length of the investigation, human rights defenders say.

The monetary cost of justice for women victims of violence “is very high and is invisible,” said lawyer Irma Villanueva, coordinator of the legal department of the Centre for Women’s Human Rights (CEDEHM) in the northern state of Chihuahua.

“No one talks, either, about the loss of employment, the expenses of food and transport, the mothers’ lack of care for their other children and grandchildren, as well as their physical and emotional exhaustion. All this remains unacknowledged,” said Villanueva.

The panorama is repeated virtually all over the country, where the disappearance of women, femicides (gender-related murders) and impunity are routine.

The National Citizen Observatory on Femicides (OCNF) reported that from January 2010 to June 2011, 1,235 women were killed in Mexico for gender-related reasons.

Between 2005 and 2011, in the state of Mexico, adjacent to the capital city and notorious for violence against women, the OCNF recorded 922 victims of femicide.

In Chihuahua, in 2010 alone there were 600 cases of femicide, according to civil society organisations. The state is home to Ciudad Juárez, on the border with the United States, regarded as the global capital of murders of women.

Villanueva said that for 2007 and 2008, the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Crimes of Violence Against Women had 17,700 case files under investigation, of which only 531 were forwarded to a judge.

“Most women who are victims of violence have no idea how to present a complaint; very few case files make any progress if they don’t know about legal procedures or how to keep track of the work of the public prosecution service, so they need lawyers to support them,” she said.

Nor can the women afford to follow up the procedures, so their cases are just left “on ice,” she said.

A bottomless barrel

Villanueva said that hiring a lawyer to work on bringing a gender violence case to prosecution costs between 6,000 and 7,800 dollars.

Yuridia Rodríguez, an OCNF defence lawyer, said that in the case of Nadia Alejandra Muciño, a femicide victim in the state of Mexico in 2004, seven appeals were presented, each costing 540 dollars, for a total amount of 3,780 dollars.

Muciño’s mother, María Antonia Márquez, said that in eight and a half years of seeking justice she has spent close to 23,000 dollars. And since she reported her daughter’s murder, she has travelled three times a week to Cuautitlán, Toluca or Tlanepantla, spending over 15 dollars a day on fares and food.

Moreover she had to pay 410 dollars to make copies of her daughter’s 3,600-page case file. “At first I hired two lawyers; I gave the first one an advance of 15,000 pesos (1,150 dollars) and the second 8,000 pesos (610 dollars). They both abandoned the case,” she said.

In another example, the mother of a 21-year-old young woman who disappeared in 2011 in another municipality of the state, who requested anonymity, said she has spent over 15,300 dollars in the past year and a half.

In addition to the costs of travelling to the Crime Victims Attention Units, to the interior of the country and even abroad to find her daughter, and the payments to an independent expert, the mother also had to pay 80 dollars a day for the food, gasoline and cell-phone bills of prosecution agents.

“When I saw no results, I hired a private detective who worked for two months, and I was paying him 1,000 pesos (80 dollars) a day, as well,” she complained.

Given the inaction by the authorities over the disappearance of Esmeralda Castillo Rincón on May 19, 2009 in Ciudad Juárez, her parents had to travel last March to the Federal District of the capital city, to look for their teenaged daughter.

The family sold hamburgers on the street to pay for the trip, as Castillo’s father, a cancer patient, lost his job because of the time he spent searching for his daughter, and the girl’s mother has been unable to find a job because of her age.

* This article was originally published by the Mexican news agency Comunicación e Información de la Mujer AC (CIMAC).



It's late and I am running out of time for today, but I wanted to post this.  I have to post this today.

Last night I finished a book a friend of our's lent me, In the "Shadow of the Banyan."  It is the incredible story of the experiences of a young girl trying to survive the brutal regime of the Khmer Rouge.  It is both horrifying and, yet, somehow, also "beautiful."

What happened in Cambodia after the takeover by the Khmer Rouge is nothing short of pure evil.  What makes it worse is that it was done in the name of "communism" and in the name of "Revolution."  What makes it even more worse is there was a time, before we knew what was happening, that people like me thought the Khmer Rouge were good people and we rooted them on.  That fact makes me a little sick now.  I mean, what am I to say. We didn't know.  Although we really didn't it sounds kind of lame now.  To be honest, I am not even sure how quickly I believed what was happening when word began to leak out of the mass atrocities, killings, and bizarre genocide of a people by others of their own.  It took probably a little while before I could  believe something so horrible wasn't just false propaganda put out by the "imperialists."  Well, it wasn't.

I absolutely do not want to hear from any defenders of Pol Pot and his bunch of thugs, if such still exist, and I fear they do.  

As I was finishing the book I ran across this article from AFP.

Women speak out over Khmer Rouge sexual violence
PHNOM PENH — For three decades the scars branded onto Kim Khem's arms have been a reminder of the sexual torture she saw under the Khmer Rouge. Now, aged 80, she is finally breaking her silence on the horrors of the past.
"They did bad things and if I continue to hide it, it's like hiding an enemy in my village," she told AFP of the Khmer Rouge troops who terrorised fellow female inmates at a detention centre in Cambodia in the late 1970s.
"One day, soldiers came in with a red-hot iron bar and asked for 'naughty women'," the frail elderly woman added, a psychologist sitting by her side for support.
She went on to describe a brutal sexual assault inflicted on one woman using the implement. The soldiers then used the same scalding bar on her own arms, Kim said, sobbing as she unbuttoned her white blouse to show thick, jagged scars across her weathered skin.
In a country raised on the proverb "men are like gold, women are like white cloth" -- implying that only the former can be cleaned after being stained -- many Khmer Rouge survivors have kept their sexual traumas secret.
But a growing number of women are now coming forward to shed light on a largely hidden chapter of the country's "Killing Fields" era, when up to two million people died from starvation, overwork, torture or execution.
Kim said she outlived some 600 women at a prison in southern Takeo province after her guards were apparently spooked that she had survived being clubbed into a mass grave. Last month she told her story at a public forum in Phnom Penh.
"I speak on behalf of the dead women," the slight old lady said to an audience of some 400 people.
Tearfully, she recounted how women were taken from the facility to be "played with" by soldiers, never to be seen again. She said while she did not witness those rapes "I heard the screaming".
Kim decided to speak at the two-day event after attending Cambodia's first "truth-telling forum" last December, also organised by the non-profit Cambodian Defenders Project (CDP).
"Sexual violence under the Khmer Rouge was widespread but there has been little research on it," said Duong Savorn from the CDP, which has set up a series of events to raise awareness of the issue.
Led by the late Pol Pot, the hardline Khmer Rouge dismantled modern Cambodian society, broke up families and forced the population to work in huge labour camps in a bid to create a communist utopia during its 1975-1979 reign.
Its three most senior surviving leaders are on trial at Cambodia's UN-backed war crimes court, but the case is expected to be the last prosecution by the tribunal and sexual crimes are absent from the list of atrocities -- with the exception of rape within forced marriages arranged by the Khmer Rouge.
While the indictments acknowledge these crimes "were committed in diverse circumstances", judges said they could not be linked to the accused because official Khmer Rouge policy was to prevent rape and punish perpetrators.
This position was not shared by the prosecution, which argued in vain that "thousands of civilians were the victims of rape and sexual violence sanctioned... or condoned by the authorities".
Duong, who turned survivors' stories on the topic into a book last year, said he believed more people would again be inspired to speak out after last month's "women's hearing", which also heard stories from other conflict areas including Nepal and Timor-Leste.
"There is no hope of the (Khmer Rouge) court dealing with gender-based violence, that's why we do this to give the victims a voice, a kind of healing to find justice outside the judicial process," he added.
Kim, who was imprisoned for daring to mourn the deaths of her mother and husband, said telling her story for the first time was painful but necessary.
"I was afraid my children would be embarrassed by my history. But as long as I kept it to myself my chest felt heavy," she told AFP.
In another testimonial at the forum, Hong Savath said that when she was just 14 she was gang-raped by three Khmer Rouge cadres until she fell unconscious and was left for dead in the jungle.
She gave birth to a boy four months after Vietnamese forces ousted the Khmer Rouge.
"As an unmarried mother, I could not hide that I had been raped," Hong, now 48, told AFP. "Some people were okay, others discriminated against me."
Hong is now taking part in the legal proceedings against the former regime leaders as a civil party for the deaths of her relatives, but she expressed frustration the court will not take her own experiences into account.
She said participating in the public forum was a way of finding closure.
"If we don't say anything, we'll regret it at the end of our lives. We have to tell the world that Cambodians suffered sexual violence under the Khmer Rouge."
But not everyone agreed that sharing memories was enough if the crimes went unpunished. As the event drew to a close, an elderly Cambodian woman from the audience stood up and took the microphone.
"I can't describe all my suffering because it's too much," she began, before asking how the victims could ever find "comfort".
"The Khmer Rouge trial is going to finish soon... and the government has not yet taken sexual violence (under the regime) seriously," she said.
"We feel disappointed. We are like floating weeds in the river."



Okay, it is sappy, naive, nostalgic, a bit childish, rather simple and quaint, and not exactly deep, but what the hell...even I can be those things once in a while...

The following is from Common Dreams.

A Thanksgiving Ritual for '60s-Style Activists

Out here on the left fringe of ‘60s - style activism, we don’t go in much for ritual. We lefties are about freedom, innovation, always finding a new and better way to do things.

Still, there is something to be said for ritual. Repeating the same activity year after year creates an illusion that things never change, that we can turn back the clock for a moment and pretend things are still the way they used to be. So I’m going to repeat a column I’ve published several times on Thanksgiving. It’s my own little ritual.

Even if you are one of those ‘60s - style anti-ritualists, I bet that on Thanksgiving you do some kind of ritual, something old and familiar, too. Maybe you gather with the same folks you share dinner with every Thanksgiving. Maybe you fix the trimmings in the same way as always. Or maybe, like so many of us, you sing along with Arlo.

No, we don’t really believe that we can get anything we want at Alice’s Restaurant, excepting Alice. But it takes us back to a time when we believed we might get anything we wanted, even though we wanted the world, and we wanted it now! Everyone we knew really could imagine fifty people a day walking into the draft board, singin’ a bar of Alice's Restaurant and walking out, creating the Alice's Restaurant Anti-Massacre Movement. And all we had to do was sing along the next time it came around on the guitar.

Isn’t that why so many of us wait eagerly each Thanksgiving for it to come around on the guitar? It isn’t just to recapture our lost youth (though perhaps there is nothing wrong with that). It’s also because we were young at a very special time, when it seemed that the whole world would soon shed its aging body, worn down by war and greed and dehumanization, and regain its lost youth.

Never again, we believed, would anyone be arrested for littering. Never again would anyone be fined fifty dollars and have to pick up the garbage. Never again would anyone be injected, inspected, detected, infected, neglected and selected by their government to join the army, burn women, kids, houses, and villages.

Soon, we believed, the whole world would be full of loving people who would take out the garbage whenever it needed to be taken out, bring it down to the city dump, then go back home to have a dinner that couldn’t be beat. And not just on Thanksgiving, because we believed that every day would be Thanksgiving. Every day we would feel awestruck and thankful for the little miracles of life, like sharing food and song with people we love. Every day, we would do just a bit more to right the world’s wrongs, to make sure that justice was really blind. And all the while, we would remember to laugh and play with the pencils there on the Group W bench.

Well, it hasn’t worked out quite that way, yet. The world keeps doing all kinds of mean, nasty, ugly things. But kid, it’s never too late to “rehabilitate” yourself, to start once again creating enough of a nuisance and singing loud enough to end war and stuff. If you’ve been doing it for 40 years, or more, I bet you are prepared to do it for another 40 years. I bet you still have high hopes that we can “REHABILITATE” the world. I bet you’re not proud, or tired.

The first time I published this column, I got a thank you note from Arlo Guthrie himself. Really. If you’ve got his email address, please send this column along to him and tell him we are all proud that he’s not tired, that he’s still walking on stage and singing that chorus of Alice’s Restaurant, along with all the wonderful verses.

Who knows what might happen this time. The golden age of the 1960s is long gone, but anything is still possible. So perhaps you can get anything you want, as long as you remember to sing it the next time it comes around on the guitar -- with feeling. Because it is, indeed, a movement: The Alice’s Restaurant Let’s Give Thanks and Remember Why We Started Doing This and Why We Keep On Keepin’ On Movement.



It may be the day after Thanksgiving, but it is also Prison Friday at Scission.  Today's story comes from my friend Bill Berkowitz via Truthout via Buzzflash...or something.

Wrongfully Convicted: The Problem of False Confessions


After spending thirty years in prison for a crime he did not commit, a Missouri Circuit Judge has overturned the murder conviction of George Allen Jr. The state's Attorney General is appealing the decision.
On Wednesday, November 14, George Allen, Jr., 56, after having served 30 years in prison for a crime he did not commit, walked out of a Jefferson City, Missouri courtroom a free man - at least temporarily. The now gray-haired Allen, dressed in a blue-plaid shirt and black slacks, hugged his mother, Lonzetta Taylor, and sister, Elfrieda Allen, for the first time in a very long time.
"I hadn't touched him in years," his mother said. "We've always spoken behind a glass. There are no words that could describe how that felt."
Twelve days earlier, a 75-page ruling issued by Cole County Circuit Judge Daniel Green overturned the conviction of Allen for murder, rape, sodomy and first-degree burglary in the February 4, 1982, killing of Mary Bell in her apartment in the LaSalle Park neighborhood of St. Louis. Allen, a diagnosed schizophrenic, had been sentenced to 95 years in prison.
Allen was released on his own recognizance, but he has not yet been fully exonerated.
According to KSDK.com, "The judge explained to Allen that he will not be the final judge to look at the case. Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster appealed the court's ruling overturning the conviction. The judge said the appeals court in Kansas City and possibly the Missouri Supreme Court may review the case." The Missouri Court of Appeals Western District and possibly the Missouri Supreme Court, may be the final arbiters as to whether he remains free.
The Long Road to Freedom
Molawyersmedia.com pointed out that "During the penalty phase of the trial, one of the jurors had to be excused due to a family emergency, which forced the state to waive the death penalty, according to information provided by the Innocence Project, which fought for Allen's freedom."
"It's sobering to think what might have happened if Mr. Allen had received a death sentence," Olga Akselrod, staff attorney with the Innocence Project, said in a statement. "It took years and multiple rounds of DNA testing to finally get to the bottom of this case. That's time Mr. Allen wouldn't have had if he had received a death sentence."
After the St. Louis Circuit Attorney, Jennifer Joyce, announced her decision not to retry Allen, Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster said he would appeal the judge's decision. "We believe the facts and circumstances of the case and the trial court's findings should be examined by the appellate court as part of the normal safeguarding process," the attorney general's office said in a prepared statement.
In his original ruling, Judge Green wrote: "The undisclosed evidence, considered together, points unavoidably to the conclusion that the police - and Detective [Herb] Riley in particular - ignored and hid evidence pointing to someone else as the perpetrator in their zealous pursuit of Allen's conviction."
Allen was arrested six weeks after Mary Bell's murder because he resembled a suspect in the case, and didn't have a photo ID proving he was not that man. At the station, police determined he was not who they were looking for, but decided to interrogate him about the Bell murder anyway. Mentally ill and under the influence of alcohol, Allen agreed with Detective Riley that he must be Bell's killer. He could provide no information not previously known to police, and the transcript of the interview shows him to be ignorant of the crime. He agreed with Riley's suggestions and changed his answers to suit them.
That statement to police became the chief evidence against him. His family swore that he was 10 miles away at home when the murder took place, during a snowstorm that had shut down bus service across the city. At his first trial, a hung jury voted 10-2 for acquittal. At a second trial, the state offered alibis for other suspects, and he was convicted. He narrowly escaped a death sentence.
In 1996, volunteer prison minister Tom Block wrote to the Innocence Project on Allen's behalf. DNA testing done in 2003 showed that semen from swabs came from Bell's boyfriend, not - as the state had argued at trial - from Allen. But that was not enough to free him.
According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, "the judge relied upon several factors" in granting the writ for Allen's release:
  • "Test results showed that semen found on Bell's robe could not have belonged to Allen, nor her live-in boyfriend, nor her estranged husband."
  • "Internal police memos indicated that detectives knew of those results, used them to exclude other suspects, but persisted in pursuit of Allen and got him to confess."
  • "A police fingerprint technician erroneously testified that seven key fingerprints 'were of no value.'"
  • "A drawing of the crime scene Allen made for police did not accurately depict the layout of Bell's apartment."
  • "A key witness, whose testimony helped corroborate Allen's confession, had been hypnotized prior to making her statements."
The judge's ruling found "NO evidence of prosecutorial misconduct whatsoever." But he wrote: "The undisclosed evidence would have provided the defense affirmative proof - foreign semen and fingerprints that could not have come from Allen — that someone else raped and killed Ms. Bell."
Uncovering Exculpatory Evidence
Rosa Greenbaum, a Florida-based criminal defense investigator who specializes in capital post-conviction and actual innocence cases, played a significant investigative role in Allen's case. She responded to questions about the case through a series of emails.
Bill Berkowitz: Explain the role you played in George Allen's case?
Rosa Greenbaum: In August of 2009, some twenty-seven years into the case, I was hired by the Innocence Project, and the law firm of Bryan Cave in St. Louis to assist in the investigation of George Allen's innocence claims.
In late 2010, I interviewed a state witness and learned that she had been hypnotized in order to produce her 1983 testimony, in which she provided a detail that appeared to independently corroborate George's confession. Hypnotically induced testimony is suspect and was ruled inadmissible in Missouri courts in 1985.
In early 2011, I discovered a memo and serologist Joseph Crow's handwritten lab worksheet with the cross-outs, which showed that semen at the crime scene was inconsistent with Allen or the victim's boyfriend.
This past spring, I was able to decipher the examiner's notations on envelopes containing the crime scene prints and in his worksheets which had just been provided by police. The notes revealed seven fingerprints that had not been identified prior to the trial. On the stand, the examiner denied that any such prints existed; his testimony was false.
Additional exculpatory evidence came to light through depositions and the Attorney General's own investigation. George's brilliant legal team deployed all of it with great skill in crafting the arguments for relief that ultimately prevailed.
BB: How do you approach these cases?
RG: The most important thing when doing this work is, first, read
everything. Then, read everything again. Repeat until it makes some sense. When dealing with witnesses, listen more than you speak. Act like an anthropologist: be interested in people and the stories they tell -- including those that exist in prisons and police reports.
BB: More and more of the wrongfully convicted have been exonerated over the past several years. How does the Allen case fit that paradigm?
RG: At an oral argument last May before Judge Green, Barry Scheck [co-founder and director of the New York City-based Innocence Project] demonstrated, point by point, how every detail in George's "confession" was either erroneous or came from Detective [Herb] Riley's prompting.
George's case highlights the need for substantive changes, including requiring video recordings of all such interviews in their entirety. Such a record can preempt concerns about the process through which an incriminating statement may have been obtained.
People are beginning to better understand the problem of false confessions. Of the 300 DNA exonerations documented by the Innocence Project since 1989, a false confession played a role more than a quarter of the time.
One of the Lucky Ones
The case of George Allen, Jr., did not draw the same media/celebrity attention some other false confession cases. Damien Echols, James Baldwin, and Jessie Misskelley Jr. -- also known as The West Memphis Three -- were convicted of the 1993 murder of three 8-year-old boys. Their case was the subject of several documentary films and after the case garnered international attention, they were freed from prison (Echols from death row) in 2011.
Nor is there likely to be a Ken Burns-directed film about Allen's case. Burns' new film, The Central Park Five is about the five black and Latino teenagers who were wrongly convicted and imprisoned in the 1989 rape of a white woman in Central Park; a serial rapist confessed to the crime.
On November 14. Allen celebrated his release from prison, and he issued a statement:
"For 30 years I had dreamed about the day that I would walk out of prison a free man.  I have spent 30 years in prison as an innocent man, and those have been difficult years for me and my family, but I never gave up hope. I knew that someday the truth would come out, and now that day is here. I look forward to living with my family again and getting on with my life. I thank my mother and family for standing by me all these years, and I thank my attorneys at the Innocence Project and Bryan Cave for helping me.  Thank God this nightmare is finally ending."
As Rosa Greenbaum pointed out, "This is a great day for George and his family. But justice delayed -- 30 years delayed! -- is justice denied. Sadder still, many more wrongfully convicted people will never enjoy such a day -- there are simply not enough free lawyers and investigators to go around. As counterintuitive as this might sound, George is one of the lucky ones."
After thirty years behind bars, George Allen, Jr. is now free. Whether he remains free will be up to a court in Kansas City.



Before I write another word, I want to say "I am not a Trotskyite."  This does not mean that I think being one is the end of the world as we know it. Trotsky was Trotsky and Trots are Trots and they aren't all that much wackier then the rest of the vanguard party world in my book.

Okay, that said, I am doing something a little different for Theoretical Weekends here at Scission today.  I am going to present a series of writings by a small and little know Trotskyist  group that existed in Palestine back in the day.  The name of the group was the Revolutionary Communist League (RCL) or 'Brit Kommunistim Mahapchanin.'   Since I don't know much more about it then you, I will steal this description from The Internationalist.

In Palestine a small Trotskyist nucleus came together in the late 1930s. According to a German-language manuscript written by Jakob Taut, a German Jewish former member of Heinrich Brandler’s KPO (Communist Party Opposition–the Right Opposition to Stalinism), several KPOers were won over to Trotskyist political positions after emigrating to Palestine.

However, they were relatively isolated from the general population. A second component came from a group of youth organized in the Chugim Marxistiim (Marxist Circles), the youth section of a wing of Left Poale Zion, which at the time was linked to the centrist London Bureau. These youth had evolved toward Trotskyist positions on their own and did not completely overcome their Zionism until the outbreak of World War II. A third component consisted of elements coming from the left Zionist kibbutz movement, Hashomer Hatzair. Later, in the 1940s, they were joined by Jabra Nicola, an Arab Communist who broke with Stalinism over the Hitler-Stalin pact.

Together they formed the Brit Kommunistim Mahapchanin (Revolutionary Communist League, RCL), which periodically put out a hectographed newspaper, Kol Hama’amad (Voice of the Class). For a time this was interrupted due to arrests of key comrades by the British police. According to Taut: “The ‘Brit’ rejected the creation of a Jewish state because it could only be part of this decaying [capitalist] system and would only sharpen the Jewish question. Moreover, such a state could only come about through the expulsion of the original Arab population.” The RCL emphasized:

“By its very nature, Zionist colonization was from the outset necessarily bound up with the interests of imperialism which are directed against the indigenous masses. Zionist colonization could only be carried out in the closest agreement with the interests and help of one or several great powers.”

The Palestinian Trotskyists paid particular attention to the working class, especially the way in which the Zionists segregated the workforce: “The Zionists pushed Arab workers out of their economic sector and drove Arab products off the market in order to create a Jewish-capitalist sector as a forerunner of the Zionist state. The Jewish working class was thereby totally isolated from the Arab population…. The so-called trade union (the Histadrut), which greatly  contributed to both, was no real labor movement but rather a giant economic trust serving Zionism, which among other things included a ‘union’ department.” The RCL sought to build a united revolutionary socialist party that would integrate Jewish workers in the anti-imperialist and socialist struggle of the Arab East. “During and after the world war, the League…frequently intervened with leaflets in the struggles in the British military camps, in the railway and oil companies – i.e., it concentrated on those enterprises where Jews and Arabs together were exploited by British capital.”

An example was during the April 1946 general strike of Arab and Jewish employees of the Palestinian Mandate government which included railway, postal, port and administrative workers. The RCL distributed a leaflet in Arabic and Hebrew among the strikers, pointing out that British imperialism feared that the strikes and demonstrations could have a resounding effect in neighboring countries, such as Egypt, where large-scale anti-British strikes were underway.

The tiny Palestinian Trotskyist group did not have the weight to extend the common struggles of Hebrew and Arab workers. Nevertheless, the RCL courageously opposed the UN-ordered partition of Palestine into Jewish and Arab sections. While the Stalinists treacherously helped found the Zionist state, providing the Czech weapons (paid for with American dollars) that were used to terrorize the Arab population, the Trotskyists defended the rights of the Arab refugees and continued to fight for a “United Socialist Arab East.” A resolution of the Palestinian Trotskyists from May 1948, printed below, took a fundamentally correct line of revolutionary defeatism on both sides in the Arab-Israel war, pointing out that the Arab bourgeois states as well as the Zionist state were carving up the living body of the Palestinian Arab people.

The May 1948 RCL resolution has a significant weakness that should be commented on: while rightly calling for “Workers of the two peoples, unite in a common front against imperialism and its agents!” it also demands: “Make this war between Jews and Arabs, which serves the end of imperialism, the common war of both nations against imperialism.” This poses an “anti-imperialist struggle” on a national rather than aclass basis, as if the Hebrew nation as a whole together with the Arab nation including the effendis and kings could join in opposition to the imperialists.

The RCL’s principal slogan for a “United Socialist Arab East” posed a proletarian fight to overthrow capitalism, rather than an “anti-imperialist” struggle on a purely “democratic” – i.e., bourgeois – basis, reflecting the Trotskyist program of permanent revolution.This program is doubly necessary in a situation such as Palestine, where two nations inhabit the same territory, and thus find their democratic rights to self-determination sharply counterposed. There was and is no basis for the Hebrew and Palestinian Arab nations to join in common anti-imperialist struggle on the basis of capitalist rule. Nor can the Zionist “Jewish state” of Israel be transformed into a democratic state with equal rights for Palestinian Arabs. An equitable realization of the right to national self-determination in this situation of interpenetrated peoples is only conceivable through common revolutionary class struggle by the Hebrew and Arab workers for international socialist revolution. Today the League for the Fourth International calls for an Arab-Hebrew workers republic in Israel/Palestine as part of a socialist federation of the Near East. In this region, a historic crossroads of humanity where virtually every existing state has deeply mixed populations, such revolutions must be led by multiethnic revolutionary workers parties built in the fight to reforge a Trotskyist Fourth International.

Now that we have that out of the way, I am ready to post several writings of the RCL on the whole question of Palestine. There is a whole bunch here.   I hope it leaves you with something to think about today.

Against Partition!
(September 1947)

Originally published in Hebrew in Kol Ham’amad (The Voice of the Class), No. 31, September 1947
This was published by the Revolutionary Communist League – Palestinian Section of the Fourth International
Translated from the Hebrew by the Socialist Workers League (Palestine), August 20, 2001
Marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for REDS – Die Roten.

The members of the UN committee showed “understanding” and “did a wonderful job in a very short time”. With these words the Jewish Agency’s representative, Golda Meier, endorsed the partition proposal. Most of the Zionist parties agreed with them, with certain reservations regarding the “form” of the solution.
The American Foreign Secretary Marshall also shared this opinion. It is well known, however, that the fate of the persecuted peoples is not usually the main concern of the American Foreign Secretary. So his reaction might cause apprehension among those who believed in the good intentions of the UN committee.
What gives the UN proposal to the Jews? At first sight, everything: an immigration quota of 150,000 and more; political independence; about two thirds of Palestine; three big ports and almost all the coastline. That is more than what the optimists among the Jewish Agency members dared to ask for.
Are not this “understanding” and “friendliness” a bit suspicious? Why voted for this proposal the representatives of Canada, Holland and Sweden, who have close ties with the Anglo-Saxon powers? And why voted for it the representatives of Guatemala, Peru and Uruguay, whose policies are dictated from Washington? All the Zionist periodicals, as well as the semi-Zionist ones (the Communist Party of Palestine organs) refused to pose this question. And of course they did not answer it.
But that is precisely the determining question. More important than the contents of the proposal are the motives of those who submitted it. Let us make no mistake! Behind the – in Marshall’s words – “neutral” countries, stand the powers, which are most interested in this issue. The calculations that produced the partition proposal are precisely the same that brought about the partition of India.
What are these calculations? In our period, the period of social revolutions and revolts of the enslaved peoples, imperialism rules by means of two main methods: ruthless and brutal repression (as in Indonesia, Indochina and Greece), or by breaking the class war through national conflicts. The second way is cheaper and more secure, and enables imperialism to hide behind the curtains.
Imperialism has till now successfully employed divide et impera methods in this country, by using Zionist immigration as divisive factor. In this way, national tension was created, which, to a large extent, directed the anger caused by imperialism among the Arab masses in Palestine and the Middle East against the Jews. But lately this method ceased to produce the desired results. In spite of the national tension, a strong and combative Arab working class developed in the country. A new chapter in the history of Palestine opened when the Arab and Jewish workers cooperated in large-scale strikes, in order to force the imperialist exploiters to make concessions. And the failure of the latest attempt, to force the inhabitants of Palestine into a new whirlpool of mutual bloodshed by means of provocations, taught the imperialists a new lesson. Now they drew their conclusions: if you refuse to fight each other, we will put you in such an economic and political position that will force you to do so! That is the real content of the partition proposal.
Perhaps the partition proposal will materialize the Jewish people’s dream of political independence? The “independence” of the Jewish state will boil down to choosing, in a “free” and “independent” way, between two options: to starve or sell itself to imperialism. The foreign trade – both imports and exports – remains as before under control of imperialism. The key sectors of the economy – oil, electricity and minerals – remain in the hands of foreign monopolies. And the profits will continue to flow to the pockets of foreign capitalists.
A Jewish statelet in the heart of the Middle East can be an excellent instrument in the hands of the imperialist states. Isolated from the Arab masses, this state will be defenseless and completely at the mercy of the imperialists. And they will use it in order to fortify their positions, while at the same time lecturing the Arab states about the “Jewish danger” – i.e. the threat represented by the inevitable expansionist tendencies of the tiny Jewish state. And one day, when tension reaches its highest peak, the imperialist “friends” will leave the Jewish state to its fate.
The Arabs will also receive “political independence.” Partition will bring about the creation of a backward feudal Arab state, a sort of Trans-Jordan west of the Jordan River. In this way they hope to isolate and paralyze the Arab proletariat in the Haifa area, an important strategic center with oil refineries, as well as to divide and paralyze the class war of all the workers of Palestine.
What about the “salvation of the refugees from the concentration camps”? Imperialism created the problem of the refugees from the concentration camps when it closed the gates of all countries to them. The fate of refugees is its responsibility. Imperialism is not philanthropic. If it sends as a “gift” the refugees to Palestine, it will do it for one reason only: to use them for its own purposes.
The partition proposal, apparently so “favorable” to the Jews, contains several aspects that are highly desirable from the point of view of imperialism: 1) The concessions to Zionism will be used as a bait in order to get the approval of the Jewish majority; 2) It includes several provocations, such as the incorporation of Jaffa to the Jewish state and the denial of any port to the Arab state, which infuriate the Arabs; 3) These provocations enable Great Britain to appear as a “friend of the Arabs”, which will “struggle” for a second, more just partition. This in turn will help them swallow the bitter pill. In other words, we have here a pre-arranged division of labor.
To sum up: the proposal of the UN committee is a solution neither for the Jews nor for the Arabs; it is a solution pure and exclusively for the imperialist countries. The Zionist policy-makers avidly seized the bone imperialism threw to them. And the “left-wing” Zionist critics, in the name of removing the mask from the imperialists’ game, attack half-heartedly the partition proposal, and call for ... a Jewish state in the whole of Palestine! A bi-national state according to the Shomer HaTsa’ir (Young Guard) proposal is just a fig-leaf for the right of the Jews to impose on the Arabs – without their consent and against their will – Jewish immigration and Zionist policies.
What about the Communist Party of Palestine? It apparently waits for the “just” UN solution. In any case it continues to sow illusions regarding the UN, and in that sense helps to hide and implement the imperialist programs.
Against all this, we say: Let us not fall into the trap! The solution of the Jewish problem, like the solution of the problems of the country, will not come “from above”, from the UN or any other imperialist institution. No “struggle”, “terror”, or moral “pressure” will make imperialism abandon its vital interests in the region (oil stock gave 60% dividends this year!).
In order to solve the Jewish problem, in order to free ourselves from the burden of imperialism, there is only one way: the common class war with our Arab brothers; a war which is an inseparable link of the anti-imperialist war of the oppressed masses in all the Arab East and the entire world.

The force of imperialism lies in partition – our force in international class unity.

Against the Stream


Fourth International, May 1948
Taken from the site of the Internationalist Group, League for the Fourth International
Marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for REDS – Die Roten.

The following editorial is translated from the Kol Ham’amad (Voice of the Class), Hebrew organ of the Revolutionary Communist League of Palestine, Section of the Fourth International. It exposes the reactionary role of the United Nations’ partition plan, which stifles the rising tide of class struggle in Palestine, blurs class lines and creates an atmosphere of antagonistic “national unity” in both of the national communities in Palestine. As we can see from the editorial, the CP of Palestine has not escaped the nationalist hysteria in both camps, and has split into two national parties.
Only the Palestinian Trotskyists have maintained the Socialist position by calling upon Jewish and Arab workers to break away from the class enemies within their ranks and conduct their independent struggle against imperialism. Despite the present high tide of chauvinism accompanying the new “Hebrew” state set up by Hagana arms on one side, and the invasion of the Arab “Liberation” army on the other, the internationalist working class program put forward by the Trotskyists will alone provide the means of solving the Palestine problem. – Ed. [of Fourth International]

Politicians and diplomats are still trying to find a formula for the disastrous situation into which Palestine has been plunged by the UNO deciding upon partition. Is this a “breach of international peace” or are we dealing with merely “hostile acts”? As far as we are concerned there is no point in this distinction. We are daily witnessing the killing or maiming of men and women, old and young, Jew or Arab. As always, the working masses and the poor suffer most.
Not so very long ago the Arab and Jewish workers were united in strikes against a foreign oppressor. This common struggle has been put to an end. Today the workers are being incited to kill each other. The inciters have succeeded.
“The British want to frustrate partition by means of Arab terrorism,” explain the Zionists. As if this communal strife were not the very instrument by which partition is brought about! It was easy for the imperialists to foresee that and well may they be satisfied with the course of events.

What axe have Bevin-Churchill to grind?
Britain was a loser in the last world war. She has lost the bulk of her foreign assets. Her industry is lagging behind. Building up her productive apparatus requires dollars and manpower.
“Keeping order” in Palestine costs England over 35 million Pounds a year, an amount which exceeds the profit she can extort from this country. Partition will release her from her financial obligations, enable her to employ her soldiers in the productive process while her source of income will remain intact. – But this is not all. By partition a wedge is driven between the Arab and Jewish worker. The Zionist state with its provocative lines of demarcation will bring about the blossoming forth of irredentist (revenge) movements on either side, there will be fighting for an “Arab Palestine” and for a Jewish state within the historic frontiers of Eretz Israel (Israel’s Land).– As a result the chauvinistic atmosphere created thus will poison the Arab world in the Middle East and throttle the anti-imperialist fight of the masses, while Zionists and Arab feudalists will vie for imperialist favours.
The price Britain has to pay for the advantages gained by partition is to renounce her ruling monopoly in this country. On the other hand, Wall Street has to come out into the open and contribute its share toward the foul business of safeguarding imperialist positions. This, of course, blackens the “democratic” reputation of the dollar state while at the same time it adds to the prestige of Great Britain. Partition, therefore, is a compromise between the imperialist robbers arising from a changed power constellation

The function of the UNO
If the Anglo-American imperialists had forced this “solution” on Palestine of their own, the rotten game would have been patent in the whole Arab East. However, they dodged – the problem was passed on to the UNO. The function of the UNO was to sweeten the bitter dish cooked in the imperialist cuisine, dressing it, in Bevin’s words, with the twaddle of the “conscience of the world that has passed judgement.” Exactly. And the diplomats of the lesser countries danced to the tune of the dollar flute, reiterating the “public opinion of the world.” And the peculiar casts in this performance enables Great Britain to appear as the Guardian Angel overflowing with sympathy for either side.
And the Soviet Union? Why did not her representative call the UNO game the swindle it really is? – Apparently the present foreign policy of the SU is not concerned with the fighting of the colonial masses. And as the Palestine question is a second-rate affair for the “Big,” the Soviet diplomats saw fit to dwell upon what Stalin had said about the “the Soviet Union being ready to meet America and Britain halfway”, economic and social differences notwithstanding.
This is how the UNO has “solved” the Palestinian problem. Yet it is the same unsavoury dish that has been set for India, Greece and Indo-China.

What do Jews stand to gain by partition?
The Zionists were overcome with a sense of triumph when offered the bone by the UNO cooks. “Our work, our righteous cause have won ... before the forum of the nations.”
The Zionists have been in the habit of asking “justice” from the enemies of the Jewish people ever since Herzl: from the Tsar, the German Kaiser, the British Imperialists, Wall Street. Now they saw their chance. Wall Street is distributing loans and “political independence”. Of course, not for nothing. The price has to be paid in blood.
The Jewish state, this gift of Truman’s and Bevin’s, give the capitalist economy of the Zionists a respite. This economy rests on very flimsy foundations. Its products cannot compete on the world market. Its only hope is the inner market from which the Arab goods are debarred. Thus the problem of Jewish immigration has come to be a problem of live or die. The continuous flow of immigrants who would come with the remnants of their possessions is apt to increase the circulation of goods, will allow the bourgeois producers to dispose of their expensive wares. Mass immigration would also be very useful as a means to force down wages which “weigh so heavily” on the Jewish industry. A state engaged in inevitable military conflicts would mean orders from the “Hebrew Army,” a source of “Hebrew” profits not to be underrated at all. A state would mean thousands of snug berths for Zionist veteran functionaries.

Who is going to foot the bill?
The workers and the poor. They will have to pay the stiff prices following the ban on Arab goods. They will break down under the yoke of numberless taxes, direct and indirect. They will have to cover the deficit of the Jewish state. They are living in the open, having no roof over their heads, while their institutions have “more important business” to attend to.
The Jewish worker having been separated from his Arab colleague and prevented from fighting a common class struggle will be at the mercy of his class enemies, imperialism and the Zionist bourgeoisie. It will be easy to arouse him against his proletarian ally, the Arab worker, “who is depriving him of jobs and depressing the level of wages” (a method that has not failed in the past!). Not in vain has Weitzmann said that “the Jewish state will stem Communist influence.” As a compensation the Jewish worker is bestowed with the privilege of dying a hero’s death on the altar of the Hebrew state.
And what promises does the Jewish state hold out? Does it really mean a step forward toward the solution of the Jewish problem?
The partition was not meant to solve Jewish misery nor is it likely to do so. This dwarf of a state which is too small to absorb the Jewish masses cannot even solve the problems of its citizens. The Hebrew state can only infest the Arab East with anti-Semitism and may well turn out – as Trotsky said – a bloody trap for hundreds of thousands of Jews.

Partition is grist in the mill of the Arab reactionaries
The leaders of the Arab League reacted to the decision on partition with speeches full of threats and enthusiasm. As a matter of fact, a Zionist state is to them a godsend from Allah. Calling up the worker and fellah for the “holy war to save Palestine” is supposed to stifle their cries for bread, land and freedom. Another time-honoured method of diverting an embittered people against the Jewish and communist danger.
In Palestine the feudal rule has of late begun to lose ground. During the war the Arab working class has grown in numbers and political consciousness. Jewish and Arab workers stood up against the foreign oppressor, against whom they together went on strikes. A strong leftist trade union had come into existence; and the “Workers Asssociation of the Arabs of Palestine” had been well on the way of freeing itself from the influence of the Husseinis. The murder of its leader, Sami Taha, committed by hirelings of the Arab High Committee could not restrain this development. But where the Husseinis failed, the decision of the imperialist agency, the UNO succeeded. The partition decision stifled the class struggle of the Palestine workers. The prospect of being at the hands of the Zionist “conquerors of soil and labour” is arousing fear and anxiety among the Arab workers and fellahs. nationalist war slogans fall on fertile soil. And feudal murderers see their chance. Thus the policy of partition enables the feudalists to turn back the wheels of history.

A first summary
The early crop of partition policy: Jews and Arabs are drowned in a sea of chauvinist enthusiasm. Triumph on the one hand, rage and exasperation on the other. Communists are being murdered. Pogroms among Jews instigated. A tit for tat of murder and provocation. The “strafing expeditions” of the Haganah are oil for the propaganda machine of the Arab patriots in their campaign to enlist the masses for more bloodshed. The military conflict and the smashing to pieces of the workers’ movements are a boon to the chauvinist extremists in either camp.

What about the Jewish “Communists”?
The patriotic wave makes sitting on the fence very uncomfortable. The Zionist “Socialist” parties soon “corrected” their anti-imperialist phrases and stubborn “resistance” against “cutting up the country to pieces” and gave way to full and enthusiastic support of the imperialist partition policy. That was a trifling matter, a question of merely changing Zionist tactics.
Yet the Communist Party of Palestine might have been expected to take up a different position. Have they no repeatedly warned against the fatal results bound to come with the establishment of a Jewish state? “Partition must needs be disastrous for Jew and Arab alike ... partition is an imperialist scheme intended to give British rule a new lease on life ...” (evidence given by the PCP before the Anglo-American Commission of Enquiry on Mar. 25, 1946). The secretary of the party loyally stuck to this attitude as late as July 1947 when he said before the UNO commission: “We refuse the partition scheme point blank, as this scheme is detrimental to the interests of the two peoples.” However, after this scheme had been pulled off with the support of the Soviet representatives, Kol Ha’Am (the Stalinist central organ) hastened to declare that “democracy and justice have won the day (!)”. And overnight there appeared a newly baptized party: the name of Communist Party of Palestine was changed to Communist Party of Eretz Israel (Communist Party of the Hebrew Land). Thus even the last vestige of contact with the Arab population was broken off. The gap that still separated them from Zionism was finally bridged. Instead of being the vanguard of the anti-imperialist struggle of the Arab and Jewish masses, the Palestine Communist Party became the “Communist” tail of the “left” Zionists. Precisely in an hour when Zionism shows to everyone its counter-revolutionary face, its blatant servility to imperialism. Thus the Communist Party itself held up all its former exposure of imperialist and Zionist deceptions to ridicule.
Why have they gone bankrupt?
The policy of the Palestine Communist Party lacks a continuous line. The policy of the PCP reflects both the needs deriving from the class war of the Jewish worker in Palestine and the needs of Soviet foreign policy. The needs of class war, however, require a consistent international policy, the negation of Zionism, of its discrimination between Arab and Jew. On the other hand, the need to adjust the party line to the diplomatic manoeuvres of the SU calls for an “elastic” policy, one that lacks backbone. As a result we find the notorious shilly-shallying and zigzagging, which has harnessed the PCP now to the Zionist wagon. The fifth wheel!

And the Arab “Communists”?
The Arab Stalinists, the “National Liberation League”, did not fare better than their Jewish counterparts. They were in a pretty fix having to justify the Russian support of the Jewish state. The Arab workers could not be expected to accept this line. Not by a long shot. They knew the meddling of Soviet diplomacy for what it was: breaking up the Palestine workers’ unity and a treacherous blow. After the pro-partition declaration of Zarapkin, the National Liberation League people found themselves surrounded by scorn and hostility.
The policy of the Soviet Union has undermined the position of the League among the Arab toilers. Thus it opened a door to the reactionary, chauvinist campaign against the “red danger”. At present, the National Liberation League stands for peace and it is busy exposing the provocative role played by the British government. But since it had cried out for “national unity” (with the feudal Husseinis, the present war instigators during the past years), its present attitude fails to convince. But the National Liberation League did convince the Arab workers that the driving force behind its policy is not the interest of the Palestine proletariat, but that of the Kremlin.

A war of defence?
The two camps today mobilize the masses under the mask of “self-defence.” “We have been attacked, let us defend ourselves!” – say the Zionists. “Let us ward off the danger of a Jewish conquest!” – declares the Arab Higher Committee. Where does the truth lie?
War is the continuation of politics by other means. The war led by the Arab feudalists is but the continuation of their reactionary war on the worker and the fellah who are striving to shake off oppression and exploitation. For the feudal effendis “Salvation of Palestine” means safeguarding their revenues at the expense of the fellahin, maintaining their autocratic rule in town and country, smashing the proletarian organizations and international class solidarity.
The war waged by the Zionists is the continuation of their expansionist policy based on discrimination between the two peoples: they defend kibbush avoda (ousting of Arab labour), kibbush adama (ousting of the fellah), boycott of Arab goods, “Hebrew rule”. The military conflict is a direct result of the Zionist conquerors.
This war on neither side be said to bear a progressive character. The war does not release progressive forces or do away with social and economic obstacles in the path of the development of the two nations. Quite the opposite is true. It is apt to obscure the class antagonism and to open the gate for nationalist excesses. It weakens the proletariat and strengthens imperialism in both camps.

What is to be done?
Each side is “anti-imperialist” to the bone, busy detecting the reactionary – in the opposite camp. And imperialism is always seen – helping the other side. But this kind of exposure is oil on the imperialist fire. For the inveigling policy of imperialism is based upon agents and agencies within both camps. Therefore, we say to the Palestinian people, in reply to the patriotic warmongers: Make this war between Jews and Arabs, which serves the end of imperialism, the common war of both nations against imperialism!
This is the only solution guaranteeing a real peace. This must be our goal which must be achieved without concessions to the chauvinist mood prevailing at present among the masses.
How can that be done?
“The main enemy is in our own country!” – this was what Karl Liebknecht had to say to the workers when imperialists and social democrats were inciting them to the slaughter of their fellow workers in other countries. In this spirit we say to the Jewish and Arab workers: the enemy is in your own camp!
Jewish workers! Get rid of the Zionist provocateurs who tell you to sacrifice yourself on the altar of the state!
Arab worker and fellah! Get rid of the chauvinist provocateurs who are getting you into a mess of blood for their own sake and pocket.
Workers of the two peoples, unite in a common front against imperialism and its agents!
The problem worrying all in these days is the problem of security. Jewish workers ask: “How to protect our lives? Should we not support the ‘Haganah’?” And the Arab workers and fellahin ask: “Ought we not to join the ‘Najada’, ‘Futuwa’ to defend ourselves against the Zionists’ attacks?”
A distinction must be made between the practical and political sides of this question. We cannot thwart mobilizations and do not therefore tell workers to refuse to mobilize. But it is our duty to denounce the reactionary character of the chauvinist organizations, even in their own house. The only way to peace between the two peoples of this country is turning the guns against the instigators of murder in both camps.
Instead of the abstract “anti-imperialist” phrases of the social-patriots which cover up their servility to imperialism, we are showing a practical way to fight against the foreign oppressor: unmasking its local agents, undermining their influence; so that the Arab worker and fellah will understand that the military campaign against the Jews helps to bring about partition and helps only the feudalists and imperialists, while it is fought on his back and paid for with his blood; so that the Jewish worker recognizes at last the illusion of Zionism and understands that he will not be free and safe as long as he has not done away with national discrimination, isolationism and imperialist loyalty.
We have to keep up contact between the workers of both peoples at whatever place of work that this can still be done in order to prevent provocative acts and to safeguard the lives of the workers at work and on the roads. Let us forge revolutionary cadres. In this burning hell of chauvinism we have to hold up the banner of international brotherhood.

Against the stream!
World capitalism being on the downgrade tries to endure by inflating imaginary national conflicts, trampling down the masses and brutalizing them. In the long run that remedy will fail. The masses will have learned their lesson through suffering. They will get to know their enemy: monopolistic capitalism that is hiding behind its local ruling agency. With the class struggle getting more intensive all over the world and in particular in the Arab countries, the end of the fratricidal war in this country is bound to come.
The patriotic wave today sweeps everyone lacking the principles of international communism off his feet. Revolutionary activity at this juncture requires patience, persistence and far-sightedness. It is a way full of danger and difficulties. But it is the only way out of this patriotic mire. Well may we remember the words of Lenin which, spoken in a similar situation, apply also to ours:
“We are not charlatans ... We must base ourselves on the consciousness of the masses. Even if it is necessary to remain in a minority, be it so. We must not be afraid to be in a minority. We will carry on the work of criticism in order to free the masses from deceit ... Our line will prove right ... All the oppressed will come to us. They have no other way out.”

T. Cliff
On the Irresponsible Handling of the Palestine Question

From Revolutionary Communist Party, Internal Bulletin, no date but early 1947.
Transcribed by Mike Pearn.
Marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for the Marxists’ Internet Archive.

We have received two numbers of the Internal Bulletin of the SWP (Oct. 1946, No.11, Oct. 1946, No.12) in which three items on the Jewish question and Palestine appear. As we are sure that acceptance by the SWP of the position expressed in all these items will do infinite harm to the cause of the Fourth International in all the Arab countries and may even bring about a cleavage between the colonial sections and the SWP, we find it necessary to criticise these items in the most severe. The three items repeat the same idea, but as the article A Revolutionary Programme for the Jews by Leo Lyons gives the most elaborate exposition of it, we shall concentrate our criticism on it. This article, bringing the superficial tourist approach to the Palestine question to its height, is no more than a mixture of ignorance as regards the situation in Palestine, an absolute lack of any understanding of the theory of the Permanent Revolution and the colonial question, and above all, an illustration of the proverb “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.” Its tendency is Zionist in all but words, and it is for this fact alone that it is important to analyse it.
The Trade Unions
In one small paragraph L.L. manages to make at least one mistake in every sentence. This is the paragraph:
“The development of the productive forces in Palestine by Jewish and Arab capitalists produced the phenomenon of Arab trade unions. Despite the smallness of the productive forces the concentration of the Palestinian proletariat made it necessary for the Arab unions to affiliate with the General Federation of Jewish Labour (Histradrut) in order to fight their class enemy, the bourgeoisie. These Arab unions have a membership of 2,000. Other Arab trade unions, hostile to the Histradrut, were organised by the government in order to split the labour movement nationally – they have a membership of 5,000. Despite this split, in 1943 eleven Arab strikes took place with 4,143 workers participating. Four additional strikes of 4,000 Jews and Arabs also took occurred. Special note should be taken of the one-day strike of 30,000 government employees, half-Jewish and half-Arab.” (p.31, column 1)
In the first sentence the overwhelming weight of foreign capital is not mentioned at all. The fact that foreign capital owns over three-quarters of the total capital of industry and transport in Palestine appears to be unknown to L.L. as also the fact that the majority of the Arab proletariat is employed by the government and foreign capital, while no Arab workers are employed in Jewish industry.
The second sentence is even more monstrous than the first. No Arab unions become affiliated to the Histradrut “in order to fight their class enemy.” the Histradrut organised a special Arab organisation, which is mainly a weapon for Zionist propaganda abroad. The Histradrut is so far from having comradely relations with the members of this organisation that it does not allow the organisation to have one elected committee, all being appointed by the Histradrut. The leadership of the organisation is the Arab department of the Histradrut, in which there is no single Arab. The local branches are administered by Jewish secretaries appointed by the above-mentioned department. If in some cases, there does happen to be, besides the Jewish secretary, an Arab one too the latter’s authority is subordinated to the former’s. There are no democratically elected branch committees and conferences have never been convened. From the year of its inception, 1927, until today, an assembly of Arab delegates of this organisation has taken place only once, and its organisers gave it the fitting name “A day of study”, no decisions being taken, but only lectures being given.
L.L. does not know all this. He tries to describe the Arab organisation of the Histradrut as an independent trade union. He forgets to explain why , at the beginning of the war, after twelve years of its existence, it claimed only 300 members. He does not explain, it seems he does not know, that the main prop of this organisation is the fact that the Histradrut has a contracting agency called Solel Boneh, which takes a big part in the building of camps, etc. Although it pays its Arab workers only a third or a quarter of what it pays the Jewish workers, the Histradrut’s Arab organisation still has some attraction, as it to a large extent controls the acceptance or dismissal of workers. It is because of this that during the war the number of Arab workers in the organisation rose to 2,000.
In Haifa, the only town with relatively big enterprises employing Arab workers and with a relatively developed working class, the Arab organisation of the Histradrut contains Arab workers only from small enterprises. It has no foothold in the railways, refineries, public Works department, etc.
Among the Arab employees and workers of the government and foreign enterprises, the Histradrut has no influence whatsoever. L.L. does not mention the influence of the “conquest of labour” policy of the Histradrut on the character of the “affiliated” organisation. He does not know that the branches of this organisation are not only very small and not rooted in the main centres of the economy, but also that they rest on very shaky foundations. For instance, the workers of the Nesher Cement Factory, who belonged to this organisation, in 1933 declared a strike. The Histradrut sent strike-breakers, finding in the strike an excellent opportunity for the Zionist “conquest of labour”. A similar occurrence took place in the railways, when Arab members of the organisation were dismissed. This entirely smashed its once fairly strong foothold in the railways. In the middle of 1944 the Acre branch of the organisation, one of the most successful in the eyes of the leadership, disappeared in the space of a few weeks: the reason was that some scores of Arab workers were dismissed and the Arab Department of the Histradrut let slip that the dismissals were for the purpose of creating places of work for new immigrants.
L.L. does not knew that the Histradrut leaders prevent all political discussion in this organisation by whatever means they can, not, fortunately, always succeeding. Thus, for instance, in the 1944 May day meeting of the Jaffa Branch, the Histradrut was attacked for its Zionist policy directed towards turning Palestine into a Jewish State, and a resolution to this effect was passed unanimously. The Histradrut promptly reacted by bringing four of the Arab militants to the government court on charge of disturbing a meeting. We of the Revolutionary Communist League of course supported these militants, against the Histradrut.
With the third sentence it is not necessary to deal, as the corrections of the second cover this also.
The fourth sentence, “Other Arab trade unions, hostile to the Histradrut, were organised by the government in order to split the labour movement nationally – why they have a membership of 5,000,” reaches the fortissimo of falsification. These words are the basest slander of the militant Arab workers. THE ARAB TRADE UNION FEDERATION was founded in 1925. Scores of members of this organisation have been cast into prison for struggling for the right of organisation. Despite the bureaucracy which grew within the organisation, it played a decisive role in all the railway strikes and most of the other important strikes in Palestine.
The other Arab trade union organisation is the FEDERATION OF ARAB TRADE UNIONS AND WORKERS’ SOCIETIES, founded in 1942 by a Stalinist group which split off from the Palestine CP. The two other organisations have about 10,000 members (double the number L.L. states), with a much wider support when it comes to class action.
There is another , loose, organisation, the Second Division Civil Servants’ Association, which contains both Jews and Arabs, the leadership being mainly Arab: this organisation is in very unfriendly relations with the Histradrut. In L.L.’s eyes, it is not the Histradrut which is to blame for the split in the Labour movement nationally, but the Arab unions. And this despite the fact that the picketing for a boycott of the workers of the Arab organisation is not the work of the latter, but the former. The record of the Arab organisations in this sphere, although not spotless, is infinitely superior to that of the Histradrut. It would take up too much space to quote all their numerous resolutions calling for unity and solidarity with Jewish workers, and their actions in this direction. It is not interesting to note that Palestine is the only country in the Arab East in which Jews are not together with Arabs in one union. It is criminal to say that these unions are bodies organised by the Government. This spits in the face of militant workers struggling for their rights under the most difficult conditions. No one would dare to call the CIO a company union, but the Zionist agents do dare to throw mud on the organs of struggle of the Arab workers. L.L. takes the Zionist propaganda at its face value.
The last sentence, “Special note should be taken of the one-day strike of 30,000 government employees, half-Jewish, half-Arab,” contains tow mistakes. First of all the strike was not for one day, but for a fortnight. The 32,000 strikers were not half-Jewish, half-Arab, but there were about 26,000 Arabs and 6,000 Jews. It is worth noting that the leadership of the strike was in the main of Arab employees and workers, that the Histradrut did not have any important influence on the strike and that, while the workers of Haifa and Jaffa ports went on strike, the third port, that of all-Jewish Tel Aviv, continued to work throughout the period of the strike: the Histradrut was unwilling to jeopardise Zionist activity.
So much for L.L.’s facts about trade unions in Palestine.
The “Left” Zionist Parties
From an idealisation of the Histradrut, L.L. goes on to an idealisation of the “left-wing” Zionists. We write “left” in inverted commas. He instead writes:
“One-third of the Federation (Histradrut) (the Left Poale Zion, Kibutz Artzi, and the left wing of the Mapai) supports the slogan of a bi-national state, an Arab-Jewish Republic, as opposed to the chauvinistic slogan of a ‘Jewish Commonwealth’”.
This is a conglomeration of mistakes. The facts are: The “left” Poale Zion attacked the slogan of the bi-national state, putting forward instead that of a Jewish Socialist State. Today it is united with the former “left-wing” of Mapai to form the party “Ahdut HaAvoday-Poale Zion.” This party supports the slogan of 100 per cent Jewish labour and the Biltmore resolution calling for a Jewish Commonwealth. As regards the bi-nationalism of Hashomer Hatzair, it is an untruth to say that they stand for an Arab-Jewish Republic. Against the official Zionist programme they put forward these demands:
  1. To open the doors of Palestine for Jewish immigration.
  2. To establish in Palestine a political regime under international control which will give the Jewish Agency the right t carry out Jewish immigration according to the full economic absorptive capacity of the country.
  3. To grant the Jewish Agency the necessary authority for the development and building up of the country, including settlement of all government owned lands and uninhabited spaces, in the interests of the two sectors of the population, which will make dense Jewish colonisation possible, and the development of the Arab economy.
  4. To establish in Palestine after the war a regime based on the political equality of both peoples; which will enable Zionism to realise its aims undisturbed and will advance Palestine towards political independence in the frame of bi-nationalism. (Against the Stream, Collection of Articles and Speeches, Tel Aviv, 1943, Hebrew).
All matters of immigration and settlement, according to Hashomer Hatzair, must be dealt with by the Jewish Agency, which will be concerned – as it has been concerned until today – with the “development of the Arab economy.”
Of course has Hashomer Hatzair is ready to co-operate with the Arabs on such a basis. They only forget one small question: will the Arab masses accept this as a basis for collaboration? Is not control over immigration and colonisation in such a country as Palestine control over the most important functions of the state? Does the programme of has Hashomer Hatzair differ from the Jewish State programme in other than a greater dose of hypocrisy?
But if any doubt remains as to the extreme Zionism of Hashomer Hatzair, its leaders dispel it when they explain the bi-national programme:
“we aspire to the concentration of the majority of Jews in Palestine and the neighbouring countries.”

“The problem we are all concerned with is what is the most purposeful way to cease being a minority in the country.”

“Ben-Gurion claims that Zionism is not conditioned by the agreement of the Arabs; our position has always been the same.”

“Without agreement with the Arabs, too, we will continue the Zionist undertaking.” (From the speeches of M.Yaari and Y. Chazan in the Inner Zionist Council, 15th October and 10th November, 1942).
What is the basis for agreement with the Arabs? Hashomer Hatzair gives a clear answer:
“A primary precondition for any negotiation will be a declaration and common agreement that negotiations will be a declaration and common agreement that negotiations will be carried on only on the basis of the Mandate, and the unshakable recognition of Jewish immigration into Palestine.” (On the Wall, 1.1.39)
Are not Hashomer Hatzair really enthusiastic about bi-nationalism and fraternity with the Arabs? After all, all they ask of them is consent to only two “small” points – imperialist domination and Zionism.
L.L., it seems, does not know that there has been no case of picketing against Arab labour which was not supported by Hashomer Hatzair. He does not know the heroic record of Hashomer Hatzair and “left” Mapai in the eviction of Arab tenants from their land.
The “Benefits” the Zionists Bring to the Arab Masses
L.L. also takes at face value the benefit’s the Arab masses receive from Zionist immigration and colonisation. His main “proof” he arrives at by juggling with a few figures. He writes:
“Arab population near Jewish settlements has shown a marked increase compared to that in other sections of Palestine. In Jaffa, near the all-Jewish city of Tel-Aviv, the Arab population increased by 69% in the period from 1922 to 1935, and in Jerusalem, with a large Jewish community, the Arab population increased 41%. By contrast, in the Arab cities of Jenin and Nablus, the increase was only twelve and eight percent respectively. This tendency is shown even more clearly in the case of Arab villages near Jewish settlements:

Salama (near Tel-Aviv)
Zarnuqua (near Rishon-le-Zion)
Yibna (near Ness-Ziona)
Compared to this, the population in the non-Jewish districts of Tulkarem and Nablus increased only thirty-five and twenty-eight percent respectively.
He does not say that the three Arab villages chosen are in the region of orange groves while Tulkarem and Nablus are in much less fertile areas. He forgets to mention that generally the towns on the seashore – not only Haifa and Jaffa in Palestine, but also Beirut and Tripoli in Lebanon – have increased their populations much more than the inland towns. The increase in the Arab population of Jerusalem is not to be explained by the influx of Jews, as no single Arab in the town is employed by Jews, but is to be explained by the important administrative position of Jerusalem as regards the whole country. L.L. forgets to mention those areas of Palestine in which the Arab population not only declined since the Zionist immigration, but even disappeared completely – scores of villages in the Valley of Jezreel (Marj ibn Amir) and the Valley of Hefer (Wadi Khawaret). L.L. writes that the Arab population of Palestine increased by 40 percent in 15 years, while that of Egypt increased from 1920 to 1932 by only 13 per cent, and that of Transjordan has remained practically stationary since the First World War. About Syria he finds it necessary to write that emigration has averaged 9,500 per year during the period from 1920 to 1930. Let us analyse these figures. The following table is taken from the Statistical Yearbook of the League of Nations, 1937:

Births per 1,000
(Average 1931-1935)
Deaths per 1,000
(Average 1931-1935)
Surplus of Births
over Deaths per 1,000
(Average 1931-1935)
Arabs of Palestine
(excluding Europeans, 1934)
As regards other countries of the Middle East there are no statistics of population. What do these figures show? They show that in the main the great increase in the population of Palestine over Egypt, Algeria or Cyprus is not the result of immigration, which is negligible, nor of a low death rate, but of a very high birth rate. If we compared the increase of population of Palestine is on no account a proof of well-being.
L.L., of course, does not analyse the figures he brings of the increase of population. For him every word of the Zionist propaganda machine is to be taken at face value. The fact that at the beginning of the nineteenth century there were 100,000 people in Palestine (according to Dr. A. Ruppin, a Zionist research worker, in Syrien als Wirtschaftsgebiet, Berlin 1920) while in 1922 the number of Arabs in Palestine reached 663,000, i.e. an increase of more than 600 per cent, surely proves, according to L.L.’s way of argumentation, that the feudal regime and Turkish rule benefited the Arabs immensely. The same thing applies to other colonial countries. For instance the population of Egypt at the beginning of the nineteenth century was 2-2½ millions, while at its end it was 10 millions, I.e. an increase of 300-400 per cent, of Germany 130 per cent, and of England 266 per cent.
Let us see how Zionist colonisation influences the Arab masses.
It does so in three spheres: the buying of land, the buying of Arab agricultural products, and the employment of Arab labour.
From 1878 to 1936 123,185 hectares of and were acquired by Jews. Of all the land about which there are any details only 9.4 per cent were acquired from peasants. The only ones among the Arabs who profited from the buying of land were the big landowners, while at least 3,000-4,000 Arab tenants were evicted from their land. The Zionist leaders in the USA certainly did not tell you about this, or if they did, you were told that these tenants received compensation. What is the truth about this compensation? Dr. A. Granovsky of the Board of Directors of the Jewish national Fund announced that every expropriated tenant received an average of £39.9. Assuming this to be so, if the tenant owed, according to the Johnson-Crosbie Report, an average of £27, after the payment of the debt he was left with the grand sum of about £13. We know that even this is an exaggeration, that the evicted tenants leave with nothing at all in their pockets.
As regards the employment of Arab workers by Jews, the maximum number of Arab workers employed by the Jewish economy is 3,000-4,000. The Jewish capitalists who employ Arabs are almost only the orange grove owners, and this they do because their market is not in the Zionist economy in Palestine, but in England. The Jewish organisation of orange grove owners has therefore more than once broke Zionist discipline, even reaching the stage of demanding a restriction of Jewish immigration (in 1934).
So perhaps Zionist immigration influences the Arab masses not through the buying of land or labour power, but through the buying of products. According to L. Greenbrae (National Income and Outlay in Palestine, 1936, Jerusalem 1941, a Jewish Agency publication), the purchases made by Jews from Arabs amounted to only 10 per cent of the value of the purchases by Jews of overseas imports. And there is no question that the prevailing tendency of the closed Jewish economy in Palestine is to become more and more autarchical as regards the Arabs. Anybody who was in Palestine 30 years ago will remember that a much bigger part of Jewish purchases were made from Arabs at that time. The weakness of Jewish economy is the main reason for the fact that even today a small percentage of its purchases (3-4 per cent) must willy-nilly be made from Arabs, who constitute 70 per cent of the population of the country. Ben-Gurion was certainly right when he declared that the strengthening of Zionism would put an end to these purchases too. (These few remarks, incidentally, we hope dispel any false ideas which may have been derived from L.L.’s article, which speaks about “the economic interdependence of Arabs and Jews.” If L.L. troubled to learn about conditions in Palestine he would know that there is very little “economic interdependence of Arabs and Jews,” and that the tendency on the part of the Zionist economy is to become ever more autarchical.)
Perhaps the benefit to the Arab masses from Zionist immigration and colonisation is made indirectly, through the income of the Government. But here too, Zionism brings with it more harm than good, as with the support of Zionism, imperialism could deny even those democratic rights which it is compelled to give to the masses in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. The fact that in Palestine there is not even a democratic advisory council, while in all those countries there are parliaments – even though of very restricted powers – is also due to Zionism, which for years has clamoured against it, knowing that the popular majority would put an end to Zionist expansionism. This allows the government with impunity to give £4,000,000 to the import monopoly, Steel bros., and about the same amount to the police, while Arab education and health do not receive even a fifth of the two sums together. Nor must it be forgotten that the Zionists strive to diminish even this small sum, putting forward the “progressive” principle that the expenditure budget be divided between the two communities according to the share of each in the revenue. If this were adopted, even if we assume that there were not such a bulky police budget, we do not understand how the increase in the income of the Government (according to the Zionists the result of Jewish immigration) could benefit the Arabs.
The Special Character of Zionist Immigration to Palestine
It is self-evident that the SWP should struggle for the right of asylum for refugees, for free immigration into the USA. But only the greatest superficiality can drive one to the conclusion that this slogan holds good at all times and under all conditions. In the independent capitalist countries the struggle for free immigration is part and parcel of the struggle for socialism. This is not always the case in the colonies. The Arabs of Tripoli and Cyrenaica resisted the immigration and colonisation of Italians despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of those who came to settle were poor peasants. In Kenya and Rhodesia there is a struggle against white immigration. A similar struggle took place in Manchuria against colonisation by Japanese peasants. And it is no accident that in the IFTU Conference held [damage to text of perhaps 10 letters lossM.P.] in 1945, the representative of colonial trade unions – a Palestine Arab, the Indian Federation of labour, the All-Indian Trade Union Congress, South African, Nigerian and Gambian Negroes – all voted for the deletion from the report of the sentence supporting Jewish immigration and colonisation in Palestine. The Egyptian delegation which had no voting rights, put forward a very militant programme and incorporated in it the struggle against Zionist immigration. It is no accident that the Trotskyist groups in Palestine and Egypt wholeheartedly support the struggle against Zionist immigration and colonisation.
Everyone who knows the ABC of the Theory of the Permanent Revolution and the colonial question must understand that the main tasks of the anti-imperialist movement in the Arab East are:
  1. The overthrow of imperialist domination.
  2. The unity of the Arab countries split by feudalism and imperialism.
  3. The agrarian revolution.
The struggle for these aims goes beyond the boundaries of the capitalist regime. The criterion for our relation to Jewish immigration into Palestine must be: how does Jewish immigration influence the above tasks.
The majority of the Arab workers are employed, as we have said, by foreign capital and imperialism. They are brutally exploited by it and find themselves in direct, irreconcilable and open antagonism to it. And as this regime of super exploitation is based on the pauperisation of the peasantry, they are vitally interested in the abolition of feudalism and imperialism, which hamper the development of the forces of production. This interest becomes more direct and open owing to the urban proletariat’s origin being peasant. The Jewish workers at the same time are nearly all employed in the closed Zionist economy. They therefore do not come into direct conflict with foreign capital and imperialism. Being in a closed economy means also that by nationalistic means they protect themselves from the pressure of the pauperisation of the peasants in the feudal economy. So that we can say that the words of Trotsky as regards South Africa (that South Africa for the Negroes is a colony, for the whites a dominion) are in the main correct as regards the Arabs and Jews in Palestine also. The Jewish worker can on no account lead the struggle against foreign capital and imperialism, and against feudalism. The only thing he can do, if he renounces Zionism, is to follow the lead of the Arab proletariat, whose main centres are Cairo and Alexandria.
What is the relation of Zionism to the second task of the revolutionary movement in the Arab East – the unity of the Arab countries. It is self-evident that if the closed economy – which is the main characteristic of the Jewish economy in Palestine– isolates the Jews from the Arabs in Palestine, it certainly has no ties to unite it with the Arabs of other countries.
L.L. may say that he is against the closed economy and 100 per cent Jewish labour, but nevertheless is for free immigration and colonisation of Jews in Palestine. This argument is simply foolish. What interest will workers of a European standard of life find in a country dominated by imperialism and feudalism, where the standard of life is terribly low? If not for the closed character of the Jewish economy in Palestine, which absorbs practically every immigrant Jew, no Jew would today have come to Palestine any more than he goes to India or China. In these conditions, to be against the Zionist policy of 100 per cent Jewish labour means to be against Jewish immigration into Palestine. He who is for Jewish immigration into a Palestine under imperialist rule must, by the logic of the objective conditions, be also for the Zionist policy of a closed economy, enmity towards the Arabs, etc.
It is also impossible to be a consistent Zionist without being for a Jewish State. The logic of events themselves compelled the majority of Zionists to change their position as regards this problem. Not more than ten years ago, only a tiny minority in the Zionist camp (the Revisionists) wrote on its banner the demand for a Jewish State. At that time Ben-Gurion went as far as saying that he who supports the slogan of a Jewish State is a deceiver and villain. Today the demand for a Jewish State is the slogan of the great majority in the Zionist movement, the same Ben-Gurion being one of its most prominent antagonists. As we have already said, the programme of Hashomer Hatzair demands that the Jewish Agency be given such powers over the paramount questions of immigration and colonisation, that their differences with the majority Zionists prove to be purely verbal. This development, starting from bi-nationalism, which was the official programme of the World Zionist Organisation, and going over to the demand for a Jewish Commonwealth, or control of the Jewish Agency over immigration and colonisation, is not accidental. As we have said, large-scale immigration and colonisation to Palestine under the existing economic social and political order, could not be realised without closing the Jewish economy to the Arab people. The Jewish State can seal the economy much more hermetically by adopting passports to prevent the movement of Arab workers into the Jewish economy, by establishing protective tariffs to prevent the influx of Arab products, etc. The Jewish ruling class has nearly no economic, social and political contacts with the Arab ruling classes. Any state that exists in Palestine, therefore, which is not a workers’ state, must necessarily be either Jewish r Arab – in reality, either a Jewish puppet state of imperialism, or an Arab puppet state. A Jewish State in the whole of Palestine, or at least in part of it, is therefore necessarily the aim of Zionist expansion, while the bi-national state, unless visualised as a proletarian state, must necessarily be only a dream, an illusion, or downright treachery.
If, therefore, the situation is approached dialectically, one can never come to the conclusion of L.L. – for Jewish immigration to end colonisation in the British colony of Palestine, while against Zionist conquest of labour or the Zionist demand for a Jewish State.
What is the Character of the Kibbutzim?
In order to prove the progressive character of the Haganah, L.L. finds it necessary to emphasize that the kibbutz (Jewish Collective farms) are the backbone of this organisation. For one who looks at Palestine not from the standpoint of the national and social emancipation of the Arab masses of the east (40-50 millions in number) but from the standpoint of the member of the kibbutz, who is in a closed economy, the kibbutz is really a most progressive element. In the propaganda of the Zionists, the kibbutz appears to be really a communist cell in the backward east – a torch lighting up the darkness.
But this is only a myth. The first question to be asked about these kibbutzim is: who finances them? The answer – the Zionist funds whose main source of income are the rich Jewish capitalists of USA, England and South Africa. What interest have capitalists in building communism? The fact that the Zionists built these kibbutzim is a result of the necessity to establish Jewish agriculture on the basis of 100 per cent Jewish labour. The collective form assured this much better than individual colonisation could. Jewish agricultural workers would not enthusiastically have supported the struggle for the conquest of land and the eviction of other tenants from it. Nor would Jewish agricultural wage earners have taken an active part in organising the struggle against Arab agricultural products. Besides this, a closed Jewish economy must undertake agriculture, but privately owned agricultural units based on Jewish labour would not yield satisfactory profits – hence the intervention of the national funds, and the construction of “labour settlements” (mainly kibbutzim).
The standard of life of the members of the kibbutz is much higher not only than that of the Arab peasant masses, but even that of the Arab kulaks. While the fellah’s family of six people had an average income of £26 per annum, before the war, including what he consumed of his own products, his debt payments, etc. the family unit in a kibbutz, whose number does not reach four persons, in 1936 sent for food alone an average of £83.6, for increasing invested capital £37.5, and further sums for other items. From these figures it is clear not only that the standard of living of a member of a kibbutz is much higher than that of an Arab fellah, but that the difference is on the increase, for, as the figures show, the capital invested yearly on every family unit in the kibbutz is bigger than the whole income of the Arab peasant family, not to speak of the part he can invest.
While the Arab peasant continues to plough the land with a wooden plough which is more primitive than the ancient Hebrew plough of 2,00 years ago, the kibbutzim are equipped with the most modern agricultural machinery. The number of tractors in the kibbutzim is extremely high, the cultivated area per tractor being 110 hectares (in 1936) while in USA (in 1930 it was 145, in Germany (in 1933) it was 850, and in France (in 1930) it was 1,000.
Have the kibbutzim anything in common with the class struggle of the rural poor? Are they interested in the overthrow of feudalism? Not at all. The kibbutzim are not exploited y the feudal lords and have nothing to profit from their overthrow. on the contrary, the land on which they are built was bought from the big landowners, (statistics show that the Zionists hardly succeeded at all in buying land from the peasants, such purchases making up less than 10 per cent of total land purchases), and the existence of these landowners is a precondition for the expansion of the kibbutzim. They are interested in high prices for agricultural products, and so the more backward Arab economy is, the smaller is the competition of its surplus products on the Jewish markets. It is interesting to note that when in 1944 the government of Palestine put price controls on agricultural products, which wage workers, Jewish and Arab alike, criticized for not being sufficiently restrictive, the kibbutzim vehemently protested against the fact that the government put any controls at all. The only “benefit” the Arab fellahs derive from the kibbutzim is the sight of the well constructed concrete buildings, the trucks and tractors, modern chicken coops and cowshed, the luxurious kindergartens and children’s houses. Their children continue to play on the dung heap, and their cows, goats and chickens, continue to live with them in their windowless mud rooms.
The Influence of Zionism on the Arab National Movement
L.L. writes: “It is over-simplification to state that Jewish immigration is a force ‘oppressing the Arab movement for national liberation’.” This is a matter of fact, Zionism was the very factor that developed Arab nationalism in Palestine.
If there is any over-simplification, and therefore also distortion, it is in L.L.’s words. Imperialism is the power which gives an impulse to the national movement. Marx spoke most appropriately when he said that it was British penetration into India which, for the first time in history, built the basis for the unity of India. This it did by smashing the self-sufficient economy, by connecting all the fibres of the economy to the world market, by building railways, etc. At the same time imperialism did its best to preserve the outworn feudal property relations, in this way preventing the economic, cultural and political unity of India from being really complete. To say, therefore, that imperialism suppresses the national movement, does not mean to say that is itself did not provide the impetus for its creation.
It is unquestionable that the Arab national movement would have come to life in Palestine in the same way that it came to life in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq, without Zionist expansion. Zionist expansion served not as the generator of the Arab national movement, but only as its distorter. Let us analyse this statement.
While with the first contact of imperialism and a colony is natural for the feudal class to lead the resistance to imperialist penetration – even though this class is internally disorganised, and ready to compromise with its foe – the continuation of imperialist rule and the changes in the economy, make the feudalists the best allies of imperialism, and it is the industrial bourgeoisie which then appears as the leader of the national movement. The increasing numbers of proletarians, super exploited in the enterprises both of foreign and of local capital, are extremely antagonistic to imperialism, and with the deepening of the struggle for national and social liberation, naturally become leaders of the millions of peasants, the leaders of the anti-imperialist struggle. All these processes in Palestine were greatly distorted by Zionism.
In all the colonies the struggle between the local bourgeoisie and imperialism is a struggle over the division of the surplus value, expressing itself in a struggle over the local markets, and over the ownership of the key positions of the economy. In Palestine the secondary positions of the economy, such as light industry, are not in the hands of Arab capital, as in Egypt, Syria or Iraq, but in the main in the hands of Jewish capital. The junior partners of imperialist capital are not Arab, but in the main Jewish, capitalists. We may assume without fear of error, that three-quarters of the capital invested in industry and transport, belongs to imperialism, about a fifth to Jewish capitalists, and only two to three per cent to Arab capitalists. These conditions blunt the contradictions existing between the Arab bourgeoisie and imperialism, and intensifies those existing between the Arab bourgeoisie and the Jewish bourgeoisie. And as it is the feudalists in all colonies who are the most extreme communal leaders, Zionism serves not as a factor which deepens the cleavage between the bourgeoisie and the feudalists, but on the contrary, closes the cracks. We know that the colonial bourgeoisie is not consistently anti-feudal, but in Palestine it is even much les so than in other colonies. After L.L’s ode to the progressive role of Jewish immigration and colonisation in Palestine, perhaps he can answer these questions: Why, in Egypt, Syria, Iraq or Lebanon, does a clerical leader not stand at the head of the movement, while in Palestine the Mufti of Jerusalem is the most prominent leader? Why, in Egypt, for instance, is it the Wafd party, representing the middle bourgeoisie, which is the biggest party, while in Palestine all the nuclei of bourgeois parties (the main example, the Nashashibis) instead of building up an organisation, become more and more subordinated and merged with the Mufti’s party?
The role of Zionism, as a distorting factor, as a brake on the Arab national movement, is most clearly shown in its influence on the development of the Arab working class towards becoming the leader of the national and social liberation struggle. The congruence of class and national antagonisms in, for example, imperialist owned enterprises, brings class consciousness very clearly to the fore. On the other hand, national competition between workers blunts class consciousness. If not, therefore, for Jewish immigration and colonisation, if not for the always threatening conquest of labour, the class consciousness of the Arab masses would have been much clearer than it is today.
Zionism serves as a factor diverting the development of the Arab national movement in another way too. Imperialism does its best to widen the un-evenness in the development of the different Arab countries, to connect these countries economically not with one another, but with the “mother” country. In this way it is assisted by the hundred years old inheritance of feudal rule. Zionism appears as an added factor separating the line of development of Palestine from that of the other Arab countries. By threatening to break this link from the chain of the Arab countries it serves imperialism and its feudal agents in the Arab east in two ways: firstly, it diverts the responsibility for splitting the Arab east into different states from the main sponsor of the splitting – imperialism – on to Zionism; secondly, it helps to galvanise the Arab League, as association of the Arab countries which has nothing to do with the real economic, cultural and political unity, the only point of agreement among the members being anti-Zionism. This “unity” can, with the help of imperialist and Zionist provocation, stir up anti-Jewish pogroms.
Our Position towards the “Jewish Resistance movement”
L.L. writes:
“The Jewish Resistance Movement represents a progressive force against British imperialism. As such it merits support.”
L.L. derives the progressive character of the resistance movement not from an analysis of the place of the Zionist “resistance” movement in the agrarian, anti-feudal revolution or n the class struggle of the workers exploited by foreign capital and imperialism, nor from the relation between this movement and the struggle against the boundaries between the Arab countries which are a result of feudalism and imperialism and are strengthened by Zionism. All these problems are not even posed by L.L. Has L.L. ever heard of the theory of Permanent Revolution?
Instead, according to the best tradition of petty bourgeois idealism, he bases his entire “analysis” on pure sentimentalism, on impressionism.
For a Marxist the programme of any political movement is derived from its social character. For L.L. the tasks of the Haganah are to be derived not from its social characteristics, but from his abstract definition of what is a progressive movement. L.L. therefore comes to the most ridiculous conclusions when he puts before the Jewish “Resistance” movement the two slogans of Free Immigration and the Convocation of a Constituent Assembly. About the latter he writes:
“Every slogan that can bring about Arab-Jewish collaboration must be seized hold of.
Foremost of these is the slogan for the immediate (and the emphasis is important) convocation of a representative Constituent Assembly.”
For 29 years a struggle has taken place in Palestine over this issue between Arab national movement on the one hand, and imperialism and Zionism on the other. While the Jewish “resistance” movement is opposed to this slogan as long as the Jews are a minority in the country, and demand Jewish immigration, the Arab masses oppose Jewish immigration and demand the convocation of a Constituent Assembly. There is consistency as well in the position of the Arab national movement as in the position of the Jewish “resistance” movement. It is clear that a Constituent Assembly would have meant the stopping of Jewish immigration into Palestine, as the Arab masses unanimously oppose this and the Zionist colonisation of the country. It is no accident that in the whole Zionist camp, in the whole “resistance” movement there is not a single leader or rank and filer who does not violently oppose any plan of substituting the imperialist government by a democratically elected government, or even a any proposal for democratic legislative bodies. To unite the Jewish “resistance” movement with the Arab masses struggling for social and national liberation is no more possible than to unite the anti-British Dr. Malan with the struggling Negro workers and peasants in South Africa. The Jewish “resistance” movement is an anti-democratic movement, as it is against the interests of the majority of the people not only in Palestine, but in the whole Arab East, as it is a movement directed towards strengthening the closed economy of the minority and preserving its privileges, the abolition of which would put a stop to its very source of life – the desire for immigration and colonisation.
In our eyes it is no accident that strikes in foreign enterprises which have the greatest weight in the national liberatory movements in the colonies, do not play any role whatsoever in the Jewish “resistance” movement in Palestine. It also follows from the character of the movement that the petty bourgeois, chauvinistic elements, the Irgun Zvai Leumi and Stern gang, are getting the upper hand in it.
I permit myself some repetition of what I wrote in a former article:
“if the Zionists are not anti-imperialist (and of course to be against the Arab people and imperialism at one and the same time is impossible), then why all these terrible terrorist acts? The answer is simple. The Zionists have come into a blind alley. The victory of the proletariat of the West and the masses of the East will put an end to Zionist dreams. The continuation of the existing social regime makes every little people into a puppet in the hands of the big imperialist powers. This is especially true as regards the Jews of Palestine whose relations with their neighbours are very strained.
“If imperialism continues to rule over the world, then whatever the Jews do they are doomed. If the world revolutionary wave rises to the heights, then all the weak peoples, including world Jewry, will be saved. But the Jews of Palestine in their special position can be saved only if they cease to be buffers between the national and social liberation struggle of the Arab masses. The Jewish capitalists of Palestine as a class are doomed whatever happens. They are therefore incapable of anything except a blind military adventurism based on belief in miracles or at best a struggle to hold out a little longer.
“The best prospect the Zionists can hope for is that Britain will give them a Jewish State, even though a pocket state in a small part of tiny Palestine. They think that the partition plan for Palestine can suit the interests of British imperialism under certain circumstances. Such a plan will ensure the existence of two irredentist movements, a sharp Zionist struggle for every place of work and foot of ground in the Jewish State, and economic weakness of the mutilated Arab State. These are the pros of the plan from the standpoint of imperialism.
“The Zionists base their calculations on this factor and on one other. It is true that the position of Zionism in the struggle between the different imperialist Powers is not predetermined. Ben-Gurion and Weizmann can be American agents with the same enthusiasm as they have been British agents for nearly thirty years. The recent Zionist terror was intended to threaten Britain with the possibility of a Zionist switchover to America, and at the same time to make it easier for the British politicians, if they so desire, to permit the construction of a Jewish State in spite of Arab opposition. (They would be able to say to the Arabs that there was a material and moral necessity to give in somewhat to the Zionists.)
“Even if this ‘solution’ is arrived at – which is far from being certain – it will be only a temporary, short-lived postponement of Zionism’s burial. The Jews of Palestine and the Arabs will only be involved by this plan in terrible sacrifices, clashes and bloodshed. The only real solution for the Jewish workers of Palestine is to bridge the gulf between themselves and the tens of millions of eastern peoples by renouncing Zionist dreams of domination.”
(I continue, using the present in place of the past tense)
“the ... terrorist acts ... in reality do not harm imperialism but instead serve it very well. They intend to ‘compel’ the British government to open the gates of Palestine to Zionist immigration and colonisation despite the opposition of the Arab inhabitants of the country and those of neighbouring countries (the former having discovered the true face of Zionism from first hand, and the latter learning from them). It therefore only adds fuel to the fire of the Arab-Jewish hatred. The bombardment of the railways on the eve of November 2 (1945, for instance) was an excellent weapon in the hands of British agents for the organisation of pogroms in Cairo, Alexandria and Tripoli.”
Why the Displaced Jews Want to go to Palestine
After the terrible sufferings which they underwent through the long years of Nazi rule, the Jews in the Displaced Persons Camps need an asylum where their wounds can be healed , and where they can begin life anew. Their sufferings did not end with the fall of the Nazi regime, and even if many of them could have found some possibility of living in Europe today, the fear of the future is not so easily to be wiped out. Owing to the lack of a revolutionary leadership the class struggle in Europe has not yet assumed revolutionary proportions; and under the conditions of hunger in Europe, the petty trading activities in the main of the remaining Jews who lack any economic positions whatsoever, necessarily give rise to new sprouts of anti-Semitism. These sprouts are directly or indirectly fed in those parts of Europe occupied by Stalin’s stooges; by the regime of looting, the hunger connected with it, the consequent black market, and the chauvinistic propaganda put out by the Stalinist parties. Although open fascist movements do not dare to rear their heads, anti-semitic propaganda has by no means died away. Under such conditions the desire of the Jews in the Displaced Persons camps to leave Europe is entirely understandable, and it is the duty of the world proletariat to help to ease the lot of these victims of capitalist barbarism.
Can Palestine help in the solution of this problem?
For many years the Zionists have consistently posed the question to the Jewish masses in the world as though it is an alternative between death and immigration to Palestine. British and American imperialism have therefore got away with impunity with their quota policies, being left free to prepare any deal they like against the Jews of Europe, or tomorrow against those of Palestine.
The Jews in the DP Camps have behind them the terrible massacres in Europe, and around them suffering and abounding anti-Semitism. The Zionists tell them that all the gates of the world are closed to them, the only one which can be opened that of Palestine, as the Jews there are a third of the population, and very strong. They do not tell them that Palestine is only a province of the big Arab countries, that there is a movement growing in strength for the unity of those countries, that Jewish existence in Palestine is endangered by the imperialist policy of diverting the Arab national movement against the Jews, that if the gates were opened to any degree, it would not be as a result of the pressure of the Jewish force (which is incomparably smaller than the force of the Arab masses resisting this immigration), but of the interests of imperialism in sharpening the conflicts between Arabs and Jews. The Jews in the DP Camps are not told by the Zionists that it is incomparably easier to open the gates of the USA to Jewish refugees than to open the gates of Palestine. They are not told that the struggle for their immigration into Palestine cannot afford them a peaceful home, but on the contrary even endangers the existence of those Jews who are in Palestine.
Besides this, quite a few lies have been spread by the Zionists about the extraordinary economic position of the Jews in Palestine. It is indeed true that the Jewish workers are much better off than the mass of Arabs, but if we compare their standard of life with that of the American or British workers, it is very low. This fact, together with the feeling of uncertainty in Palestine, drive many thousands of Jews in Palestine to seek ways and means of emigrating from the country. No Zionist paper will tell you, for instance, that when UNRRA asked for fourteen textile experts to go to Europe, about three thousand applied; or that hundreds of Czech and Austrian Jews have already returned to their countries of origin. If one went to the Labour exchange, one would hear a veritable torrent of anti-Zionist declarations from the mouths of the unemployed. The facts about the slums of Tel Aviv (Shchhunat Hatikvah, Shchunat Shapira, Florentine Quarter, Shchunat Maccabi, etc.) which contain at least fifty thousand of Tel Aviv’s 250,000 Jew, or those about the even worse slums of Jerusalem, are kept discreetly out of Zionist propaganda pamphlets or speeches.
The Jews in the DP Camps are desperate, and they seek consolation even in illusions. Those who know Jewish history will know that it is not the first time that suffering Jews look for salvation in a Messianic movement (note, for example, Shabtai Zvi). When a Jew came and pretended to be a representative of the Lost Tribes, was it not logical that the pogrom ridden Jews accepted him as the God-given Messiah? The Zionist leaders today find the Jews in a much more terrible situation, so that the ground is even more ready to be sown with illusions even than formerly.
A progressive movement, a real liberatory movement, is not afraid to tell the truth. But Zionism is nourished on lies. During the time of the decline of world capitalism, the petty bourgeoisie, which suffers from the pressure of the trusts, the banks, etc. revolts against capitalism. If, in this revolt, it is not led by the only power which can expropriate the big capitalists, the proletariat, it tries as an independent power to do so (as was the case in Germany), in reality, however, only serving the big capitalists against the workers an against itself.
It looks to the past to find its programme, and in place of the trusts and the banks, it hopes to put small private enterprise. but the wheels of history cannot be turned back, and this is only a dream. The big enterprises that came into existence do not cease to exist. The only problem is, in whose hands will they be: in those of the proletariat for the benefit of the whole people, or in those of the big capitalists, against the interests of the toilers (petty bourgeoisie included)? The Jewish petty bourgeoisie, cast out of the economy during the decline of capitalism, and massacred, also looks for its ideal in the past. If world capitalism has no place for the Jews in the capitalist countries, the Jewish petty bourgeoisie says: “Let us find our place outside this system, in the Jewish State that once existed.’ it cannot directly follow in the path of the anti-capitalist petty bourgeoisie which, dreaming of smashing the trusts and the banks, helped Hitler to power. Instead, it intends running away from them, making itself immune from the pressure of world capitalism by building the Jewish closed economy. This plan is not more realistic, however than the dreams of the German petty bourgeoisie. Nor is it less reactionary.
As regards the Jewish workers in USA and England, insofar as they support Zionism, they do so not because they themselves intend emigrating to Palestine, just as no Jewish worker from Poland or other East European country emigrated to Palestine before the war. They feel that their fate is bound up with the fate of the country in which they live, and they are absolutely right, being part and parcel of the working class of those countries. The fact that the Jewish workers in the USA and England have recently turned to some extent towards Zionism is the result of their will to help the Jewish refugees of Europe and their feeling that the gates of their own countries are closed. The Trotskyists must not give way to the reactionary illusions that it is possible to open the gates of Palestine to Jewish refugees more easily than those of England and the USA. As we have already shown, the opening of the gates of Palestine can be the result only of reactionary pressure by British imperialism against the wish of the millions of Arabs; and this can serve only to endanger the position of Jews all over the Middle East.
The Jewish Workers of Palestine need the Help of the International Proletariat
The words of Trotsky, that “The attempt to solve the Jewish question through the migration of Jews to Palestine can now be seen for what it is, a tragic mockery of the Jewish people,” become more and more closer to many of the Jewish workers in Palestine. The feeling will grow from day to day that the Jews in Palestine are not an independent factor but a buffer between the Arab masses and imperialism, and that they are impotent in the face of these world powers. Till now these feelings did not bring forward any considerable organised anti-Zionist movement, for which there are two reasons. First of all, the Jewish masses in Palestine do not yet see in the Arab proletariat a strong ally, which will protect them from all the intrigues and provocations of imperialism, feudalism and Zionism, as till now the Arab working class of the whole east has not come to maturity.
Secondly, the international working class has not yet appeared as a power struggling for the right of asylum in their countries. These two reasons, together with the fact that big sections of the working class in the USA and England, while not ready to struggle for the opening of the gates of their countries, are ready to demand the opening of the gates of Palestine, despite the opposition of the Arab labour movement, all strengthen Zionist illusions. Many Jewish workers in Palestine are driven to the idea that the AF of L and CIO are much more important allies for the Jewish workers of Palestine than the Arab trade unions of Palestine, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. By their support of Jewish immigration top Palestine the CIO and AF of L, while not helping one Jew to come to Palestine (because of the objective conditions) do help to maintain the Zionist illusions among the Jewish workers in Palestine, and help objectively to widen the abyss between the Jews and Arabs in Palestine, which more and more endangers the positions of the Jews in the whole of the Middle East.
The American and English working class must not support the Zionist drive for a Jewish State (or what, under existing conditions means the same thing, a drive for Jewish immigration and colonisation) which, while befitting imperialism, opposes the most elementary interests equally of the Arab masses as of the Jewish. Instead they must support the struggle of the millions of Arab toilers for the independence of the Arab countries, for the lodging of the fate of the country in the hands of its inhabitants, and for liberation from the yoke of imperialism, feudalism and capitalism.

Palestine Strike
Arabs and Jews Unite
By T. Cliff
Our Middle East Correspondent
(May 1946)

From Socialist Appeal, Mid-May 1946, p3.
Transcribed by Mike Pearn.
Marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for the Marxists’ Internet Archive.

The biggest strikes in the history of Palestine far surpassing any other which have taken place, broke out last month. 32,000 workers came out, of which 26,000 were Arabs and 6,000 Jews.
The biggest strikes in the history of Palestine On the 9th April 500 Arab and Jewish workers in the Post and Telegraph Services in Tel Aviv and Jaffa came out on strike. On the 10th the strike spread to the Post and Telegraph Services in all other parts of the country encompassing altogether 2,000 workers and employees. On the 15th Government employees of the 2nd Division – the lower paid employees constituting 20,000 strong, which is more than 90% of all Civil Servants, came out on strike. On the same day the railway workers of the whole country and the workers of Haifa and Jaffa ports joined the strike.
The strike awakened response in many other places and workers of three big factories came out on strike with tens of thousands of workers and employees standing solidly behind the strikers, waiting to join them if they should be called upon to do so.
To understand what gave the impetus to this wave of strikes one must know the conditions and low standard of living forced upon the workers and government employees through the low wages in face of a constantly rising cost of living. According to the Government index, the cost of living rose to 258 in comparison with 100 before the war: but the cost of living allowances of the workers and employees did not rise anywhere near this figure.
To given an indication of the cost of living, butter is 6/- a lb. A cake 30/-, a suit £45, shoes £5. The postal employees get from £6 to £16 a month.
2/7d. a Day
The daily workers in the Post and Telegraph Services receive about 2s 7d a day. The employees receive a basic salary of £6 a month and the maximum of £15 after 14 years of service. The maximum wages for a postman is £9. The basic wages in the railways is 3/- a day; in the ports 2/6; and in the Public Works Dept. 2/6. A family of 5 or 6 have to live on £3 to £4 a month.
The most important demands of the railway Workers were an increase of the basic minimum wage of 6s 5d a day and a proportional increase for all other grades; annual holidays with pay, cost of living allowances on the whole basic wage; 8 hours a day and payment for overtime. The demand of the 2nd Division Civil Servants was similar to those of the Post and Telegraph Employees but somewhat greater.
Arab and Jewish Workers Unite
The Government attempted to break the strike by recruiting strike-breakers, but despite promises of high payment no scabs could be found. The Government also tried to divide the united ranks of Arab and Jewish workers, but again without any success whatsoever. Large demonstrations were held throughout the period of the strike and it was most encouraging to see immense processions of strikers making their way through the Arab and Jewish quarters carrying slogans in Arabic and Hebrew calling on the population for support of their just demands.
The Revolutionary Communist League, Palestine Section of the Fourth International, issued a leaflet in support of the strikers.
Fearing that the strikes and demonstrations would spread to the neighbouring countries and receive more and more an anti-imperialist character, British imperialism had to give way and grant the workers and employees some concessions. It is not yet clear what the actual results of the strike will be, as many points have not yet been confirmed by the Colonial office in London. The outcome of some of the demands is, however, known. The minimum salaries in the 2nd Division in the Post and Telegraph was increased from £6 to £8, a change was made in grading to the workers advantage; a cost of living allowance of 80% of the official index was agreed upon for the first £10 of basic pay, and 40% of the £5 above that. The Railway Workers also received a rise in the minimum basic pay from 3/- to 4/- a day and a corresponding rise I other grades. Two weeks paid holidays and overtime pay.
High Commissioner Demands “No Strike” Pledge
Three days after the resumption of work, the High Commissioner declared that he “cannot consider the matter further until he is given adequate safeguards by the Association that the 2nd Division Civil Service will in future use the machinery which exists within the government for the adjustment f grievances.” in other words, until they pledge not to strike in future. But the government will not find it so easy to break its promises.
The strike gave the big lie to the fable which imperialism, Zionism and the reactionary Arab leadership try to bolster up that unity of the Arab and Jewish masses is impossible to achieve. It proved that while there are not a dozen Arabs who support Zionism, there are tens of thousands of Arab workers who are ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with their Jewish class fellows for the defence of their common class interests.



They aren't happy with the plan in Ireland...the austerity plan.  Up to 20,000 people took to the streets of Dublin on Saturday to say it's time for a new plan.

The demonstrators were led by activists from the Spectacle of Defiance and Hope, including a young woman wearing a white mask and riding a dark horse with a banner reading "No to austerity" draped around it.

The march – organized by the Campaign Against Household and Water Charges, the Dublin Council of Trade Unions and supported by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (Ictu), Siptu and other trade unions – was joined by members of People Before Profit alliance, Sinn Féin and the Socialist Party and organisations including the Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed.  Regional and community grojps and organizations also participated.  

The Irish Times quoted a number of march participants:

Karen Doyle from Cobh, Co Cork
“We are largely either being ridiculed or ignored, I feel. Hopefully today we will start to get our message across as we are all joined together, all the various groups are joined together. Austerity is not working. It’s not working for couples, it’s not working for families and the most vulnerable in our society are suffering and we all know this. It’s about time now everybody stood up.”

Frances McDaid from Ramelton in Donegal
“I have a family of seven and they built houses, now they’re going to ask them to pay taxes on those houses that they built. They never got anything in their lives, they worked all their lives to build houses . . . and they’re losing their jobs, they have no money. That’s why I’m here, for the young people of Ireland to try and make the Government realise we should be keeping them here instead of taxing them out of it. It’s a disgrace . . .”

Wesley Fitzgibbons from Dublin who attended the march with his son Liam (4)
“I’m a fitter by trade and I just can’t take any more cuts. We just feel that the Government just keeps hitting the middle working class all the time. Theres nothing else there to take. People are working a lot more hours trying to make ends meet and at the end of the month were just barely scraping by.”

Kay Wilson, a member of the National Association of Widows in Ireland, from Dublin
“We’re out at every march here and I don’t think Ministers are listening . . . If you’re depending on your pension alone which a lot of people are. It doesn’t go very far. If they were to give me the €100,000 that some of them are earning and I’ll give them my €200 and see how they’ll manage on that a week.”

Paul Murphy from Ballinrobe, Co Mayo
“I’m constantly active in various campaigns because basically what’s going on is a massive representation of systemic injustice. Our socioeconomic system is completely in favour of those who are most wealthy . . . for example we have a situation, which is actually unbelievable, where this year we are paying out almost €20 billion of public money unsolicited to unsecured bondholders . . . I see it as a theft.

Richard Barrett of People Before Profit and the United Left alliance, said the protest should be the start of a national campaign.  Quoted in the Belfast Telegraph, he said, 

It is abundantly clear, that half of the population if not more, simply cannot take it anymore. 

The fabric of our society and our economy is being ripped apart. This madness has to stop. We must cease immediately the insane policy of prioritising the interests of banks and markets over the needs of ordinary citizens.

There were also calls for a general strike from the crowd.  Something that is oft easier said then done...as it were.  And not everyone was thrilled with the trade union leadership...and they were denounced in return by those leaders.

The following is from the Workers Solidarity Movement.

Beyond the Slogan of a General Strike - Mc Glone wasn't all wrong

The numbers at Saturday’s anti-austerity march were impressive given the relatively low key build up, but what was more impressive was the militant mood of the protesters. This was exemplified by the booing and heckling of ICTU president Eugene Mc Glone with chants calling for a General Strike. Mc Glone, in the style of a seasoned professional union official managed to pick himself up and give a speech which though cynical in delivery, bore more than a grain of truth that the radical left should not dismiss out of hand.
The gist of the ICTU president’s speech was that you can’t just pull a general strike out of a hat; you must build for it and win support in your union and in society in general. It should not be just “called” by those at the top of the unions but fought for by the rank and file. In this context, Mc Glone correctly showed that the slogan of “general strike now” is little more than ultra-left rhetoric.
The cynical side of Mc Glone’s argument though is that the bureaucratic nature of Ireland’s trade union movement makes this process incredibly cumbersome. The time it takes from when you get a motion passed by your union branch to the time it gets passed by your annual conference can be over six months. At every step of the way you will have professional officials and long-time junket chasers blocking your path, using scare tactics to ensure that your motion never gets off the ground. Even if in one union we manage to overcome those obstacles, we need to face the exact same in several of the big unions for a motion calling for a general strike having any chance of getting passed by the general council of ICTU.
It would be easy to blame this state of affairs solely on “bad leaders” like Jack O’Conner and David Begg or a conservative union rank and file but beyond the black and white pictures painted by both the radical left and the right wing bureaucrats is a reality that encompasses many colours and shades.
The union leadership did not fall from the moon. It reflects the objective situation we find ourselves in after years of economic boom and social partnership. Large sections of the workforce found themselves in a position of comfort that made the idea of rocking the boat seem ludicrous. The net effect was that a once vibrant and comabitative trade union movement fell victim to demobilisation and complacency. A gulf opened up between the membership and the leadership and all that was left in between was the junket chaser and the radical left, neither of which spoke directly to the experience of the rank and file.
A prime example of this is the workforce of Tara mines on the outskirts of Navan, a town that once was famous for industry and trade union militancy. During the 1970’s and 1980’s a series of strikes at the mines led to pay and conditions that meant that getting a job there was like winning the lottery compared to the “options” of unemployment and emigration. By 2001, social partnership had taken such a toll that when the mines closed for six months citing economic instability cause by 9/11 as the reason (even though Outokumpu, the multinational that then owned it was able to boast huge profits on its website), the only response that SIPTU could muster was to hold a march through the town. Since then, a series of changes in work practices and wage cuts have eaten away at the gains brought about by the militant workers of yesteryear.
That the union bureaucrats happily encourage this situation should come as no surprise. Social partnership gave them a privileged place in society, very well paid jobs and a seat at the table with government and employers. The majority of the left on the other hand, though it bemoans the role played by these leaders, simply perpetuate the clientelist union model by trying to replace them with others who are a bit more to the left, as if a few more radical people at the tops of the unions can substitute for class consciousness and militancy. The net result is that rather than building steadily towards a trade union movement that has the confidence and ability to fight against austerity, we set course on a series of short-cuts that lead into one cul-de-sac after another.
Even if we did manage to win over enough union executives to set the wheels of a strike wave in motion, the rank and file would be woefully unprepared for this. Strikes would be seen by many as simply another day’s pay lost. Indeed without rank and file militancy a general strike would only be a glorified day of protest. The government and IBEC would have little to fear from a 24 hour stoppage or two if it was just a matter of business as usual the next day. Indeed, the government might cynically see it as a chance to save a few quid in public sector pay.
The good news is that the militancy on show on Saturday, despite Jack O’Connor’s loaded comments that it was ULA and Sinn Féin supporters heckling McGlone, came from a broad spectrum of people. There is a basis for building class consciousness and rank and file militancy, but there are no short cuts. Empty sloganeering and mirroring the approach of the bureaucracy will get us nowhere. If we are to build this movement, if we are to build towards a general strike, we need to lay foundations in every workplace and every community and we need to ensure that no one is under any illusions that this will be an easy fight.  



Been busy today with this and that.  

All I have today about the post below is the bastards don't care about any of us and they don't care about what harm they do.  All they care about is money and power.

One day soon it'll all come crashing down...

The following is from High Country News.

The war on New Mexico's water

Eric Jantz | Nov 21, 2012 09:00 AM
As residents of the West, each of us keeps, either consciously or not, a checklist of those things that make our lives here worthwhile. Some of those things add to our quality of life, like cultural diversity and breathtaking landscapes. Others, like clean water, fall more into the necessities of life category. Without clean water, we don't drink, we don't eat, and everything collapses.
That's why it's so puzzling that New Mexico's Governor, Susana Martinez, has launched a blitzkrieg on all New Mexico's laws that protect our most precious resource. The assault began with the oil and gas industry's effort to roll back New Mexico's Oil & Gas pit rule. The pit rule regulates how oil and gas producers dispose of the wastes generated during drilling operations, like “produced” water that contains high concentrations of heavy metals, hydrocarbons and fracking chemicals.
Holding pondThe pit rule was proposed by the state agency that regulates oil and gas exploration and production, and it was the product of over a year of stakeholder input and hearings. The New Mexico Oil Conservation Commission, the agency responsible for enacting regulations that govern oil and gas development, unanimously passed the rule in order to protect New Mexico's water and public health. In sum, every state agency involved with regulating oil and gas in New Mexico recognized the need to protect our water.
That was in 2008. In the last two years, since Martinez was elected, though, every state agency, board and commission has now reached the conclusion that the regulations they deemed important in 2008 are now overly burdensome (in the case of the Oil Conservation Commission) or not worth defending. In Martinez's New Mexico, the Commission is actively partnering with the oil and gas industry to roll back environmental regulations while the agency that originally proposed the regulation sits on the sidelines and watches its invested time, money and resources get flushed down the drain.
This tactic of state regulatory agencies standing aside while polluters ride roughshod over environmental and public health regulations has become the new normal in New Mexico. It's now happening with regulations designed to protect groundwater from industrial dairy operations. Just last year, the New Mexico Environment Department agreed that the state's sizable industrial dairy farms would be subject to all provisions of statewide groundwater regulations. Now, when the dairy industry wants to loosen or remove important parts of those regulations, our Environment Department stands mute.
Rio GrandeTo make matters worse, Martinez's appointees at the Environment Department are doing more than sitting on the sidelines while environmental protections are dismantled, they are taking an active role in facilitating the copper mining industry's attempt to gut proposed regulations that would protect groundwater from copper mining.  The Environment Department's top lawyer used to work for the law firm that represents the copper mining industry in the rule-making. Now he has disregarded the substantive recommendations of his own technical staff and adopted wholesale the proposals made by Big Copper. If adopted, they would allow unchecked groundwater contamination at every open-pit copper mine in New Mexico.  This proposal will be considered next spring by a commission comprised of agency personnel and political appointees.
Why, when global warming threatens to make scarce water resources even more elusive, would New Mexico's regulatory agencies stand idly by and watch extractive industries maneuver to destroy our water? Maybe it's because the oil and gas industry bought Governor Martinez the Governor's mansion. Maybe it's because boards and commissions charged with enacting the regulations governing industrial activities are now stacked with current and former industry employees or people closely associated with industry. Maybe it's to advance a radical ideology where every person (including corporate persons) are free to pollute the commons in pursuit of a buck. Whatever the reasons, the result is that our Governor has declared war on our water. And with New Mexico regulatory agencies, boards and commissions becoming wholly owned subsidiaries of the industries they regulate, the future of New Mexico's water looks grim.
Essays in the Range blog are not written by High Country News. The authors are solely responsible for the content.
Eric Jantz is a staff attorney at the New Mexico Environmental Law Center.
Image of a holding pond with produced water from energy operations courtesy Flickr user EnergyTomorrow.
Aerial image of the Rio Grande, New Mexico's major river, as it flows from Colorado into New Mexico, courtesyFlickr user Storm Crypt.



Last year I had these arguments with people in the Occupy movement who didn't seem to understand for a while that just because people seemed to agree with some of their spiel didn't mean they were good folks.  They were being all palsy-walsy with blatant anti-semites and racists.  They finally got it.

 Last week I had an argument with some guy who was promoting the Satmar Chasids because they are anti-zionist Jews.  I tried to explain to him that they were reactionary, racist,  homophobic, misogynist and more.  I explained the reason they opposed zionism was based only on their fundamentalist religious belief that said you can't have a Jewish state until the Messiah returned, that once they figured HE (and he would have to be a HE) did so, well, they would declare a Jewish land for all of Eretz Yisrael and beyond, and while non Jews might be able to live there, it would only be to serve Jews.  These people, I kept telling him weren't friends.  He kept on with the, "well, they are anti-zionists etc." He just did't get it.

The post below stands as a warning to all progressives who fail to understand that there are some really, really bad people out there, racists, fascists, nazis who sometimes espouse some things that sound "good."  The people discussed below really are anti-capitalist, they really are against the current State, they really do oppose globalization, they really have some socialistic ideas...and they are damned nazis.

Thanks goes to the Southern Poverty Law Center for this very nice piece of work about an ideology known as the Fourth Position and the scum that espouse it.

Neo-Nazi Leader James Porrazzo Mixes Racism with Leftist Ideology

The arrests last spring of 14 American Front (AF) members in Florida capped a year of tumultuous infighting that began with the March 2011 killing of the organization’s national leader, David Lynch, in California. Now, with his Florida rivals sidelined by their legal troubles, an earlier AF national leader, James Porrazzo, has returned and is working to lead Lynch’s former followers to a bizarre new ideology that mixes ideas of the radical right with those of the extreme left.

Based in Boston, Porrazzo has started a new group, New Resistance, that espouses ideas Porrazzo describes as the “Fourth Position” — a modified version of the Third Position Porrazzo once plugged, an ideology that mixed advocacy of racial separatism with opposition to capitalism, communism and globalism. He has tried to bring former members of the AF, along with others, into this new formation.

The AF, which is one of the nation’s oldest racist skinhead groups, was founded in 1987 in San Francisco by Bob Heick. It soon made a name for itself on the American extreme right, affiliating with better-known racist groups like Tom Metzger’s White Aryan Resistance and winning notoriety for episodes like breaking Geraldo Rivera’s nose on live television and posing for photos in a spread on neo-Nazis published by Sassy magazine. Much of its ideology was standard for racist skin crews of the day, emphasizing hatred for blacks, Jews and other minorities.

Since then, it has gone through many ideological changes.

Porrazzo’s first run at leading the group came in the 1990s, and he continued as leader until 2002, when Lynch took over. Under Porrazzo, the AF moved to Arkansas and became one of the only American radical-right groups to espouse the Third Position, which is far more common among groups on the European racist right. The Third Position is a brand of neofascism that advocates racial separatism and a racially based socialism that is opposed to both capitalism and communism.

Porrazzo took Third Positionism seriously, even holding that opposition to capitalism was more important than white separatism. In an interview posted online in 1999, Porrazzo said: “We actually see more in common, ideologically, with groups like Nation of Islam, the New Black Panther Party or Aztlan than with the reactionaries like the Hollywood-style nazis or the Klan.” During this period, the AF also joined the Liaison Committee for Revolutionary Nationalism, an umbrella organization of Third Positionist groups.

But this political alignment, which included support for radical Islamists, ultimately did not win many popularity contests among white nationalist skinheads. “By the early 2000s,” the anti-racist Anti-Defamation League reports, “Porazzo had largely run the group into the ground and it was mostly inactive.”

David Lynch (top) and Mark Faella
Porrazzo’s approach to Islamists seems to have been the final cause of his undoing. The group promoted not only Hamas and Hezbollah, but even Al Qaeda’s Osama bin Laden. After 9/11, that kind of promotion “inspired some heavy state harassment and severely limited our ability to safely expand or organize,” according to Porrazzo. A Florida AF member says it was even rumored in the group that Porrazzo had connections to the Taliban. Troy Southgate, another white nationalist involved with Third Positionism, says that the 9/11 attacks angered the native New Yorkers in the AF, causing infighting and a descent into Islamophobia.

Right Left, Right Left

Soon afterward, Lynch said later, Porrazzo “disappeared without a trace,” and Lynch took over, moving AF headquarters back to California, where he lived in a suburb of Sacramento. Porrazzo was little heard from in the period between 2002 and Lynch’s 2011 death.

Lynch, who was more of a traditional racist skinhead, steered the AF back toward the ideas it had originally espoused. He made alliances with traditional neo-Nazi skinhead crews such as the Hammerskins, Volksfront and Blood & Honour, among others. His AF website said: “We will work with any pro-white organization with common ideals and goals, regardless of their public image. We place race first in all matters and do not participate in, condone, or support fratricidal in-fighting.”

Beginning around 2005, Lynch began to successfully lead the AF to a major resurgence, especially after 2007. Known in the movement as a charismatic man, he appeared to be successfully bringing the group back into national prominence.

But then, on March 2, 2011, an unknown attacker burst into Lynch’s home in Citrus Heights, Calif., and killed him in a murder that remains unsolved. Suddenly, the leadership of the AF was thrown open once again, and Porrazzo stepped in.

Immediately after the killing, Porrazzo (also spelled Porazzo) launched a struggle over the group’s leadership against Mark Faella and his wife Patty, who were heading up the increasingly powerful AF chapter based in St. Cloud, Fla. It appears to have been Porrazzo who commandeered the group’s website, sent an expulsion letter to both Faellas, and posted a YouTube video mocking the St. Cloud skinheads and questioning their sexual orientation. Eight months later, in October 2011, Porrazzo said he was dissolving the AF entirely and accused anyone still using the name of being “a liar and a counter-revolutionary.” At the same time, he announced that all former AF members were now part of his newly christened group, New Resistance.

Porrazzo later claimed he long had been deliberately trying to destroy the American Front in order to save it. Starting in 2009, he said, “a number of us entered their bandit grouping, disrupted it as best we could and reestablished AF as a National Revolutionary movement.” He was referring to his efforts to reverse Lynch’s ideological course and drag the AF back to its previous Third Positionism.

Alexander Dugin (Photo by Ivan Sekretare/AP Images)

But in Florida, Mark Faella won support for his own leadership bid, and his crew began making big plans. According to an FBI informant, Faella convened a July 2011 national gathering and “patched in” 10 new members, including the FBI informant who would prove to be his undoing. The Florida outfit then moved on to allegedly threatening Porrazzo’s life, with one member even claiming to have gone to Boston with another skinhead in a failed attempt to kill Porrazzo. (When Porrazzo didn’t show up at a pre-arranged meeting, the pair reportedly assaulted the two people, a man and a woman, who had gone in Porrazzo’s place. For his part, Porrazzo said that he waited for the Floridians, but they failed to appear.)

The AF has always had a reputation for violence, whether under Heick, Porrazzo or Lynch. Members have gone to prison for both murder and attempted murder, as well as a number of stabbings, drive-by shootings, bombings, and attacks on synagogues and churches.Porrazzo was arrested in 1998 for assault in Springfield, Mo., and reportedly was handed a one-year suspsended sentence. But now Faella allegedly went further, stockpiling weapons, training people, including felons, for what he considered an “inevitable race war,” and conspiring to ambush members of a local anti-racist group.

This May 12, the FBI arrested both Faellas and close to a dozen of their followers. All were charged with illegal paramilitary training, and eight were accused of conspiracy to shoot into a dwelling. Mark Faella was also charged with directing gang activities and leading illegal paramilitary training sessions.

And just like that, Porrazzo’s rivals had been eliminated.

Dugin and the Fourth Position

Today, as chairman of New Resistance, Porrazzo is pushing his new Fourth Position ideology, an attempt to meld together revolutionary nationalists and ethnic separatists of all backgrounds with Communist holdouts and anti-Zionists. As recently as August 2011 a post on his website had promoted the AF by saying the “Third Position offers a real future for the People of North America.” But shortly thereafter he did an about-face, claiming that Third Positionism had been ruined both by neo-Nazis who used the term “while keeping all their worst ideas” and by moderates who favored change through the electoral process. Porrazzo said, “The true ‘idea’ of the Third Position as left-right synthesis that we fought so hard for is valid, though dated, and was the starting point of what we are doing today.”

Now, Porrazzo holds that the Fourth Position — which he also describes as a kind of “left-nationalism” — is the “future of the revolutionary struggle against globalism, capitalism and liberalism.” His New Resistance supports authoritarian Syrian President Bashar Hafez al-Assad, mourns the defeat of Libya’s late ruler Muammar Gaddafi, and praises Venezuela’s leftist president, Hugo Chavez.

Followers are encouraged to read leftist classics by Karl Marx, Fidel Castro, and Che Guevara, all of which sit uneasily on his website next to fascist thinkers like Claudio Mutti and Julius Evola. Porrazzo’s favorite writer is Alexander Dugin, a Russian far-right political theorist who advocates a Eurasian super-state to oppose the Anglo-American alliance, liberalism and globalization. The Fourth Position takes it name from Dugin’s book The Fourth Political Theory.

Porrazzo’s group also employs left-wing slogans, calling for environmental sustainability, “social justice” and “direct democracy.” Still advocating racial separatism, it claims that in the future this will be voluntary; in areas where this is not possible, a form of ethnically based representation is proposed.

The New Resistance promotes the rambling Global Revolutionary Alliance (GRA) manifesto, which calls for global opposition to the United States, which is described as a country of “absolute evil.” In line with much anti-Semitic thinking, America is said to be inorganic, without collective identity, “a giant golem, controlled by the oligarchy.” The manifesto calls for an alliance of groups, from all races and religions, to destroy the “blood-sucking American oligarch liberal scum.”

Previously, Porrazzo was known for his high-octane anti-Semitism, calling Jews “a filthy, evil people the world would be better without.” But now, Porrazzo says his anti-Semitism was a “serious ethical error,” and that it was a mistaken outgrowth of his hatred of Zionism and capitalism; anti-Zionist Jews are welcome to work with New Resistance. However, just as the GRA manifesto’s description of the evil, inorganic, and cosmopolitan United States draws from traditional anti-Semitic formulations, so do Porrazzo’s descriptions of what he calls the “bandit state of Israel.” The “New Resistance Manifesto” that the New Resistance endorses states that “[w]e believe that Israel is nothing more than an imperialist, landlocked ‘aircraft carrier’ permanently moored to the Middle East, spreading destruction and subversion throughout the region.”

Although he has decades of political experience behind him, the jury is still out on whether Porrazzo and his New Resistance can establish a group with any real influence on the American radical right. One thing that seems certain is that he will be fighting an uphill battle, both because the American extreme right loathes the far left and because Porrazzo’s own penchant for infighting could destroy him.



According to several sources the vote is in and the UN General Assembly has approved a tacit recognition of Palestinian statehood. The vote was 138 in favor, 9 against, 41 abstain.  

Before the vote, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas appealed to the UN General Assembly to recognise Palestinian statehood by supporting a resolution to upgrade the UN observer status of the Palestinian Authority from "entity" to "non-member state."

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said,

Supporting the Palestinian authorities is not only in the interest of the Palestinian side, but also of Israel and the whole international community that is longing for a peaceful political settlement.

Not surprisingly Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said in Jerusaem the vote will change "nothing on the ground." 

Meanwhile accross the West Bank and Gaza today rallies of tens of thousands of people have been occuring.  

The Ma'an News Agency reports:

Tens of thousands took part in a march in Hebron where Palestinians waved flags from Fatah as well as Hamas to support the bid and national unity. 

In Nablus, representatives of Palestinian factions and the revolutionary council of Fatah joined students and employees for a march that included Hamas officials, although the party was not officially participating. 

“We carry a message to the whole world that says that we are capable of using all kinds of resistance. We are going to the UN, in order to protect our people, lands, and prisoners,” said Mahmud al-Aloul, a member of Fatah's central committee.

In Gaza City, Fatah held its first large-scale rally in the Gaza Strip since 2007, joined by representatives of national and Islamic factions. 

Fatah revolutionary council members, including Ameen Maqboul, led a march at the Rashad al-Shawa building in support of the UN bid and called for national reconciliation. 

In Tel Aviv, 300 activists took to the street in support of Palestine's UN bid  The rally was organized by several organizations including Gush Shalom, Peace Now, Hadash and Meretz representatives.  YNet News reports:

"What is happening today is an historic day for the Palestinian people and for us," said Uri Avneri from Gush Shalom. "If we choose the future we must help the Palestinians build their state." 

Former Foreign Ministry director Dr. Alon Liel said, "As of today there is a Palestinian state. As of today we no longer control the life of a nation but the life of a separate state."

Dr. Nava Sonnenschein, director of the Wahat al-Salam school in Neve Shalom said, "We have come here to support you, Abu Mazen (Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas) and the Palestinian people.

"You have chosen a non-violent struggle and we respect that while the government talks with those who fire rockets. The Palestinians cannot wait any longer, let's work together to change reality."

Arab-Israeli singer Mira Awad performed at the rally and said she was "happy with Abbas' bid and very sad about the inexplicable refusal to finally give the Palestinian people a chance to move forward."

Former Knesset Member Mossi Raz said, "We call on Lieberman and Netanyahu: It's not too late. Order the ambassador to say 'Israel yes.'"

Former Israeli PM Ehud Olmert said the he saw no reason to oppose the Palestinian UN bid.  He added according to Yediot Ahranot newspaper, "Once the United Nations will lay the foundation for this idea, we in Israel will have to engage in a serious process of negotiations, in order to agree on specific borders based on the 1967 lines, and resolve the other issues."

At the UN today Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said in his speech to the General Assembly:

Sixty-five years ago on this day, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 181, which partitioned the land of historic Palestine into two states and became the birth certificate for Israel.  The General Assembly is called upon today to issue a birth certificate of the reality of the State of Palestine...

Palestine comes today to the General Assembly because it believes in peace and because its people, as proven in past days, are in desperate need of it...

Below you will find a statement from Dr. Nabil Shaath on the UN bid for statehood. Dr. Nabil Shaath is a member of the State of Palestine delegation to the UN, currently accompanying the Palestinian delegation in New York for the vote, is the Fatah Foreign Relations Commissioner and former Palestinian foreign minister. He was a member of the Madrid Peace Delegation and later was involved in negotiations with Israel that led to the signing of the Oslo Agreements. From 1993-1995, he served as the head of the Palestinian negotiation team, participating in the talks at Camp David (2000) and Taba (2001). He has also represented Palestine at the World Economic Forum.  The statement was printed today in the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz. Following that is an analysis from ACRI printed in  +972 on what it all may mean.

The time is now: Support Palestine’s UN bid

Dr. Nabil Shaath
Dr. Nabil ShaathPalestinians UN
A Palestinian man takes part in a rally in support of President Mahmud Abbas in Gaza City on November 27, 2012.Photo by AFP

Today, Palestine will ask the UN General Assembly to vote on a resolution to enhance its status to that of Observer State. This step will be a milestone in realigning international efforts to achieve peace in the region, within the framework of international law and the values embodied in the UN Charter. There should be no doubt: Supporting this initiative will create a new, positive, and effective momentum for a just path to peace in our region.  

Some are questioning what Palestine’s oft-termed “UN bid” represents. The enhancement of Palestine’s status at the UN is our sovereign right, anchored in the spirit and letter of international law. Self-determination isan inalienable right, enshrined in the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Sixty-five years ago, Israel was admitted to the UN based on its commitment to implement General Assembly resolutions 181 and 194. Palestine’s admission has been awaiting implementation for well over half a century.

The enhancement of Palestine’s status is a step towards ending the status quo and the entrenchment of Israeli occupation, colonization and apartheid policies which severely oppress the Palestinian population, denying them their most basic human rights, and quickly rendering the two-state solution unviable.

The enhancement of Palestine’s status is a way to protect the internationally-agreed upon formula for peace:  The two-state solution on the 1967 border. The ultimate objective, as declared by the entire international community, is that of two independent states living side by side in peace. This necessarily requires that Palestine is recognized as a state. Supporting this step will therefore contribute towards safeguarding the two-state solution. It is a serious attempt to end a 15 year impasse in the peace process imposed by Israel, while it continues to gobble up our land through its regime of colonization, segregation and control. Our attempt is an investment in peace, a release from severe political deadlock and a way to prevent the erosion of the two-state solution.

There have also been misleading suggestions as to what Palestine’s UN bid represents, which should be clarified. To begin with, the enhancement of Palestine’s status is not a unilateral step. While the declaration of independence by any country is inherently a sovereign and unilateral decision, going to the United Nations to seek recognition as a state among its 193 members is, on the contrary, a multilateral step par excellence.

The enhancement of Palestine’s status is not an attempt to bypass negotiations. Statehood, and indeed the recognition of statehood, is a sovereign right which has never been negotiated bilaterally and is not a final status issue. Independence and statehood have never been negotiable. The notion that Israel should approve the Palestinians’ inalienable right to self-determination is simply illogical, immoral, and totally unacceptable. Palestine is not seceding from a greater Israel; it is struggling to end peacefully its illegal occupation. The Palestinian leadership remains committed to the political process whereby all final status issues will be resolved through direct negotiations. However, the success of negotiations is contingent upon the existence of a credible and serious Israeli peace partner that is ready to commit to ending the occupation based on the parameters clearly outlined in previous negotiations, international law, and relevant UN resolutions. To be a credible negotiating partner, Israel must implement previously signed agreements, which Israel categorically ignores. Selective implementation by the occupier is no implementation at all. It creates nothing but 


The enhancement of Palestine’s status is not an attempt to delegitimize Israel. We continue to honor our commitment to recognize the State of Israel on the borders of 1967. It is a step designed to legitimize the State of Palestine, to work towards its freedom and independence, and thus allow for a peaceful solution to this conflict. While this step may seek to expose the illegitimacy of the policies of colonization and apartheid being entrenched through the occupation, and the impunity and unaccountability of Israel, it is in no way an attempt to isolate Israel.

A number of obligations must be fulfilled. Firstly, Palestine has an obligation to its people. The PLO will use every peaceful and diplomatic tool within the framework of international law, in order to achieve freedom and independence for its people. This means ending an occupation which has oppressed and humiliated Palestinians for almost half a century, the last twenty of which we were engaged in a “peace process”, and finding a just and agreed-upon resolution for its refugees, who have now spent over 65 years in exile. Enhanced status at the UN will facilitate the achievement of these goals. It will also provide a glimmer of light at the end of this long dark tunnel, alleviating the state of frustration prevailing among our people and allowing us to continue our peaceful, non-violent struggle.

Israel has an obligation to cease its repeated and flagrant violations of international law. In the twenty years since the Peace Process began, the number of Israeli settlers has more than doubled, the illegal Wall continues to be built on Palestinian land despite an unequivocal advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against it, and East Jerusalem has been unlawfully and unilaterally annexed. Moreover, Israel has a moral obligation to end the suffering of Palestinians; to take responsibility for causing and perpetuating the refugee issue; and to hold those who commit brutal acts of terror against Palestinians, attacks which are increasing at an alarming rate, accountable for their actions.

The international community has a clear moral and legal obligation to support the Palestinians in their quest for self-determination. Those who voted in favor of partition, those who have promised us a state for 65 years, those who have witnessed the appalling policies of the Israeli occupation, owe it to the Palestinians to endorse this step. Moreover, in 2004, the ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Wall made it patently clear that fulfilling the Palestinians’ right to self-determination is a right erga omnes i.e. the concern of all states.

To date, 132 countries, a combined total of 75% of the world’s population, have formally recognized the State of Palestine on the 1967 borders. We are now calling on those countries, and all those who have not yet recognized us, to support the enhancement of our status in the UN General Assembly. If the international community is serious about the two-state solution, as it purports to be, then each member country needs to make good on their word by voting with Palestine, today, on November 29th. Palestine has been the exception to the UN promise for far too long. The time to act is now.

Q&A: Implications of the recognition of Palestinian statehood

How is this Palestinian Authority UN statehood bid different from last year’s? What’s an observer state? What does it mean for Oslo, or for the settlements? The Association for Civil Rights in Israel has the answers.

Flags of member nations flying at United Nations Headquarters. (photo: UN / Joao Araujo Pinto)

The Chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, recently announced that on 29 November [today] he intends to turn to the United Nations General Assembly, requesting to upgrade the Palestinian Authority’s status in the UN from an “observer entity” to a “non-member observer state.” This initiative follows the Palestinian bid to the UN Security Council in September 2011, asking to admit Palestine to the UN as a state – a request that was not yet discussed by the Council.

As in the previous bid, this, too, is a political move intended to increase and enhance international recognition of a Palestinian state within the 1967 ceasefire borders. This move raises many questions regarding its potential implications, in general, and on the state of human rights in the region, in particular. As a human rights organization, ACRI does not take a position on peace-process policy questions. However, since the political changes in the region may have significant implications with regards to specific human rights questions, we tried to outline some of the expected impacts on human rights issues in this context. To read a similar briefing published by ACRI ahead of the previous Palestinian UN bid in September 2011, click here.

1. How is the current initiative different from the previous one?

In September 2011, the Palestinian Authority requested the UN Security Council to admit Palestine to the UN as a state. Turning from an entity into a “state” is not a result of a UN membership nor is it conditioned upon it. However, being admitted to the UN means gaining wide international acknowledgement of the existence of a Palestinian state. According to Article 4(2) of the UN Charter, in order to be admitted as a UN Member State, the request must be supported by the Security Council, where each of the permanent members has veto rights, as well as to win a two-thirds majority in the General Assembly vote. As noted above, this request was not yet discussed by the Council and is not likely to pass the veto obstacle. Therefore, the Palestinian Authority decided to turn to the alternative channel of upgrading its status in the General Assembly. A Security Council decision is not required in order to receive the status of a “non-member observer state” – only the support of the UN General Assembly. This move does not grant UN membership status, but it does serve the purpose of gaining wide international recognition.

2. What is the meaning of being upgraded in the UN to the status of an “observer state”?

The “observer state” status is not anchored in the UN Charter; rather, it is based on previous UN decisions. Currently, only the Vatican enjoys this status. In the past, states were allowed to become a party to international conventions, including conventions on human rights. An observer state is also permitted to become a party to international organizations and to hold hearings before the International Court of Justice in The Hague (ICJ), and its status with the International Criminal Court (ICC) might also change.

3. Would the current UN initiative change Israel’s status in the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip? How about an Israeli recognition of a Palestinian state in temporary borders (Areas A and B)?

Following the Oslo Accords, many Israelis share the view that Israel is no longer responsible for the West Bank and Gaza. However, de facto Israel today still has control over the West Bank as well as over certain aspects of life in Gaza.

In the framework of the Oslo Accords, Israel transferred specific authorities to the Palestinian Authority, but it still holds all governing powers in the West Bank, including full control over Area C (62% of the West Bank), Jerusalem, water sources, civil and military control over the airspace, civil and military control over all border crossings, entry to and exit from the West Bank, and more.

The recognition of a Palestinian state by the UN, or an Israeli recognition of Areas A and B as a state, will have no bearing on Israel’s standing as an occupying power according to international law. “Occupation” is a legal definition that applies to territories in which a foreign military force is able to exercise complete or partial military control and civil-administrative control over the infrastructure and daily lives of the local residents. The laws of occupation oblige the occupying power with regards to responsibility to the civilians in the territory under its control. Occupation is not a function of a permanent military presence, but of the ability to effectively control the territory. This legal definition does not differentiate between the occupation of a territory recognized as a state and a territory that is not recognized as such, and therefore the legal status of the territory is irrelevant and as long as Israel has effective control over these territories it will continue to be considered an occupying power.

As for the Gaza Strip, the official Israeli position is that since this disengagement, the Israeli occupation of Gaza has ended. However, many in the international community reject this stance and maintain that the laws of occupation still apply and obligate Israel in matters that are still under its control. It is possible that that the recognition of a sovereign Palestinian state could lead to a re-examination of the international position regarding the status of the Gaza Strip.

4. Would this initiative have an effect on the validity of the Oslo Accords?

A Palestinian initiative to achieve recognition as an observer state is a unilateral measure that contravenes these accords and opens the door to a declaration of their non-validity or revocation. However, the absolute revocation of the Oslo Accords is not a necessary outcome. In the past, despite repeated violations of the Interim Agreement, neither party to it has announced their revocation. The question of the validity of the agreements and maintaining their frameworks is now, as before, subject to the decisions and the de facto actions of both sides.

5. What are the implications of this move on the Palestinian state’s responsibility for human rights violations?

Recognition of a Palestinian state could open the door for it to become a party to international conventions, including conventions on human rights. Should the Palestinian state become a party to these conventions, it would be obligated to uphold standards of international law and respect for human rights. These obligations would apply first and foremost to the citizens under its rule, but there are also implications for its obligations toward Israelis, including settlers. Furthermore, the Palestinian state would be subject to international mechanisms that monitor the implementation of these human rights conventions. Claims regarding violations of human rights by the Palestinian state could be adjudicated in various international forums – for example suspicions of torture conducted by Palestinian governmental bodies or on their behalf (see more on this below).

6. Would this move lead to the involvement of new international enforcement mechanisms?

Should Palestine be recognized as a state, it could become a party to international courts of law (the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court). This could create new mechanisms to enforce Israel’s obligations to respect the human rights of Palestinians, and at the same time to enable the enforcement of the Palestinian state’s obligations.

International Court of Justice in The Hague (ICJ) – The ICJ addresses the responsibility of states, not of individuals. It is the leading and most important international judicial body. Both sides must agree that a dispute be brought before it.

International Criminal Court (ICC) – The International Criminal Court deals with individual responsibility for acts defined as international crimes (war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide). Should the Palestinian state become a party to the ICC, this court would have jurisdiction over actions carried out in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: first, on Palestinians suspected of committing international crimes; and, second, on Israelis suspected of offenses within the territory of the Palestinian state. This jurisdiction would be applied directly and continuously, as opposed to the current situation, but only on crimes or suspected crimes that were committed after the Palestinian state becomes a party to it, should it be recognized as such according to the Statute of the Court.

7. What are the implications of this initiative on Israeli settlements?

If the Palestinian state would become a party to the International Criminal Court, the issue of Israeli settlements could become an issue of international criminal law. This, under the article in the Statute of the Court stating that the transfer, whether direct or indirect, of the population of the occupying power into occupied territory constitutes a war crime. This could potentially open the door to the prosecution of Israelis responsible for establishing or expanding settlements.

8. What are the implications of this move on the Palestinian state’s responsibility to prevent terrorism and threats?

Should the Palestinian state be recognized, this would enhance its responsibility to prevent terror and threats coming from its territory. This depends, of course, on the extent of control it has and the means available to it, since there is no responsibility without authority – but there similarly cannot be authority without responsibility. The Palestinian state would be obligated to take the necessary steps to prevent human rights violations by government authorities and official bodies. Thus, arbitrary killing of civilians and the launching of rockets on a civilian population in Israel could be submitted for deliberation both by the relevant UN committees and by the International Criminal Court.

Established in 1972, ACRI is Israel’s oldest and largest human rights organization and the only one dealing with the entire spectrum of rights and civil liberties issues in Israel and the Occupied Territories. This Q&A was originally published on ACRI’s site. Read more about ACRI here and follow ACRI on Twitter and Facebook.



Someone once said you can judge a people by the way they treat their children.  Someone else said you can judge a people by the way they treat their prisoners.  Well, you be the judge.

For Scission's Prison Friday, I leave you with the following from ColorLines and from The Atlantic.

The Shocking Details of a Mississippi School-to-Prison Pipeline

Photo: istockphoto

Cedrico Green can’t exactly remember how many times he went back and forth to juvenile. When asked to venture a guess he says, “Maybe 30.” He was put on probation by a youth court judge for getting into a fight when he was in eighth grade. Thereafter, any of Green’s school-based infractions, from being a few minutes late for class to breaking the school dress code by wearing the wrong color socks, counted as violations of his probation and led to his immediate suspension and incarceration in the local juvenile detention center.

But Green wasn’t alone. A bracing Department of Justice lawsuit filed last month against Meridian, Miss., where Green lives and is set to graduate from high school this coming year, argues that the city’s juvenile justice system has operated a school to prison pipeline that shoves students out of school and into the criminal justice system, and violates young people’s due process rights along the way.

In Meridian, when schools want to discipline children, they do much more than just send them to the principal’s office. They call the police, who show up to arrest children who are as young as 10 years old. Arrests, the Department of Justice says, happen automatically, regardless of whether the police officer knows exactly what kind of offense the child has committed or whether that offense is even worthy of an arrest. The police department’s policy is to arrest all children referred to the agency.

Once those children are in the juvenile justice system, they are denied basic constitutional rights. They are handcuffed and incarcerated for days without any hearing and subsequently warehoused without understanding their alleged probation violations.

“[D]efendants engage in a pattern or practice of unlawful conduct through which they routinely and systematically arrest and incarcerate children, including for minor school rule infractions, without even the most basic procedural safeguards, and in violation of these children’s constitutional rights,” the DOJ’s 37-page complaint reads. Meridian’s years of systemic abuse punish youth “so arbitrarily and severely as to shock the conscience,” the complaint reads.

The federal lawsuit casts a wide net in indicting the systems that worked to deny Meridian children their constitutional rights. It names as defendants the state of Mississippi; the city of Meridian; Lauderdale County, which runs the Lauderdale County Youth Court; and the local Defendant Youth Court Judges Frank Coleman and Veldore Young for violating Meridian students’ rights up and down the chain.

The DOJ’s complaint also charges that in the course of its eight-month investigation the city blocked the inquiry by refusing to hand over youth court records. Attorneys for city officials deny that claim, and say they are bound by law to protect the confidentiality of youth who’ve been through the system and so cannot share their records with the federal government.

‘Judge, Jury and Executioner’

The DOJ’s lawsuit, despite its bombshell revelations for the rest of the country, has been a long time coming. Groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center and the NAACP have been concerned about Meridian for years.

The SPLC’s inquiry into Meridian began in 2008, when attorneys started hearing reports of “horrific abuse” of youth housed in juvenile detention centers, said Jody Owens, managing attorney of the SPLC’s juvenile justice initiative in Mississippi. Advocates learned that 67 percent of youth in detention centers arrived there from the Meridian school system, Owens said. In between school and detention, students were denied access to counsel and due process, and many were never made aware of what they were even being arrested for. “The administrators were the judge, jury and executioner,” Owens said.

This practice has also appeared to target black students. Meridian, a city of 40,000 people, is 61 percent African-American. But over a five-year period, Owens said, “There was never once a white kid that was expelled or suspended for the same offense that kids of color were suspended for.”

Among the infractions that landed Green, who is black, in juvenile detention were talking back to a teacher, wearing long socks and coming to school without wearing a belt. He was behind bars for stretches of time as long as two weeks, and the real rub, his mother Gloria said, is that weekends didn’t count as days served. A 10-day suspension stretched to 14 actual days; time for Meridian juvenile justice officials apparently stopped on weekends. All that back and forth out of school and in juvenile took a real toll on Green’s education, and he was held back from the eighth grade.

“It was mind-boggling,” Gloria Green said. “My son loved school and to be kicked out as much as he was, one year he just couldn’t catch up.”

“We did everything we know to do. I went over to the school and got make-up work, and he still failed two subjects and at that point I didn’t know which way what my child was going to go.”

“We talk about the school to prison pipeline and it’s often an abstract thing,” said Shakti Belway, an attorney who worked closely with families on the Meridian case for the Southern Poverty Law Center. “But here it is literally happening over ridiculous, minor charges.” Indeed, children as young as elementary school students have been taken directly from school and forced to serve school suspensions inside a jail cell. In its complaint, the DOJ charged the city’s police department with operating a de facto “taxi service” shuttling students away from school and into youth jails.

Studying While Black

But Meridian doesn’t have a monopoly on this kind of injustice. Every which way a person can look—from elementary to high school, at a national level and on down to the most local—black students are far more likely to be punished and to be punished more harshly than all other students.

A 2010 study by Russell Skiba, a professor of education policy at Indiana University, looked at four decades of data from 9,000 of the nation’s 16,000 middle schools. It found that black boys were three times as likely to be suspended as white boys and that black girls were four times as likely to be suspended as white girls. It is a serious, endemic issue.

The federal government’s case raises troubling questions about the racial disproportionality that school discipline policies produce broadly. Zero tolerance policies, which crack down on school-based infractions with automatic, harsh punishments, are the mandatory-mimimums of the school discipline world. But whatever their merits and drawbacks, said Skiba, they shouldn’t generate racially disparate outcomes. “I think what this suit says is: Whatever you do in a school district, why would it be that there would be racial and ethnic disparities? If we’re going to choose suspensions and expulsions and police presence, why are students of color overrepresented in that?”

Research shows that if the intent behind zero-tolerance policies is to discourage misbehavior and foster good learning environments, they don’t do the job. A sweeping 2006 study (PDF) conducted by the American Psychological Association found that zero-tolerance policies don’t actually make schools safer, and in fact can work to push students away from school. If, however, the intent is to push students of color out of school, away from their educational futures and into the criminal justice system, there is also a body of evidence that suggests that zero-tolerance policies are rather effective instruments.

For Gloria Green, the lawsuit is the answer to prayers she repeated over and over when her son was going back and forth to jail. “It was degrading to me because I was like, ‘My son is not a criminal. Why is he behind bars?’ “

“I would always say, ‘Dang, I wish there was somebody that could help me,’ because I didn’t know what I could do and I was afraid that if I went to his school and stood my ground it’d make things hard for my child.” She’s fully supportive of legal action now, but not just because she wants belated justice for Cedrico. “I’m excited because I have a 13-year-old coming up in the Meridian Public Schools as well.”

Women's Health in Juvenile Detention: How a System Designed for Boys Is Failing Girls

By Jenny Gold
Sexual assault, pregnancy, and other unique needs are often overlooked by a cursory and underfunded system. Poor physical health also increases girls' risk of recidivism.
The first twelve years of Jessica's life have not been easy.
She sits at a plastic table in the girls unit of The Bernalillo County Juvenile Detention and Youth Services Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with eight other girls, crammed onto benches nailed to the metal table frame. The girls are in the middle of activity period, answering a questionnaire on female relationships intended to help them bond with one another.
The room is surrounded on three sides by dormitory cells -- locked cinderblock rooms, each with a single window and a low cement bunk.
The other girls chatter away about the drama between girls in high school, but Jessica keeps mostly to herself, chiming in at one point to tell them, "I'm not even in high school yet."
bernalillo 300.jpgGirls at the Bernalillo County Juvenile Detention and Youth Services Center line up for their gym class. [Jenny Gold/KHN]

With a broad face and a stocky build, Jessica is large for 12-year-old, the extra padding of early childhood visible even under the detention center's uniform of a baggy blue t-shirt and sweatpants. Her hands are red and chapped from the facility's allotted soap, dispensed from industrial-sized plastic jugs in the group shower. Her head is shaved down to a light brown fuzz; if she weren't sitting in the girls' unit, she might easily be mistaken for a boy.
Jessica (who asked us not to use her last name) has been here for about a month, booked on battery charges.
Like many of the 641,000 girls aged 11-17 who enter the juvenile justice system each year, Jessica has been the victim of sexual assault.
Incarcerated girls like Jessica are "one of the most vulnerable and unfortunately invisible populations in the country," and up to 90 percent have experienced physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, according to Catherine Pierce, a senior advisor at the federal government's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
The health statistics are particularly grim: 41 percent of girls in detention have signs of vaginal injury consistent with sexual assault, up to a third have been or are currently pregnant, eight percent have had positive skin tests for tuberculosis and 30 percent need glasses but do not have them, according to research from the National Girls Health and Justice Institute.
For many incarcerated girls, detention may be the only time they interact with the health care system. But the health care provided to children, and girls in particular, in juvenile detention is often ill-equipped to deal with their complex health needs.
A 2004 study in the journal Pediatrics found that fewer than half of facilities surveyed were compliant with recommended health screening and assessments, and few met even minimum levels of care.
"I don't think detention facilities really understand enough about [girls'] history of victimization," says Pierce. "We have a lot of work to do."
Over the past decade, Leslie Acoca, who founded and directs the National Girls Health and Justice Institute, has visited dozens of juvenile detention centers across the country, researching the health care given to girls in the facilities. Her work has yielded a surprising finding: poor physical health seems to increase girls' risk of recidivism. In other words, girls who have health problems are more likely to reoffend and end up back in the criminal justice system.
acoca 300.jpgLeslie Acoca, who founded and directs the National Girls Health and Justice Institute, gives a Girls Health Screen to Reylene. [Jenny Gold/KHN]

Acoca is a psychologist who became interested in the treatment of girls in detention while serving as an expert witness in a California courtroom 12 years ago. As Acoca explains it, a young woman hobbled into the courtroom eight months pregnant and fully shackled at her feet, wrists and belly. Acoca stood up and asked the judge why the girl was bound in that way, to which the judge replied that the young woman was a flight risk.
"Have you ever been pregnant?" Acoca asked the male judge; she was promptly escorted out of the courtroom.
Since then, Acoca has been on a one-woman crusade to improve the conditions for girls in detention. Girls are the fastest growing sector of the juvenile justice population, yet the screening and treatment tools, for the most part, were designed for boys. Acoca worries that girls' unique physical and mental health issues are therefore "not being picked up early or accurately enough," even by the most experienced nurses.
The standard health question at the Bernalillo center about sexual abuse, for instance, is whether a girl has been raped in the past five days. A "yes" to that question could trigger an investigation, but it would do little to identify a history of sexual abuse that occurred earlier and may be a factor in a girls' mental health issues.
When Jessica first entered the facility, brought in by police in handcuffs, she was given basically the same treatment as if she were a boy.
First, she was given a full pat-down to check for contraband, like drugs or weapons. After showering and putting on her uniform, Jessica was given a brief health screening to ensure that she didn't need emergency medical services before being booked. The screen lasts about 15 minutes and is given by the facility's staff nurse in a small room attached to the intake area.
girls health screen 300.pngAcoca's Girls Health Screen app, given on an iPad.

The door remains open for security purposes, with guards and new residents passing by. Without privacy, Acoca says, girls are unlikely to reveal important health information, especially when they have previously been victimized.
Jessica was weighed, measured, vital signs taken, and the nurse briefly evaluated her physical and mental state, noting her judgment, affect, speech and mood. Next, she was asked a series of about 35 questions from the facility's medical intake form, including a list of her current medications, whether she had taken alcohol or drugs in the last 24 hours, was feeling suicidal or if she had a history of self-destructive behavior.
There are a handful of questions given only to females: Are you pregnant? If so, have you started prenatal care? What form of birth control do you use?
The Albuquerque facility is among the 15 to 17 percent of the country's 3,500 juvenile justice detention centers that test all girls for pregnancy on admission, according to the 2004 Juvenile Facilities Census. Almost one quarter of facilities do not offer access to obstetric services.
"There are many stories about girls whose pregnancies aren't identified, who then have miscarriages on the unit," Acoca says. "Every teen pregnancy must be considered high risk." A study published in the Western Journal of Medicine in 1995 found that 60 percent of facilities reported at least one obstetric complication.
In some facilities, Acoca says girls are asked questions about sexual assault in front of male residents. "These are girls with a history or rape and assault and their boundaries might not be well established," she explains. In many facilities, she adds, the staff nurses are trained to deal with adult men, not young girls.
The screening process is a missed opportunity, argues Acoca. "Detention may be the only chance [these girls] get to see a doctor, physician's assistant or a nurse who asks them questions about their health," making it an ideal time to provide needed services. It's also a chance to create a health record for the girls that can travel with them outside of the facility, and to link them with clinics and providers in the community when they leave.
study in the Journal of Adolescent Health in 1998 found that only half of all youth in detention had received medical care in the previous year, and one-third could identify a regular source of care. Fewer than half of families showed interest in the health care deemed important for their children by facility staff.
Acoca believes she has created a tool that will vastly improve the situation--a validated health questionnaire specifically for girls that would replace the current intake procedure in detention centers. The Girls Health Screen consists of 132 questions that would be asked of all girls upon arrival in a detention facility. The screen can be given by a nurse or the girls can fill it out on their own on a computer.
And the Bernalillo County Juvenile Detention and Youth Services Center, one of the better facilities in the country and a model site for the Annie E. Casey Foundation's Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative, agreed to a pilot test of the Acoca's health screen. The county also been a pioneer in accommodating the growing number of girls in the criminal justice system. It's home to one of just two girls-only courts in the country, and it also runs a girls-only probation unit.
Of the 30 girls at the facility who took the Girls Health Screen in the pilot, 12 were identified as needing immediate medical care; 23 were identified as needing medical care within 24 hours. All of them had previously been through the center's standard health screening procedure.
Jessica, for example, had already been in detention for a month when she was given the GHS, and yet her responses were troubling. She admitted feeling hopeless about her life, a response that would trigger an immediate intervention because it is considered an indication of depression and a risk factor for suicide. She had not yet told anyone in the facility about those feelings, she said. Jessica also admitted to regularly using drugs and alcohol and said she had severe cramping during her menstrual period, which she had not yet told the nurse.
Another resident, Reylene, who was 17 at the time, described during the GHS that her whole left breast was red and scarred with recent burns, an injury had occurred when she was passed out at a party. Reylene, who was in detention on charges of larceny and breaking and entering, said she had lied to the nurse during her standard intake about those injuries.
The girls in detention are hesitant to trust people, she explained. "We've been through a lot and we don't want to put nothing on blast. We just want to keep it to ourselves," Reylene said. "Sometimes it feels hard to say things to people you don't know," but it's easier to write it down, she added.
Since the average length of stay in the Albuquerque facility is only 15 days, and many kids become repeat offenders, it's important that their health records be able to be accessed within the facility, by community providers, and by the girls themselves. "Girls empower themselves with information," Acoca says.
The nurses and case workers at the facility, however, are less than enthusiastic about the screen. Nurse Veronica Crespin, says she doesn't believe the facility is missing urgent needs under their current system. The medical needs that Acoca identified as urgent, Crespin argued, likely had already been noted in the standard screening procedure. Reylene's burns had been observed, for instance, even though Reylene was evasive about how she got them.
In addition, Acoca's screen takes at least twice as long, she said, and the facility staff is already stretched thin. "Most of the time it's one nurse per shift and there are multiple intakes. It's constant and something is always going on," she says.
The real problem, Crespin says, is not what goes on inside the facility, where girls have access to medical care and are essentially a captive audience for providers and health educators, but rather what happens one they leave and return to the community. While many of the girls qualify for Medicaid or other forms of insurance, they simply do not seek medical care.
"I'm not sure if it's transportation or non-compliance," Crespin says. "Often they're released with their meds," and then return with the same pack, never having taken them. "We do go over the meds with the family when they're discharged, but sometimes they don't comply," she says.
Roberta Muro, who runs the girls' probation unit, also blames the gap in communication between detention and probation officers, who are in charge of the girls once they leave. "We don't have the mechanisms in place to get permission" for detention to share sensitive health information with the probation team, she explains. And because the detention center is run by the county, while the probation unit is run by the state, getting through the bureaucracy can be difficult.
Without that information, Muro says, probation officers often don't know what to follow up on, or whether the girls need help finding health care in the community. "Maybe she's not going to school because she has issues we don't know about. Maybe detention sent her home with antibiotics, but she can't afford it and no one follows up," Muro explains. "The more we know, the more we can help."
The girls often have insurance but need help using it, she adds. If they have a sore throat, for example, they may not have a primary care provider to visit; instead they may go to an ER "and then get fed up and leave." She says probation officers could help them access care at clinics instead, saving the health care system money in the process.
In most counties and states, the minute a child on Medicaid enters detention, their insurance coverage is suddenly cut off. The costs of any medical services during detention therefore fall entirely to the states. Acoca worries that this creates a disincentive for many facilities to identify health needs. New Mexico, however, has a law that allows kids to keep their Medicaid coverage for the first 60 days in detention. That means the federal government picks up a share of the health costs, since Medicaid is a joint state and federal program.
Muro hopes the Girls Health Screen would help close the gap between detention and probation. While Albuquerque doesn't have an electronic records system (the pilot was a paper version), if both could access an electronic version of a girl's answers, she says, the probation unit can follow up seamlessly, making sure a girl continues her birth control, for example, or completes her course of antibiotics.
"As we put the blocks together, they can start caring about themselves and feeling better," she says. "It's a chicken and egg thing--do you treat the trauma, the drug abuse, the medical issues? A lot of people don't understand-- you have to treat it all at once."
Albuquerque has not shied away from the challenge as Muro frames it. Judge John Romero, presiding judge of Bernalillo County's children's court, has been instrumental in making Albuquerque a gender-specific correctional system. Girls, he explains, tend to be among the least popular populations to work with in detention, considered more sensitive, dramatic and difficult than their male counterpoints. Romero recalls a seminar he once attended for youth correctional officers that was irreverently called "I'll Take Ten of Your Boys if You Take One of My Girls."
"The prevailing notion was that girls are more difficult than boys," he explains. "Well, yes they're more difficult if you don't try to meet them where they are, if you don't focus on relationship-building initially rather than 'how do we fix the problem,' and if you don't develop trust between the girls and those that are in the trenches working with them."
Girls tend to enter detention at earlier ages than boys and be held for less serious violations, such as violating probation or running away, rather than more serious violent offenses. Yet, on average, girls stay in detention longer than boys.
Romero says that's in part because of "the male inclination to put a fence or hedge around a dainty little girl." If a judge sees a young girl participating in behaviors, such as sex or drugs, where someone could take advantage of her, he may be inclined to put her in detention for safety.
When he adjudicated girls' cases, he began asking himself "If she were a boy, would I hold her?" The reality, he explains, is that girls are not always safer in detention, where there may also be predators.
Romero also noticed that there were fewer rehabilitation and community programs for girls than boys that serve as alternatives to detention, such as group homes and drug treatment programs. Albuquerque had a non-punitive court for boys, for example, which offered support for them to avoid detention, but there was no equivalent program for girls. Seven years ago, Romero started one himself.
Bernalillo's willingness to try Acoca's screen is another sign of its intention to try to handle girls in detention differently than boys.
For the girls who take the screen, Acoca hopes it will do more than just improve their access to healthcare; she hopes it will also bolster their self-esteem.
And she seems to be having some success. Amanda, 16, and in detention for failing to appear in court, also took the GHS at the Albuquerque facility. In a sweet and shy voice, she explained that while at first the questions seemed "pretty weird, like taking a quiz out of nowheres," it made sense as she thought about it. "You guys want to know about girls' health. And it felt like I was just a little bit important to put a dent in something big. Like it could change how you look at girls."
Acoca hopes to implement the Girls Health Screen in Albuquerque on a permanent basis. Meanwhile, Los Angeles County in California has begun using the screen as part of a collaboration including the County Department of Health Services, the Department of Probation, the L.A. Department of Mental Health and the courts. Phase one of the implementation began this summer in the all-girls Camp Scutter. Six other counties in California are also considering whether to adopt it.

Kaiser Health News is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan health policy research and communication organization not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente. This story was produced in collaboration with NPR.



Okay, so this may not belong on Theoretical Weekends, but since it is my blog I can do pretty much whatever I want.  Anyway, where else could I put this.  Read on...

The following is from Institute for Anarchist Studies.  

The Panthers, the Black Liberation Army and the Struggle to Free all Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War

 by Ashanti Omowali Alston

I want to get started off in a way that helps me get rid of the butterflies, and helps get us stirred as well. You know we always say, “Power to the People.” And usually the response back is, “All Power to the People.” If you don’t mind indulging me: “Power to the People!” (audience response) “All Power to the People!”
Second thing, to just take us back, again. There’s a little chant that goes along with a little march, that we used to do. I need your participation with it, if I may. It’s gonna go something like this: I’m gonna say, “Hold Your Head Up High, Panther’s Marching By. We Don’t Take No Jive.” When I say, “Sound Off,” you say, “Free the People!” Then at a certain point I’m gonna say, “Break it on down.” And you’re gonna say, “Free the People, Free the People, Free the People,” and then one loud one, “Free the People!” We got it? “Hold Your Head Up High, Panther’s Marching By. We Don’t Take No Jive, Got a Loaded .45. Sound Off!” (audience) “Free the People!” “Sound off!” “Free the People!” Right on!
Now imagine, in certain cities and certain towns where there were chapters, there were rank and file Panthers marching down the street. And here we are with this chant. It is performance, but it’s performance that’s really important. We are trying to show people that we are a disciplined force that is ready to act. We are trying to show people that there is a new role for us to play. And here we are: we’re the Black Panther Party. And it’s not only about the .45, but not without it.
It was the organizing, it was the educating, it was being available to help people to figure out ways to resist that made the Black Panther Party what it became. You know, we did the best we could. I was young: Plainfield, New Jersey, small town. But hey, Plainfield had the same problems as every other town that had Black folks in ‘em. We was treated bad. We stepped forward like so many other young folks—teenagers—in high school.
You gotta imagine what our parents thought. I didn’t come up to them one day and say, “Mom and Pops, I’m joining the Black Panther Party.” They just kind of noticed that I was hanging out with some different people, you know? And now I’m not sitting in front of the television anymore, watching the comedies, or whatever. I’m sitting up here reading Malcolm X’s autobiography and Malcolm X Speaks, to the point where my father would actually get angry at me. Why is my head always stuck in this book? And sometimes he’d say, “Get out of the living room.” And I’d be like, “OK, I guess I’ll go outside and find my crew.”
But it was where my head was at because I was a product of the ‘60s. A product that was, in every sense of the word, magical for so many of us. And when I tell people about the ‘60s, the thing I want them to get, as far as the Black community is concerned, is that we came alive as no other generation in this country since we were kidnapped and brought here 400 years before. We had been brainwashed, whipped, beat down, denied; everything that had trained us to not think of any possibility that things could be different than what white supremacy had laid down for us. But now here’s the ‘60s and the ‘60s is telling us, “You can be everything.” But specifically, “Black is Beautiful! Africa is our roots. And be proud of it.”
We had just came from a generation, and all them generations that just accepted that niggers ain’t shit. Niggers will never organize, will never get it together. You’ll never do it. Now all of a sudden, there’s something capturing us, there’s something in the air. They’re saying Black Power, that’s tying us into struggles not only in Africa, but in Asia, Latin America, and right here within the United States because the Civil Rights movement was in its upswing. The Native American struggles were coming up, the Puerto Rican struggles, the Chicano struggles, the anti-war movement, the women’s movement: it was in the air.
So why not little thirteen-, fourteen-, fifteen-year-old Ashanti (known as Michael at the time), you know? Why not get involved? Just like any other, I want to know what I can do. And I don’t think I was any different from a Palestinian teenager, who is answering those questions right now, in occupied Palestine. I saw what the Civil Rights movement was doing, and respected it. But when I seen those Panthers, and when my best friend Jihad saw those Panthers; their magazine had a particular cover that had Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale on the cover: black berets, black leather jackets, powder blue shirt, all down to the combat boots and weapons—one on the side and one in the hand—we knew right then and there we wanted to find out about them. And then to find out that they organized survival programs, and they had liberation schools, where they were actually teaching Black people how to defend themselves cause they said it was our right. Going contrary to all the things we were seeing on television where the white reaction in the south was brutalizing Black people down there; killing folks, not only Black folks, but even white activists who was coming down there to help, in solidarity. Disappearing them. And then maybe finding them years later, and I’m sure there’s a lot of other bodies that are still in swamps somewhere.
You know, but still, we’re coming in. Seeing all this didn’t frighten us or discourage us, it made us want to step up more. So now we are learning; Panthers from New York and Newark, different places, are coming to Plainfield to show us what it means to be a Panther. And the first thing we was hoping to get, or get close to, was the guns! But just like the other comrades, they shared the stories that the things we get is not the physical guns, but we get the books, which was the guns that we were first given; placed in our hands, we’re gonna read! Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth, Mao Tse-Tung’s Quotations, everybody had a Red Book, W.E.B. DuBois, Robert Williams' Negroes With Guns: We are reading! And many, like me, didn’t like to read at all because of what school has done to us. I didn’t like to read. But you inspired now. There’s something in you that’s different now, and you want to know. I want to know everything about Africa; I want to know everything about DuBois; I want to know all this stuff. So yeah, I’m reading now.
We got study groups: here is Black folks sitting together, in study circles, helping each other learn. Here we are now learning how to go out in the community and help tenants figure out ways to resist all the stuff that landlords do. Here we are now trying to show people how to fight back against these racist, killer police. Heavy duty. And I’m telling you when we first stepped out in our community, people did not trust us. Because like me, and others, we were called lumpen, and a lot of us were. A lot of us were into a little hustle, maybe gangs, but nothing like the gangs now. But me, I was on the border between wanting to be a burglar and a revolutionary. And actually, later on, kind of combined both of them.
But the Panthers showed us that revolution involved engaging your community and organizing them. Helping to give them a sense of hope, that we could change our circumstances. And to know that we were doing it in concert with all these other communities and movements was heavy.
I did not like white folks. I was a stone nationalist. Didn’t want to work with ‘em. And it was the Panthers that helped to kinda broaden my perspective on that, you know, you can’t be hating all men ‘cause they’re white. You know, you might not want to deal with them because of what they do, but if you got a white revolutionary that’s here to support you and to be your ally, you can embrace him or her. And even moving into that grudgingly, I learned to relax and accept white folks. Plainfield did not encourage that because it’s a very racist place. But we’re seeing a very different kind of revolution, especially for a revolutionary nationalist group. It was heavy.
Gradually, the community started to support us. The back and forth between our desire to break a certain hypnosis, and a certain psychosis, around being a victim in society to learning that you can be free individuals, and actually start to love each other, was powerful. But the government—of course, this is not a loving society, it’s a very death-oriented society, a very hateful society—don’t stand for that. No group that has been kept systematically on the bottom of the society is going to be allowed to come from the bottom of that society. You ain’t disturbing nothin.’ The history of this country says so. We understood: 500-Year War. This is 500 years of continuation. No break. From when the Europeans first came here and did what they did: Christopher Columbus and all of them. We understood that it’s a liberation war. No different from the DuBois, no different from the Indigenous Nations fightin’ for sovereignty. No different than the Vietnamese fighting to get the United States out of their country. We said, “The United States out of the Ghettos!” That may have been where they confined us. But then we began to look at the ghettos as, “You got us here, now it’s ours! You get out.” And we’re gonna take over the institutions, the voice of Malcolm X. Take ‘em over. We became revolutionaries, but we understood we are up against a monster that will kill us without a blink of an eye.
Huey P. Newton had already been in jail. They were trying to frame him for the cop that got killed. Bobby Seale was being framed for murder, him and Erika Huggins, in New Haven, Connecticut. Fred Hampton had got killed, and Mark Clark, in 1969. We understood, but it didn’t stop us. As we read, we organized. As we read, we fought. That’s praxis. That’s putting it right into practice. We are developing as we go. We don’t have to wait to have no developed ideology, don’t have to wait to have all the answers; we figure it out as we go. Because our situation is that bad. We don’t have the luxury of sitting back and doing all sorts of fanciful ideological positions: we’ll figure it out as we go. But we took hits.
My first hit, and Jihad’s first hit, was when a cop got killed in my hometown. So what do they do? They get the two main organizers, and they blame it on them, me and Jihad; seventeen years old, seniors in high school. They know we didn’t do it. They know that. They know Mumia didn’t kill a cop. They know that. It’s not a question of innocent or guilty. They know what they’re doing: break the potential of this becoming a solid movement in Plainfield, New Jersey. Get Michael and David off the streets. Fourteen months; the last four months was the trial. If it wasn’t for the fact that we had good lawyers, no telling. I never say that we would have been on Death Row, or we would have been in prison for life. My thing is we would have found a way to get out of there. Because even during that fourteen months, we was on a hack saw blade, cutting this window, trying to get out even before the jury got the case. Seventeen! Because we understood, we are warriors, at war. No if, ands, and buts. White jury came back with a “not guilty” verdict. Lawyers were able to show, classic frame up. We’re out. We’re back in the ranks. New York and New Jersey chapters are under heavy attack: FBI forces, local police departments, they’re losing numbers, the government, the media, police forces were very successful at isolating us from our communities. They were very successful: calling us thugs, murderers, or just by terrorizing people we were dealing with.
I was back and forth between the New York and the Plainfield chapter. The free breakfast program in New York had always been very successful, in Harlem. The Harlem chapter program—every day, feeding the children. One day, some of the children get sick. And all of a sudden some of the parents start pulling their children out. We find out years later through the COINTELPRO papers that the police poisoned the fruit. So that’s why they pulled the children out. It’s no big deal what they’re going to go through because they are that cold blooded. They’re not going to let anybody come in and mess this thing up. Gotta kill you, kill you. Gotta discourage people from coming to you, gotta discourage them. Right? But they were good. We get isolated, then one day, they have charges against us and they pick us up, people not quick to come to our support. They had Panthers who were part of the Black Liberation Army, who were locked up in the Manhattan House of Detention. They are political prisoners. They’re being charged with an ambush in New York and an ambush out in San Francisco. It’s actually the San Francisco Eight case. Here I am, nineteen years old. And I’m approached by one of the members of the Panther Party, who asks me, would I become a member of a cell, the Black Liberation Army.
My partner at the time was pregnant. I have to think now, what am I going to do? I want to be around for this child. Daddy. I don’t know nothing about being a daddy for real at nineteen. But just the idea, you know? But also, I want to win this revolution. So my decision is, goin’ under. Maybe I won’t be around for the victory, cause we still thought it was right around the corner. But maybe the child will come into a free world.
Alright, so here I am, I come back to the Sister and I'm like, “You got me, and you got one of my comrades, who’s a year younger than me. We are here. We were waiting. It is an honor to join the ranks of the Black Liberation Army.” I’m proud of it to this day, and actually my children are too, and I’m happy about that. But the thing is we went to get these political prisoners out of the Manhattan House of Detention.
I’m bringing this up for a reason. To be free, you have to be a little crazy. Harriet Tubman back and forth, how many times? She’s gotta be a little crazy. Nat Turner: little crazy. All those movements that gotta face the viciousness of white supremacy, you gotta be a little crazy. You ain’t gonna be free otherwise, by doing things so careful, and so convenient. You know, you wanna be free, it’s the same thing if you want to learn something, you gotta be a little daring with the material you pick up and read. 'Cause it may change your whole life.
So here we are. Manhattan House of Detention is just concrete, steel, buildings. The Manhattan area, the Federal Building is down there, immigration, police, all around. But here’s the Black Liberation Army. We are no different from them Vietnamese guerrillas, up against the United States. American imperialism is a paper tiger. We read Frantz Fanon. And we learned from Frantz Fanon that if you can look your enemy in the eye, that fear will drop. Break the fear, and you’ll see that they’re not invincible. It’s our fear of them that keeps them in power. So here we go. They’re on trial every day. We’re allowed to bring ‘em food. Take the food to the jail, we give the bag to the police, he goes through it, gives it to the prisoners. But on one particular day, when we put that bag on the table, we don’t let the police go through the bag. We open it up, and we pull out the guns. We take them guards, we put them in the bathroom. And I always verify to say this, we handcuff them to the toilets. Because that’s the job that they do. Their attitude, I say this because of their attitude, to be free—attitude is very important. You gotta believe it. You cannot have fear of these people.
So here they go, we’re off to the second floor, to the visiting room; a solid wall of steel, windows, telephones. No contact. Got the bag with us. Next thing that comes out of the bag is an acetylene torch, and I proceed to cut. I wasn’t supposed to be the one to cut, it was supposed to be someone else who was a professional, who couldn’t make it at the time. Somebody had to do it. I gave myself a crash course, I did the best I could. I’m cutting. The prisoners on the other side have taken care of the guards. The visitors on the other side are just regular people, they watchin’ me, but this is New York, ain’t nobody, you know, I’m cutting. But if I was experienced, I could’a been zip, zip, zip, push it out, you all come on. And I’m sure some of them other prisoners would have come out too. But it took me a long time, to the point where I had two inches to go, and the tank ran out. And that’s the thing that really cuts into the metal when you got that flame on it. So then I got to look at the political prisoners, and I got to look at my comrades, you know, and you got to make a decision, we gotta go! We gotta go. It was hard for me for two reasons. One, we’re not getting ‘em out. Two, two of the women in our cell, it was their partners behind that wall too. And their families was waiting, we had them, somewhere else. And we was all gonna hook up after we got everybody out. So quickly, we gotta go. You turn to your comrades, “Power to the People. We out.” They understood. We’re gone.
Next thing you know, my family jokes about it to this day, usually when I disappear, they just gotta turn on the news, you know. So they turn on the news, and here’s the thing about the Manhattan House of Detention: there’s their son’s picture. Alright, we know where Michael is. Or we know where he was. In the course of other things, bank expropriations, in New Haven, Connecticut. Now, I did not say robbery, ‘cause we’re revolutionaries; we don’t commit crime. But we will go after them banks' money, ‘cause that’s blood money. We will fund the revolution. We will hit drug dealers. We will hit banks. We will hit insurance companies. We will hit armored cars. We are at war! And that’s certainly what we did. But doing this bank expropriation in New Haven, Connecticut, Wild West shoot out, three of us are captured, I’m one of them. First day in court, we tell them, you have no right to even try us: we are soldiers of the Black Liberation Army. We ain’t in here for no justice. We’re soldiers. We ain’t askin’ for nothin.’ We know what the deal is gonna be. This is a firefight. They had guns, we had guns. We are prisoners of war, at this point. When they is tryin’ to frame us, we was political prisoners. With this, we’re prisoners of war. That type of action, and others; many of the political prisoners that Jericho represents: Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, Albert Nuh Washington, and a whole bunch of others out of the Black Liberation Army. And we represent folks from the Weather Underground, who placed bombs in a lot of places. We make no ifs, ands, and buts about it: we are at war. This is revolution; we want to bring this Empire, as George Jackson says, to its knees. No ifs and buts. But here we are.
We didn’t get a lot of support. The Left backed up from us. They called us “infantile Leftists.” They used every Marxist expression they could find. You know, the liberals, of course, are not going to touch us. But they terrified our communities. So they were scared. And it wasn’t but maybe the nationalist groups, or the really solid white supporters, who stuck with us. We didn’t make it out of them jails, but boy did we try. We tried. Got sentenced to 45 years. Here I am off to Wisconsin. Next thing, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. Next thing, Marion, Illinois. Then Lompac, California. Then I gotta come back to Connecticut. But they moved us around like that, they would not allow us to be anybody in the same place, together. At one point there were so many of us, we had collectives: Panthers, BLA, Weather Underground, Puerto Rican Independentistas: we’re fighting, we’re organizing inside. Trying to figure out ways to get out. These are many of the individuals who Jericho represent. 'Cause we come out of liberation movements here, that operate out of that 500-year war understanding that this system is not able to reform or do anything humane. Our freedom, and its death, go together. Fear. But we don’t get a lot of support.
To this day, we don’t get money; foundations don’t give us money. People in community don’t even know who we are. That’s the deal. Why? Because this system was very effective in not only putting down resistance, but giving people so many diversions that encourage them to forget about that. And many parents, neighbors, family, friends, communities, for the sake of survival, and not endangering their families and children, didn’t talk about it. Other communities, it’s part of what they do; you pass the stories on. Ours didn’t do it.
People don’t know about us today. I get out of prison, first time I get out is ‘85, I go to New Haven, Connecticut, I ask a high school student, “What do you know about the Black Panther Party?” He asks me, “Was it a martial arts group?” Eleven years! How did that happen? Because the system is good at reconquest. The ‘60s shook ‘em up. We shook ‘em up. Even for a minute. It was good. Even for a minute. But they got it together very quickly too. And they know what to do. You see what they do in Iraq, you know? Knock all that stuff down, put American ideology in there, from prostitution to all the other bullshit about this fake democracy.
But they did it in our communities, when they destroyed Panthers and other groups, they flooded our communities with drugs and guns. Culturally, just dealing with television and movies, blacksploitation movies. Turn on the television, you get comedy and athletes. Who are the spokespersons now? Integrationists, people that’s into Black capitalism; you don’t hear our voices no more, you don’t hear Angela Davis, you don’t hear Huey P. Newton, Eldridge Cleaver. You hear people who are trying to fit in. ‘Cause in this new neo-colonial situation, you gotta get those who are willing to be Uncle Toms, so that potential resistance is quelled, quickly, even before it starts.
So the end of the ‘80s, there’s nothing, going into the ‘90s. Nothing. And it wasn’t until the Panther movie comes out that people start to ask questions. And then begin to find out there’s still Panthers. Geronimo Pratt is still in (1). All these other people are still in from the Weather Underground. Then people start asking questions.
But then 9/11 happens. So then we get knocked back again. People don’t even want to ask about it. They don’t even want to bring up the topic, because of all the hyper-patriotism that’s going on. But our fighters, our revolutionaries, our organizers, our thinkers are still behind walls. And now some of them are dying. I went in with them. We was all there in the ‘70s, I mean we were in the same places together, we made a commitment to each other, like, “Ashanti, you got parole,” I’m like, “Yeah, OK man.”
You know, the thing is, I get out, I work for them, to help get them out. And even back then it was still, “We’ll get you out by any means necessary, whatever works.” You know, but things had changed. You just can’t be on the corners anymore and talk about revolution, and brother and sister would be like, “Yo, what you want me to do?” Then it’s like people are like, “Yo, what, you from that period? I thought all you was dead.” Different, but it hurts. Now you gotta figure out how to get that attention again.
And I’m telling you the truth, we haven’t figured that out. We still haven’t. Because the power of the dollar bill, the power of American cultural capitalism, is great: “Get Rich or Die Tryin’.” And they’re even trying to push the Black Republicans. They continue to bombard our communities, and they do this to other people of color communities, other poor communities, and people in general: keep them in sync, keep them in line, so their minds don’t go to revolution, rebellion, insurgency. Do it.
But we show the possibilities. Even when it seems like they got us, here comes something happening, here comes Seattle, then here comes the Zapatistas, and then all these other incidents where people from nowhere, seemingly…they uprise. And sometimes in very creative ways, and lots of different ways to organize. So I look at ‘em, and I’m like, “OK, I don’t have to be depressed. We can still do this. If one person fights back, we can do this. If one person still dreams, we can do this.”
But we gotta get to them political prisoners. It’s hard. When you gotta go visit them. You want to lie to them, and say, “Hey man, I think they got us.” But when you don’t have to, you can tell them, “Yeah man, I know we haven’t quite pulled it together yet, but people are fighting back. They’re fighting back.” And they say, “Well listen, just figure out ways that involve us.” Some of them can come to terms with dying inside, as long as they know that we’re carrying it on, out here, and have not forgotten them.
They know it’s tough, because what goes on in the prison is a microcosm of what goes on out here. It’s a microcosm. They just want us to remember them. They want to be free. They would love to be free. But we know on the outside, and they know too from the Panther days in the ‘60s, that power is really with the people. It’s with the people.
It’s one of the reasons why I increasingly became an anarchist. Because I want power to the people where it stays with the people. Everything is with the people. And not just you say that, and then after all is said and done, you got a small clique of people who are really calling the shots. I want to figure out how to make a Zapatista-style revolution here in the United States, that brings all of us into this picture how we are, not erasing who we are. But also respecting all of our ways of fighting back. But I know that ultimately to get them political prisoners out; from Earth Liberation Front, Animal Liberation Front, to the MOVE 9, to Marilyn Buck(2), David Gilbert, all the Panthers, and others in prison: it’s got to come from us! It’s got to come from us in a way that poses a political consequence to this system if they don’t free Mumia; if they don’t give medical attention to Seth Hayes. We got to be that fist that says, “If you don’t, other things may well happen.” Now that’s not necessarily nice. It’s just like when Rob Los Ricos spoke, and Jeff Luers—and I got to tell you, I’m very proud of you all, I’m very proud of you—but they bring up just how murderous this system is.
There’s a sense of urgency here, you know, and we can’t take it lightly. All of our lives are on the line, all of them. Indigenous Nations say, “Think of the next seven generations.” We gotta do that, and we also gotta think about those who’ve been in prison for the last thirty, forty years. ‘Cause if we get them, we are bringing not only them, but whose shoulders they stood on. So we’re bringing the ancestors, and the children who are yet to be born, into our scope, knowing that there’s nothing this system can do for us. Nothing. Not a solid thing. Unless we make them. And we're making them only until we can finally get ourselves in the position to, as we used to say in the ‘60s also, a blade in the throat of fascism. I hate to get graphic. But, when you feel the pain, that’s what you want. When Kent Ford tells me about his son, Patrice Lumumba, I feel the pain, you know, in him. Oh man, they snatched up another one of our children. Can’t theorize about it too much. You can’t just be on the, you want the correct political position. We gotta figure out how to get his son home. Guilty, innocent, don’t matter to me. Mumia, guilty or innocent, don’t matter to me. It matters what we do.
The best things that have been happening in terms of political prisoners is that groups that had really not been working together, maybe really saw no reason, have begun to work together: the liberation movements and the animal and the Earth movements. ‘Cause many of us in the liberation movements look at the animal movements in the way that the media projects you, that you’re all these young white kids, with these funny looks, and you’re huggin’ trees, and you’re throwing red paint on people with fur coats, and we’re like, “Why do we want to mess with them?” Until you are in situations where you may be able to talk. Which I was. Daniel McGowan, Andy Stepanian, and people around the SHAC, I’m from New York. And then I got to step back and say, “Oh, that’s what you’re about. Now I get it.” You go to one of the conferences and you see these documentaries on what they do to the animals, and you think, “Boy, Man is a motherfucker. A motherfucker.” The same ones that did this to us, Africans. And they enslaved the indigenous folks too: enslaved them, lynched them. Even the Italians, and the Irish, everybody almost had a taste of this lynching, being treated bad. But it’s when you see this, you gotta see how you can change this thing, get rid of it.
It’s that we gave it our best, in the ‘60s. Some of them have been in there, the same as your age right now. You can’t do it without having them in your plans. You gotta put them on your agenda. You got to. They are our Mandelas. And I said to one of them a couple of months ago, they’re “even better than Mandela.” At least Nelson Mandela. I go with Winnie. You know, in many ways, Nelson walked them into neo-liberalism. I’m telling you that our political prisoners still want a revolution. We gotta get ‘em.
So whatever your issues are: Earth, animals, and like the indigenous folks say, “I’m talking about the two-legged, the rock people, the wing people”; that’s how the indigenous folks talk, I love it. I love it because it’s picturesque. Deep down, we’re all very picturesque, and when we get Western, we get very clinical. We take the color out of life. When we think that way then we can decenter “Man” and begin to see ourselves as part of all these living systems again and begin to figure out how to change these oppressive dynamics that we’re a part of. I look at the New York City skyline and I’m like, “Man, I would love to see that thing go.” Industrialism, industrialization, we see what it has done.
Also, when the movements interact, we not only really learn about each other, for the first time, but we get to share visions. And sometimes, your vision gets enriched by the other people’s visions, ‘cause it’s things you didn’t think about. From the Feminist movement, you know, men, we’ve lead the movements for so long, but what happens when the women say, “Stop it, hold it, no more.” And then you have to enrich your vision 'cause you have historically left women out. And the first time I read queer theory, it shook me up when one of my best friends, who was queer, brought up to me that I made a very fucked up statement about queer people. So she gave me a book, Queer Theory; real quick: I’m on the subway, New York City—I love the subways, I do most of my reading on the subways. Yeah, I got the book Queer Theory. I’m sitting down, but I kinda hold the book down, I mean I still got my macho shit, right? So I don’t want people to see that I’ve got a book that says Queer Theory; they might think I’m queer. As I’m struggling with this, I am internally going through this process. Until I get like, “What the fuck am I doin’? Read the book! Like you normally read it.” And so in reading it, I’m also challenging myself in terms of my perspective, ‘cause queer theory is telling me something about identity, different lifestyles, and what historical forces have done, and what capitalism does, more than just exploit a class. It ruins people for all kinds of different reasons. So now my vision of the world changes more. It becomes more inclusive, a lot more lifestyles, than I had, maybe in the ‘60s.
And that’s always the challenge, when you meet these political prisoners and you start talking to them, they open your mind up to a reality that you probably didn’t know. And I’m not talking about the reality of the prisons, you probably learned about that if you ever go visit. But when they start telling you their stories about their people's struggles, then you have to begin to include that in who you are, if we’re going to make this revolution work. So like the Zapatistas say, “We can make a world with many worlds that exist,” but that starts with where we are right now, including folks who have historically been left out. From the voices of women to the bodies of prisoners, and especially political prisoners. So figure out ways to put them into what you do. Just today, I sat down and wrote Patrice Lumumba. I said yesterday I was gonna do it, and Paulette knows me writing letters to the political prisoners, I ain’t that good at it. But I just felt ya yesterday, and I’m like, “Oh my god, that could be my son.” You know, I got to write him a letter, 'cause sometimes, that’s all it calls for. And when it calls for something like just writing a letter, or the political prisoners say, “Call this number, ‘cause they’re treating me like this, I need a doctor.” That may be all they’re asking us to do, and we should be jumping on that like…ice cream. Vegan ice cream! I want you to feel, I am, I’m playful and I’m optimistic. I am that way because you stay optimistic, you do things that give me a reason to go on, 'cause it’s been rough. I will not let this Empire have the pleasure of having a victory over me.
So. Rob Los Ricos is out, Jeff Luers is out, Tre is out. All three of them, actually, I have seen for the first time. I knew all about ‘em, because others in their movements and us started collaborating. And I’m like, “Oh man, that’s who they are, that’s what they did, right on. Right on. Right on.” We can do this together.
We can figure out how we can do it together in ways that respect who we are, and in ways that enrich our vision, so that we can get the world—or worlds, many worlds exist—that we deserve! We deserve the best. We deserve it. Empire down. Down, down, down. And then, we can have a party where we’re dancing on it, you know what I’m saying? We can do that.
So let’s get ready, by doing it in ways that we really do enjoy each other, but we also know that we gotta be loving, we gotta be nurturing, we gotta be understanding, because it’s hard. Lot of wear and tear. And they’re going to hit us. But we’re going to develop to the point where we can hit them back.
And the last thing, there’s an anarchist saying that says, “It’s not so much about overthrowing the government, it’s really about us pulling out and creating our own world so that the government gets lost in the shuffle.” Because really it’s our energy, and I think Rob was saying that too, it’s our energy, that really keeps them going. Let’s stop giving it to them, let’s start giving it to each other. The ‘60s taught us that. Let’s do this people, we are together. We are the people. Right on. Power to the People! (audience response) “All Power to the People!”
This is a transcript of a talk given at the Law and Disorder conference, held in Portland, Oregon from April 14 – 16, 2010. Transcription by Paul Messersmith-Glavin.
1. Geronimo Pratt died on June 2, 2011
2. Marilyn Buck passed away on August 3, 2010.
Ashanti Omowali Alston help found a Black Panther Party chapter in Plainfield, NJ while still in high school. He later went on to join the Black Liberation Army. He did twelve years as a Prisoner of War, and became an anarchist while incarcerated. Sometimes referring to himself as the ‘Anarchist Panther,’ he occasionally publishes a ‘zine with that name. Ashanti is a former board member of the Institute for Anarchist Studies (IAS), is a part of the IAS’ Mutual Aid Speakers Bureau, and works with the National Jericho Movement to free all Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War. He’s also recently had a child, and is writing his memoirs.



On this date in 1859, my personal hero, and someone who I happen to believe was the greatest white person who ever lived was executed because he decided to put an end to slavery in the USA by any means necessary.  Some say his raid on Harpers Ferry was a failure.  I beg to differ.  I believe that raid led directly to the Civil War which ended with the emancipation of the slaves.  That is no failure.

John Brown Speech 
on the Conditions of Bleeding Kansas (1857)

I propose in order to make this meeting as useful; & interesting as I can:
to try; & give a correct idea of the condition of things in Kansas, as they were; while I was there; & as I suppose they still are; So far as the great question at issue is concerned & here let me remark that in Kansas the question is never raised of a man: Is he a Democrat? Is he a Republican? The questions there raised are Is he a Free State man? Or is he a proslavery man? The machinery of a territorial government not yet in motion. The proslavery settlers from the slave states, many of them turned to be the most determined Free State men; & fighting in all their Battles…

I saw while in Missouri in the Fall of 1855 large numbers on their way to Kansas to vote; & also returning after they had so done as they said.

I together with Four of my sons were called out to help defend Lawrence in the Fall of 1855 & traveled most of the way on foot; & during a dark night a distance of 35 miles: where we were detained with some 500 others or thereabouts from 5 to 15 days: Say an average of 10 days at a cost to each pr day of $1.50 as wages to say nothing of the actual loss & suffering it occasioned. Many of them leaving their families at home sick, their crops not secured, their houses unprepared for Winter & many of them without houses at all. This was the case with myself, & all my sons; who were unable to get any house built after our return…

I saw the ruins of many Free State mens houses, at different places in theTerritory; together with Stacks of grain wasted, & burning to the amount of say $50,000 Dollars. Making in lost time & destruction of property more than $150,000 Dollars. On or about the 30th May last two of my sons with several others were imprisoned without other crime than opposition to Bogus enactments; & most barbarously treated for a time. One being held about one month; the other about Four months. Both had their families in Kansas; & destitute of homes; being burned out after they were imprisoned. In their burning; all the Eight were sufferers; as we all had our effects at the Two houses. One of my sons had his oxen taken from him at this time & never recovered them. Here is the chain with which one of was confined after the cruelty, sufferings, & anxiety he underwent had rendered him a maniac. Yes a maniac.On the 2nd of June last my son in Law was terribly wounded; supposed to be mortally; & two other Free State men at BlackJack. On the 6th or 7th of June last one of my sons was wounded by accident in camp supposed to be mortally; & may prove a cripple for life. In Aug last I was present & saw the mangled & shockingly disfigured boddy of the murdered Hoyt of Deerfield, Mass: brought into our camp. I knew him well. I saw several other Free State men who were either killed or wounded whose names I cannot now remember…

In Sept last I visited a beautiful little Free State Town called Stanton on the North side of the Osage or Meridezene river as it is called: from which every inhabitant had fled (being in fear of their lives) after having built them at a heavy expense a strong Block House or wooden fort for their protection many of them had left their effects liable to be destroyed or carried off not being able to remove them.

This was a most gloomy scene; & like a visit to a vast sepulcre. During last Summer, & fall deserted Houses, & Cornfields were to be met with in almost every direction South of the Kansas river I saw the burning of Osawatomie by a body of some 400 Ruffians, & of Franklin afterwards by some 2700 men. The first named on Aug 30th; the last named Sept 14 or 15. Gov Geary had been for some time in the territory; & might have saved Franklin with perfect ease. It would not have cost the U S one Dollar to have saved Franklin. I with five sick, & wounde sons, & SoninLaw; were obliged for some time to lie on the ground without shelter, our Boots, & clothes worn out, destitute of money, & at times almost in a state of starvation; & dependent on the charities of the Christian Indian, & his Wife: whom I before named. I saw in Sept last a Mr. Parker who I well know; with his Head all bruised over, & his throat partly cut; having before been draged sick out of the house of Ottawa Jones the Indian (when it was burned;) & thrown for dead over the bank of the Ottawa Creek. I saw three mangled bodies of three young men, two of which were dead; & had lain on the open ground for about 18 Hours for the flies to work at: the other living with twenty Buck shot, & Bullet holes in him. One of those two dead was my own son. I know that many others whose names I cannot now remember suffered terrible hardships, exposures, privations & cruelties such as I have named…

It cost the U S more than half a million for a year past to harrass poor Free State settlers, in Kansas, & to violate all Law, & all right, moral, & Constitutional for the sole, & only purpose, of forcing Slavery uppon that Territory. I chalenge this whole nation to prove before God or mankind to the contrary. Who paid this money to enslave the settlers of Kansas; & worry them out? I say nothing in this estimate of the money wasted by Congress in the management of this horribly tyrannical, & Damnable affairs. 



I live in Kansas City, Missouri.  I presume all of you know what happened here this weekend.  A professional football player fired nine shots into a young women, Kassandra Perkins, his "girlfriend,"  killing her.  In the house at the time, was the football player's mother.  In the house was the three month old child of Kassandra Perkins and the professional football player.  The professional football player, a murderer, then drove to Arrowhead Stadium where his team, the Chiefs, play.  He met the team's GM in the parking lot, told him the police were on the way for him, and that he had killed someone.  The GM, Scott Pioli, tried to talk him out of killing himself.  The football player wanted to talk to his coach and an assistant coach.  Pioli called them, told them what was happening, and they both came out to try and talk the man back from suicide.  The football player went ahead and put a bullet in his brain in front of the men.

That's what happened.

Subtract the football element from the picture and you probably would have never heard of any of this.  Women are victims of violence from their supposed boyfriends, husbands, fathers, and the like all the time.  Women are killed by same all too often.  The killing or the murder suicide, as in this case, usually makes the local news one night and that is the last anyone hears of it.

Something is wrong here.

The NFL, that gargantuan paragon of business, said "what the hey," the game must go on...and it did.


The NFL which decided the game should go on has been anything but untouched by domestic violence and violence against women.  It isn't like they aren't aware of the "problem" in their business.  That they chose to play a football game, 24 hours after one of their personnel killed a young women by firing multiple shots into her young body, and splattered his own blood in the parking lot of his place of work is an obscenity.  However we shouldn't really be surprised by the NFL's decision to play on.  After all, the fact is, that despite a long history of such violence within their business, the NFL has chosen to do basically NOTHING about it historically, has done nothing to prevent the carnage.

Dr. Jen Gunter, at her blog,  reminds us:

Rae Carruth was a wide receiver for the Carolina Panthers when he arranged to have Cherica Adams, who was pregnant with his child, murdered. She initially survived the shooting, was delivered emergently, and her son is now 12-years-old and disabled with cerebral palsy. Ms. Adams later succumbed to the injuries she sustained.

Then there is Warren Moon, with numerous arrests for domestic violence.

And the Miami Dolphins’ Chad Johnson.

I could go on with a list of players arrested for domestic violence during their NFL career or after, but you get the point. I could also add college players, but this post has to have an end.

Earlier this year NFL commissioner Roger Goodell stated he was committed to addressing domestic violence, but changes have yet to be seen. The current system of fines and suspensions is as effective as closing the barn door after the horse has bolted and amounts to nothing worse than a slap on the wrist....

 The NFL is the ideal group to get behind domestic violence awareness, but the statement released by NFL spokesman Greg Aiello about the murder of Kassandra Perkins tells me their heads are still firmly in the sand: “Our thoughts and prayers are with the Chiefs and the families and friends of those who lost their lives in this terrible tragedy.”

Lives weren’t lost, a woman was murdered and the murderer killed himself. There’s a difference. But acknowledging that would mean the NFL actually to take a real stand on domestic violence, and they probably won’t unless it affects advertising revenue.

The truth is the way that the NFL treats violence against women is pretty much a mirror the way our entire society treats it.  It's a disgrace. 

I don't want to hear another person tell us what a great guy this football player always was and how out of character all this was.  Not only is whatever this man did with his life prior to Saturday morning of no importance to the woman he murdered,  the child he left an orphan,  and the others he traumatized, it is, also, of no importance to me.

I have read many good posts and blogs actually about this murder (and some very stupid ones as well).  The one I have chosen to post here is from the Edmonton Journal.

No excuse for violence against women

Stop glorifying murderers; NFL linebakcer Belcher wasn’t a victim in murder-suicide case


I woke up Saturday morning fully prepared to write an article about the Edmonton Eskimos’ search for a new general manager. I’d conducted my interviews, gathered my quotes and was ready to piece it all together.
However, two spoonfuls into my cereal, I opened my Twitter account and learned about the devastating tragedy in Kansas City.
NFL linebacker Javon Belcher murdered Kasandra Perkins, his 22-year-old girlfriend and mother of his three-month-old child, and then drove to the Chiefs’ training facility. He spoke with his head coach and general manager in the parking lot, and then shot himself in front of them. He is now a murderer and a coward.
It was a tragic event, but I found the immediate public reaction concerning.
The initial response focused all on Belcher, and sadly, some suggested that maybe he wasn’t fully responsible. Concussions from playing football must be the reason he killed Perkins, or he must have mental health issues, many tweeted.
Why are we so quick to want to take the blame away from the person who committed the crime and find an excuse for him?
It is an insult to those living with mental health issues to paint him with the same brush.
He had no history of mental health issues. He made an incredibly bad choice, and unfortunately, his family has to deal with the consequences.
I’ve read numerous stories about him and most of them painted him as this great success story who’d overcome the odds to play in the NFL.
I honestly don’t care what he did prior to Saturday, because none of that matters. What matters is that he killed his on-again, off-again girlfriend in cold blood.
I don’t need to hear that he was an exceptional student at university, or that he always tried to impress his mother. If he did, he failed miserably because he committed the most egregious, gutless and spineless act possible. He took someone else’s life.
A Sunday morning NFL countdown show talked about Belcher like he was the victim. It disgusted me.
There were an estimated 600 murder-suicides in the United States last year. They were not all related to concussions or mental health issues, but the majority of them were orchestrated by the hands of men.
Belcher killed the mother of his child and then took the easy way out and took his own life.
He wasn’t a “good guy,” he’s a murderer.
I don’t care what Perkins said or did to Belcher in the weeks, days and minutes leading up the moment he decided to take her life. She didn’t deserve to die, Perkins’ mother didn’t deserve to watch her die, and her daughter doesn’t deserve to grow up without a mother.
Violence against any human being is unacceptable and, frankly, despicable, but as a man, I take more offence to violence against women.
Men are not better than women, far from it, but we are physically stronger, and too many men use that strength advantage and abuse women.
Shockingly, adding a baby to a relationship increases the odds of domestic abuse.
“Pregnancy and a new baby create a high risk of femicide,” said Jan Reimer, the executive director of Alberta’s Council of Women’s Shelters.
“In fact, violence or murder by your partner is the greatest risk to maternal health in the U.S.”
I know sports are supposed to be our escape from reality; however, sometimes we need to see that while this story involves an athlete, the story is about much more than sports.
The sporting community, many of them men, need to stand up and take notice.
Belcher’s actions were extreme, but let’s not fool ourselves into thinking this isn’t an epidemic problem in our society, and even in our sports community.
Violence against women has not decreased; instead it has flatlined, according to Statistics Canada. Family violence in Canada: A statistical profile in 2010 also reported that victims of spousal abuse were less likely to report the abuse to police than they were in 2004. Only 22 per cent of victims of spousal abuse reported the incident to police.
Alberta is consistently in the top three provinces in Canada involving cases of domestic abuse and murder suicides.
These numbers are very concerning, but it isn’t just physical abuse.
How many of you have sat in your men’s league dressing room and listened to a guy brag about how his ex “won’t be getting a cent of my money. I’ll make her life a living hell.” That is just one kind of violence and it is carried out by all types of men. Few, if any of them, suffered a concussion or have mental health issues.
How many of us have had the courage to say something? Why do so many of us just sit in silence? Domestic abuse happens daily in Edmonton; however, most of us don’t want to discuss it.
“In fact, every hour of every day, a woman in Alberta will undergo some form of interpersonal violence from an ex-partner or ex-spouse,” said Reimer.
We need to change this. Gentlemen, we need to have the courage to say something when we see or hear domestic abuse. You don’t want your daughter to be the next victim.
Football is a man’s game, and I hope the men involved do more than just have a moment of silence for victims of domestic abuse prior to an NFL game.
You can listen to Gregor weekdays from 2-6 p.m. on the TEAM 1260 and read him at oilersnation.com.
© Copyright (c) The Edmonton Journal



I seem to recall a certain candidate Obama way back when saying something about shutting down the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay.  Of course, that never happened.  Nice thought, though.  In some ways, does it really matter? Isn't what is important the way people are just sort of picked up and stuck there...and tortured...and made dead there?  The truth is "we" could do that just fine in the prisons we have right here in the states.  Ask the prisoners who live here about that.  The truth is the line between what happens at Guantanamo and what happens in many "regular" prisons is very murky, at best.

Anyway, again, it is what is going on at Guantanamo that is more troubling then where it happens to be located as the post below from the World Socialist Web Site makes abundantly clear.

The death of Adnan Farhan Abdul Latif

By Tom Carter 
3 December 2012

LatifAdnan Farhan Abdul Latif
On September 10, 2012, Adnan Farhan Abdul Latif died in his cell at the US prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. As of the day he died, Latif had been imprisoned at Guantanamo for 10 years, 7 months and 25 days. He was 36 years old and left behind a wife and son.

Latif died after enduring a decade of torture and abuse at the hands of the US military and intelligence agencies. His death came after a habeas corpus petition challenging his incommunicado detention was granted by a federal judge and then overturned on appeal, on the grounds of authoritarian legal doctrines promoted by the Bush and Obama administrations.

The failure of the US legal system over the preceding decade to enforce Latif’s most basic rights underscores the collapse of centuries-old democratic legal institutions and the expanding machinery of a police state. Latif’s death constitutes a war crime that, along with the crimes against hundreds of other prisoners at Guantanamo and secret “black sites” around the world, warrants the impeachment, arrest and criminal prosecution of all of the top civilian and military officials in both administrations.

Latif, who was born in Yemen, was swept up in December 2001 in one of the many dragnet-style abductions organized by the US in Pakistan. The US government publicly claimed that Latif was a member of Al Qaeda, but Latif was never charged or convicted of any crime.

Documents obtained and published by WikiLeaks last year revealed that the US government knew all along that Latif was not associated with Al Qaeda. It appears that Latif traveled to Afghanistan not to join Al Qaeda, but to seek medical care related to a 1994 automobile accident that left him with lasting brain injuries. The US government locked up Latif anyway, without any charges or trial, as part of the Bush administration’s newly launched extrajudicial detention and torture program.

The circumstances of Latif’s death are suspicious. The US military initially reported that Latif had been found “unconscious and unresponsive” in his cell. However, in an autopsy report recently delivered to the Yemeni embassy, the US claimed that Latif’s death was a suicide. The US military claims that Latif had accumulated medications in his cell and taken them all at once. This is a dubious scenario in light of the 24-hour surveillance and other draconian restrictions to which Guantanamo prisoners are subjected.

Many questions about Latif’s death remain unanswered. On the one hand, in light of the WikiLeaks revelations and the embarrassment Latif threatened to cause, there was a motive to quietly dispose of him. On the other hand, according to Latif’s attorneys, when the decision in his case was overturned on appeal, Latif despaired of ever getting out of the infamous camp.

The New York Times reported last Wednesday: “Yemeni officials refused to accept Mr. Latif’s remains until they got answers about what had happened to him.”

“Adnan [Latif] was a thorn in their sides,” an attorney representing Latif, David Remes, told the New York Times. “The guards would ask other prisoners how to handle him. He refused to submit. He wouldn’t allow them to set the terms of his imprisonment. He was a constant problem.”

After arriving at the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba facility in January 2002, Latif was repeatedly tortured. He was featured in a 2004 Amnesty International report entitled, “Poems From Guantanamo.” The report documents the horrific torture perpetrated against the inmates, as well as how the prisoners like Latif “turned to writing poetry as a way to preserve their humanity.”

In the report, lawyer Mark Falkoff described his conversations with Latif and Latif’s victimization at the hands of military and intelligence agents: “Upon his arrival in Cuba…he was chained hand and foot while still in the blackout goggles and ear muffs he had been forced to wear for the flight. Soldiers kicked him, hit him, and dislocated his shoulder. Early on, interrogators questioned him with a gun to his head. Latif spent his first weeks at Camp X-Ray in an open-air cage, exposed to the tropical sun, without shade or shelter from the wind that buffeted him with sand and pebbles. His only amenities were a bucket for water and another for urine and feces.”

The report described the conditions faced by inmates like Latif. “During the three years in which they had been held in total isolation, they had been subjected repeatedly to stress positions, sleep deprivation, blaring music, and extremes of heat and cold during endless interrogations. Female interrogators smeared simulated menstrual blood onto the chests of some detainees and sexually taunted them, fully aware of the insult they were meting out to devout Muslims. They were denied basic medical care. They were broken down and psychologically tyrannized, kept in extreme isolation, threatened with rendition, interrogated at gunpoint and told that their families would be harmed if they refused to talk. They were also frequently prevented from engaging in their daily prayers—one of the five pillars of Islam—and forced to witness US soldiers intentionally mishandling the holy Koran.”

The list of the tortures and abuses suffered by Latif would be too long for one article. In one incident, Latif stepped over a line painted on the floor of his cell while receiving food. Amnesty International quotes Latif’s account of the response: “Suddenly the riot police came. No one in the cellblock knew who for. They closed all the windows except mine. A female soldier came in with a big can of pepper spray. Eventually I figured out they were coming for me. She sprayed me. I couldn’t breathe. I fell down. I put a mattress over my head. I thought I was dying. They opened the door. I was lying on the bed but they were kicking and hitting me with the shields. They put my head in the toilet. They put me on a stretcher and carried me away.”

Latif participated in a hunger strike in 2005, which the US military called a “voluntary fast.” (See: Guantánamo Bay hunger strike enters third month). The military responded with a brutal retaliatory force-feeding regime. To break the strike, feeding tubes were regularly forced through the noses and down the throats of inmates with no anesthetic, often with blood and bile still on the tube from the previous victim.

Mark Falkoff wrote in the Amnesty International report, “Twice a day, the guards immobilize Latif’s head, strap his arms and legs to a special restraint chair, and force-feed him a liquid nutrient by inserting a tube up his nose and into his stomach—a clear violation of international standards. The feeding, Latif says, ‘is like having a dagger shoved down your throat.’”

Attorneys representing Latif filed a petition for habeas corpus on his behalf in 2004. The writ of habeas corpus is an ancient legal procedure by which prisoners can challenge their incarceration and the conditions of their confinement before a judge. One of the central purposes of the writ is to prevent incommunicado detention without trial. The writ of habeas corpus is called the “Great Writ” because without the right to get into court in the first place, the rest of a person’s rights are eviscerated.

The Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution, part of the Bill of Rights ratified in 1791, prohibits detention without trial. The Fifth Amendment states: “No person shall be…deprived of…liberty…without due process of law.”

In July 2010, Federal District Court Judge Henry Kennedy granted Latif’s habeas corpus petition and ordered his immediate release on the grounds that the government’s version of events respecting Latif’s alleged participation in terrorist groups was not plausible. In an earlier period, a decision ordering the release of a prisoner who had been held by the government for years without being tried or convicted of any crime would have been immediate and uncontroversial. In the recent period, Judge Henry Kennedy’s decision stands out as exceptional.

Instead of releasing Latif, the Obama administration appealed the district court’s decision, raising authoritarian legal doctrines and asserting unreviewable presidential “wartime” powers. In October 2011, the DC Circuit Court of Appeals overturned Judge Henry Kennedy’s decision.

The DC Circuit’s decision in Latif v. Obama, available here, attributed a presumption of validity to government reports that purported to link Latif with “terrorism,” despite widespread inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the reports. The DC Circuit opinion essentially overturns the presumption of innocence for designated “terrorists,” placing the burden on the accused to refute the presumptively correct position of the government, rather than requiring the government to overcome the presumption of innocence. The DC Circuit noted specifically that “a Guantanamo habeas petitioner is not entitled to the same constitutional safeguards as a criminal defendant.”

Latif petitioned for the Supreme Court to review the DC Circuit’s decision, but the Supreme Court refused to hear the case.

Secret documents published by WikiLeaks in April 2011 establish that the Obama administration—at the time that it appealed the order granting Latif’s habeas corpus petition—had long known that Latif was not a member of any terrorist group. In other words, the Obama administration knowingly petitioned the DC Circuit to apply a presumption of reliability to determinations that were known to be unreliable.

Despite promises to close Guantanamo Bay during his 2008 election campaign, Obama prepares to enter his second term with approximately 167 men still locked away.

A poem by Latif called “Hunger Strike Poem” contains the following lines:

They are artists of torture,

They are artists of pain and fatigue,

They are artists of insults and humiliation.

Where is the world to save us from torture?

Where is the world to save us from the fire and sadness?

Where is the world to save the hunger strikers?
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